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Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
Cuban Liberation:
Fidel Castro, Che Guevara
& Jose Marti
Body of Secrets:
Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency
by James Bamford
Doubleday, 2001; ISBN 0-385-49907-8In 1962, U.S. military leaders had a top-secret plan for committing terrorist attacks on Americans in Miami and Washington, D.C. while blaming Fidel Castro and Cuba. Codenamed Operation Northwoods, the plan was intended to provide the propaganda necessary to create popular support for an invasion of Cuba.
The 9-11 attacks were a modern-day Operation Northwoods, used to create popular support for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the brutal state terrorism of their people in order to get total control of the massive Persian Gulf and Caspian Basin oil reserves.
Tomorrow is Too Late:
Development and the Environmental Crisis in the Third World
by Fidel Castro
Ocean Press, 1993; ISBN 1-875284-73-7From leftbooks.com:
This pamphlet is a speech by President Fidel Castro of Cuba to the 1992 Rio summit on the environment.
An important biological species humankind is at risk of disappearing due to the rapid and progressive elimination of its natural habitat.
It must be said that consumer societies are chiefly responsible for this appalling environmental destruction. Third World countries, yesterdays colonies and todays nations exploited and plundered by an unjust economic order, cannot be blamed for all this.
Stop transferring to the Third World lifestyles and consumer habits that ruin the environment. Make human life more rational. Use science to achieve sustainable development without pollution. Pay the ecological debt instead of the foreign debt. Eradicate hunger and not humanity.
Tomorrow will be too late for what should have been done a long time ago.
Fidel Castro
Island Under Siege:
The U.S. Blockade of Cuba
by Pedro Prada
Ocean Press, 1999; ISBN 1-875284-88-5From leftbooks.com:
In a personal and informative style, Cuban journalist Pedro Prada presents a compelling case against this last wall of the Cold War, showing how the three decade long blockade has affected life in the tiny island nation, and how U.S. trade opportunities have been squandered.
Washington on Trial:
The People of Cuba vs. the U.S. Government
Introduction by David Deutschmann and Michael Ratner
Ocean Press, 1999; ISBN 1-876175-23-0, 1999From leftbooks.com:
A handy pamphlet that contains the text of Cubas $181 billion lawsuit against the government of the United States for war crimes.
In May 1999 eight organizations representing the Cuban people issued a lawsuit against the Government of the U.S. The Claim seeks a total of $181.1 billion in damages for the loss of life and human injury as a result of the U.S. war crimes against Cuba for the past 40 years.
Cuba has based this claim on war crimes such as the Bay of Pigs invasion, the use of biological warfare, bombings and air attacks, military provocations from the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo, and for support for terrorist actions.
Cuba and the United States:
A Chronological History
by Jane Franklin
Ocean Press, 1997; ISBN 1-875284-92-3From leftbooks.com:
This chronological history is an invaluable resource for scholars, teachers, journalists, legislators, and anyone interested in international relations, offering an unprecedented vision of U.S.-Cuba relations.
Based on exceptionally wide research, U.S. historian Jane Franklin relates day by day, year by year, the developments involving the two neighboring countries from the 1959 Cuban revolution through 1995.
An introductory section chronicles the history of Cuba from the time of the arrival of Christopher Columbus.
Whether one reads this as a history, or keeps it handy as a ready reference, this is a book that no serious student of U.S.-Cuba relations can afford to be without.
Philip Brenner
American UniversityA marvelous work that puts the U.S. Governments outrageous aggression into stark and stunning context.
John Marciano
State University of New York
Cuba at the Crossroads:
Fidel Castro Speaks to the World
by Fidel Castro
Ocean Press, 1996; ISBN -1-875284-94-XFrom leftbooks.com:
A remarkable collection of recent speeches by President Fidel Castro. Fidel covers a wide variety of subjects of historic and contemporary importance in a manner both enlightening and inspiring including issues confronting the socialist Caribbean island as it faces the 21st century.
In an engaging manner, President Castro explains how Cuba has survived the economic crisis following the demise of the Soviet Union, and analyzes the measures that Cuba has adopted to assure the survival of socialism. He gives a fascinating history of his first political struggles as a young student at the University of Havana, and the unforgettable early days of the Cuban Revolution.
Some of his speeches include:
- the October 1995 UN address
- November 1994 speech at the First International Conference in Solidarity with Cuba
- the speech at the 35th anniversary commemoration of the Cuban victory at Bay of Pigs
- the speech at the April 1996 CTC Workers Congress.
The book contains extensive footnotes that add considerably to its value by providing a great deal of historical information about Cubas revolutionary history, as well as clarifying many of Fidels references.
ZR Rifle:
The Plot to Kill Kennedy and Castro
Cuba Opens Secret Files
by Claudia Furiati
Ocean Press, 1994; ISBN 1-875284-85-0From leftbooks.com:
This book is an important contribution to the literature on the Kennedy assassination. By getting the Cuban government to open up its files, Claudia Furiati has added to our understanding of these historic events. Her book adds new pieces to the puzzle and gives us a clearer picture of what really happened.
Oliver Stone
Thirty years after the death of John F. Kennedy, Cuba has opened its secret files on the assassination. These Cuban files reveal new evidence that leads to those behind the plot to kill Kennedy.
Supported by extensive use of the Cuban State Security Department materials, Brazilian journalist and film-maker Claudia Furiati shows how and why the CIA, through those responsible for its anti-Cuba operations, along with the anti-Castro exiles and the Mafia, planned and orchestrated the Kennedy assassination.
Che Guevara and the FBI:
The U.S. Political Police Dossier on the Latin American Revolutionary
Edited by Michael Ratner and Michael Steven Smith
Ocean Press, 1997; ISBN 1-875284-76-1From leftbooks.com:
This book is a bombshell.
James Cockcroft
author of Latin America: History, Politics and U.S. PolicyPublished for the first time are the U.S. secret police files on the legendary revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara, showing how the FBI and CIA monitored his movements and activity in the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Africa and Latin America.
With an introduction by the editors U.S. attorneys Michael Ratner and Michael Steven Smith, this book poses the obvious question: Why did the FBI have such a dossier?
The sensational materials included in these secret files add to suspicions that spy agencies were plotting to assassinate Guevara when he was a Cuban government leader in the early 1960s, and suggest that they were involved in the pursuit and murder of Guevara in Bolivia in 1967.
CHE in Africa:
Che Guevaras Congo Diary
by William Galvez
Ocean Press, 1999; ISBN 1-876175-08-7From leftbooks.com:
Che Guevaras feats in our continent were of such magnitude that no prison or censorship could hide them from us. Ches life is an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom. We will always honor his memory.
Nelson Mandela
CHE in Africa is the previously untold story of Che Guevaras lost year in Africa.
A year before his fateful Bolivia mission, Che Guevara led a group of guerrillas to support the Congolese liberation movement in 1965. Considerable speculation has always surrounded Guevaras disappearance from Cuba and why he went to fight in Africa.
The story behind the Congo mission is now revealed in this book, which includes Guevaras previously unpublished Congo Diary. Guevaras diary assesses the role of figures within the African liberation movements, among them Partrice Lumumba and Laurent Kabila, leader of the 1997 overthrow of the Mobutu regime in Zaire (Congo).
Jose Marti Reader:
Writings on the Americas
by Jose Marti
Ocean Press, 1999; ISBN 1-875284-12-5From leftbooks.com:
This reader presents an outstanding new anthology of the writings, poetry and letters of Jose Marti one of the most brilliant and impassioned Latin American intellectuals of the 19th century.
Teacher, journalist, revolutionary and poet, Jose Marti interweaves the threads of Latin American culture and history, fervently condemning the brutality and corruption of the Spanish colonizers as well as the increasingly predatory ambitions of the United States in Latin America.
I have lived in the monster and I know its entrails; my sling is Davids, Marti wrote shortly before his death.
Jose Marti was born in Cuba in 1853. At 17 the Spanish imprisoned him for treason. He subsequently lived most of his life in exile, traveling throughout Latin America. Marti lived in New York for 14 years before returning to Cuba where he was killed during the War for Independence against Spain in 1895.
Blackshirts and Reds:
Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism
by Michael Parenti
The Real Terror Network:
Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda
by Edward S. Herman
The Fire This Time:
U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf
by Ramsey Clark
Desert Slaughter:
The Imperialist War Against Iraq
by the Workers League
Pirates and Emperors, Old and New:
International Terrorism in the Real World
by Noam Chomsky
Western State Terrorism
Alexander George, editor; essays by Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Gerry OSullivan and others
Terrorizing the Neighborhood:
American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era
by Noam Chomsky
Pressure Drop Press, 1991
The Culture of Terrorism
by Noam Chomsky
What Uncle Sam Really Wants
by Noam Chomsky
Related sites
Speech by Fidel Castro on 9-11 Events - Peace Still Possible - Fighting Terrorism
http://mathaba.net/news1/usa/cuba.htmTerror has always been an instrument of the worst enemies of humankind bent on suppressing and crushing the peoples struggle for freedom. It can never be the instrument of a truly noble and just cause.
US-trained terrorist tied to Cuban bombings
http://www.wsws.org/public_html/iwb9-22/cuban.htmA former Salvadoran army commando [Raul Ernesto Cruz Leon] who was trained by the US military has confessed to six bomb attacks between July 12 and September 4 [1997] in Cuba. The attacks were aimed at five tourist hotels and a restaurant and claimed the life of an Italian businessman, who was visiting the island.
Pentagon documents detail provocations against Cuba
http://www.wsws.org/public_html/iwb12-8/cuba.htmThe Pentagon offered a wide range of options for manufacturing a pretext to attack Cuba. In one memo it proposed using Soviet-made MIG fighter planes piloted by Americans to shoot down either a US warplane or a civil airliner en route from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama or Venezuela. The downing of the plane would then be blamed on Cuba and the US would launch a massive assault on the island.
Another document declared: We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.
Speech by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz
April 14, 2000
http://www3.cuba.cu/gobierno/discursos/2000/ing/f140400i.htmlI am firmly convinced that the current economic order imposed by the wealthy countries is not only cruel, unjust, inhuman and contrary to the inevitable course of history but also inherently racist. It reflects racist conceptions like those that once inspired the Nazi holocaust and concentration camps of Europe, mirrored today in the so-called refugee camps of the Third World, which actually serve to concentrate the effects of poverty, hunger and violence. These are the same racist conceptions that inspired the monstrous system of apartheid in Africa.
In the same way that, in a not-so-distant past, we defeated colonialism and attained the status of independent countries, and much more recently crushed the heinous and fascist apartheid system through the common efforts of the Third World in support of the heroic South African fighters, we can show that we are not inferior to anyone when it comes to fighting capacity, bravery, talent and virtues.
We are fighting for the most sacred rights of the poor countries; but we are also fighting for the salvation of a First World incapable of preserving the existence of the human species, of governing itself in the midst of contradictions and self-serving interests and much less of governing the world whose leadership must be democratically shared. It could almost be mathematically demonstrated that we are fighting to preserve life on Earth.
Other speeches by Fidel Castro at Cuba.cu:
http://www3.cuba.cu/gobierno/discursos/index.htmlJust click on the various Inglés or English links to find out what Castro actually says as opposed to hearing only what the U.S. mass-media lie-machine says about him. The titles on this index page are in Spanish but the speeches have been translated into English.
Documents from Cuba.cu:
http://www3.cuba.cu/gobierno/documentos/index.htmlThe various Inglés links on this index page take you to some interesting documents that the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government would rather you not read. The titles on this index page are in Spanish but the documents have been translated into English.
Granma International
http://www.granma.cu/ingles/Granma International is the English-language edition of the newspaper of Cubas Communist Party.
WSWS: News & Analysis: Central America & the Caribbean
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