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Dying For Growth:
Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor

Bookcover photo shows a little Indian girl living in an impoverished camp, with the huge skyscrapers of some wealthy city behind her in the distance. Edited by Jim Yong Kim, Joyce V. Millen, Alec Irwin and John Gershman
Common Courage Press, 2000; ISBN 1-56751-160-0

From Common Courage Press:

Myth: Throwing loans at developing nations will cure poverty.

Fact: As shown in Sickness Amidst Recovery: Public Debt and Private Suffering in a Peruvian Shanty Town, loans can make things worse.

Myth: Getting rid of big government automatically improves the standard of living.

Fact: Cutting services can lead to calamity, as detailed in Neoliberal Economic Policy: State Desertion and the Russian Health Crisis.

Myth: The free market is a panacea.

Fact: There’s nothing liberating about modern capitalism, as demonstrated in Todo Bajo Control: The Costs of “Free” Trade to Mexican Maquiladora Workers.


“Thanks to the painstaking research, uncompromising analysis and compassionate advocacy of the Institute for Health and Social Justice, official and corporate actors of globalization will have no place to hide.

Dying For Growth reveals in relentless detail the brutal health outcomes of their policies and provides proof positive that their vaunted ’concern for the poor’ is a sham. A big, thorough, important book full of high caliber ammunition to be directed forthwith at the originators of limitless human suffering.”

— Susan George
Associate Director
Transnational Institute
author of A Fate Worse Than Debt
Faith and Credit

“Viewing the contemporary world from the perspective of health outcomes, this penetrating and often harrowing inquiry provides a wealth of valuable insights and analyses, woven together with in-depth studies that are poignant, vivid and highly informative. It is a challenge to complacency, a thoughtful and compelling call to action.”

— Noam Chomsky
Professor of Linguistics and Philosophy, M.I.T.
author of What Uncle Sam Really Wants

Dying For Growth is a deeply intelligent, thoroughly researched analysis of global health and inequality at the end of the 20th Century. It is a book of passion and courage that does not simply make indignant claims, but rather provides solid evidence of a causal relationship between failures of the current development paradigm and worsening poverty and human suffering.

“Written by a team of experienced health practitioners, social scientists and development workers, the volume speaks from both the heart and the mind about the urgent need to prioritize social justice and universal health improvements.

Dying For Growth is a ’must-read’ for all citizens and activists committed to meaningful change, who believe that health is central to the dignity of the person.”

— James Orbinski
President, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF)
International Council

About the editors

Jim Yong Kim is Executive Director of Partners in Health and co-director of the Program in Infectious Disease and Social Change at Harvard Medical School.

Joyce Millen is Director of Research at the Institute for Health and Social Justice

Alec Irwin is Assistant Professor of Religion at Amherst College.

John Gershman is an Institute for Health and Social Justice Research Fellow.

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