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“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”

— Meyer Amschel Rothschild
first patriarch of the Rothschild dynasty

Revealing Quotes 4:
Jewish Plutocracy
Jewish Power

Revealing Quotes 1:
American State Terrorism
Revealing Quotes 2:
Corporate Capitalist Plutocracy
Revealing Quotes 3:
Mass-media Deception

graphic showing an israeli flag covered by a red circle and slash, and the words ’Boycott Israel’ “Every time we do something, you [Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”

— Ariel Sharon
Israeli Prime Minister, homicidal psychopath
Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001

“There are no important media outlets in the U.S. that are not owned or controlled by Jews.”

— Israel Shamir
Russian-Israeli journalist
in his article “Midas Ears”

Note: Unlike Sharon, Israel Shamir is a decent, conscientious man. This is evidenced by his writings in condemnation of Israeli state terrorism. His statement is meant not as an ethnocentric boast, but as a wake-up call.

“...Jews dominate television, film, book publishing, newspapers, magazine advertising, public relations, and other opinion-shaping businesses.

“Professor Sylvia Barack Fishman of Brandeis University titled a November 1996 article ‘U.S. Culture Has Been Judaized, and Vice Versa.’ She calls this process the ‘coalescence of two cultures’.”

— Walter Kerr
theater critic
quoted on page 51 of
The Vanishing American Jew
by Alan Dershowitz

“If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it... The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country...

“In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

— Edward Bernays
author of the book Propaganda

Edward Bernays is widely considered to be the father of modern day advertising/public relations. He was a nephew of Sigmund Freud and also a Zionist propaganda specialist. Bernays was an assistant to William Paley, the media kingpin who founded CBS and served as its chairman for almost 50 years.

“[In the first two decades of the 20th century] a small group of industrialists and financiers, together with their private charitable foundations, subsidized university chairs, university researchers, and school administrators, and spent more money on forced schooling than the government itself did. In this laissez-faire fashion a system of modern schooling was constructed without public participation.”

— John Taylor Gatto
The Underground History of American Education

“The silence in [mainstream] America concerning Jews is simply deafening, isn’t it? The old adage has it that, when visiting a foreign country, to ascertain who really runs things, one need determine only who is spoken about in whispers, if at all.”

— Edgar J. Steele
journalist, lawyer

“At any given moment, there is a sort of all pervading orthodoxy, a general tacit agreement not to discuss large and uncomfortable facts.”

— George Orwell
author of the book 1984

“Freedom of speech involves the right to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable.”

— Oliver Wendell Holmes

“We all know that the first bankers of the world — Rothschilds — are Jews; we know they control not only the money market, but also the political destiny of the European world... The Press of Europe is mostly controlled by Jews; the leading editors are Jews.”

— Simon Wolf
Jewish-American lobbyist, 1888
The Influence of the Jews on the Progress of the World

Washington DC, 1888; pp. 37-39

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests.”

— Rothschild Brothers of London
communiqué to associates in New York
June 25, 1863

“Until you know who has lent what to whom, you know nothing whatever of politics, you know nothing whatever of history, you know nothing of international wrangles.”

— Ezra Pound
Expatriate American poet, writer
speaking of the destructive effects of parasitical banking, or usury,
on national and international politics

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

— Benjamin Disraeli
First Jewish Prime Minister of England, 1868
in his 1844 novel Coningsby

“A world of unseen dictatorship is conceivable, still using the forms of democratic government.”

— Kenneth Boulding
University of Michigan
quoted in The Hidden Persuaders

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.”

— President Theodore Roosevelt

“The real menace of our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of [Jewish] banking houses, generally referred to as ‘international bankers’.”

— John F. Hylan
mayor of New York City

“A great industrial Nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the Nation and all our activities are in the hands of a few [Jewish] men.

“We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world — no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant [Jewish] men.”

— President Woodrow Wilson

“I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews. [Former Secretary of State George] Marshall and [former Defense Secretary James] Forrestal learned that...terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen.”

“I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don’t approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country.”

— Sec. of State John Foster Dulles
February 1957
quoted on p. 99 of
Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff

“I’ve never seen a president — I don’t care who he is — stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want... If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don’t have any idea what goes on.”

— Admiral Thomas Moorer
member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
during the Reagan Administration

“Every government is a parliament of whores.”

— P.J. O’Rourke
Parliament of Whores

“[The ADL is] one of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the U.S... Its primary commitment is to use any technique, however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State [Israel].”

— Noam Chomsky
Professor of Linguistics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can be used to disallow terror as a means of war... We are very far from any moral hesitations when concerned with the national struggle. First and foremost, terror is for us a part of the political war appropriate for the circumstances of today...”

— Yitzhak Shamir
Israeli Prime Minister, Zionist terrorist

Shamir wrote this in his article titled “Terror”. It was published in the August 1943 issue of Hazit, the journal of Lehi, the Zionist terrorist gang he belonged to. It’s quoted in chapter 2 of Western State Terrorism: “International Terrorism: Image and Reality”, by Noam Chomsky.

“Right and wrong are the same in Palestine as anywhere else. What is peculiar about the Palestine conflict is that the world has listened to the party that has committed the offence and has turned a deaf ear to the victims.”

— Professor Arnold Toynbee
world-famous British historian

“Many rabbis and professionals have told me recently that they fear for their jobs should they even begin to articulate their doubts about Israeli policy — much less give explicit support to calls for an end to the occupation.”

Rabbi Michael Lerner
April 28, 2002
Los Angeles Times

graphic of the Israeli flag - a white background with a blue six-pointed star between two horizontal blue bars, and a swastika in the center of the star
“For believing [Torah] Jews, Zionism is anathema to our religion, indeed to our very being. Real Jews do not want to take over Palestine. Real Jews wish to live in peace with all peoples, especially our Arab/Muslim cousins. Real Jews commiserate with the suffering of the Palestinian people at the hands of the satanic Zionist Reich.”

Adiv Abramson
an orthodox Jew

“There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn’t exist.”

— Golda Meir
Delusional Israeli Prime Minister
Statement to The Sunday Times
June 15, 1969

“Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can’t help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.”

— John Sheehan, S.J.

Related pages

The Dark Secret of Jewish Power is Out

An American Heroine, Murdered by Israelis

Fox News Special Report: Israeli Spying on the U.S.

Massive Israeli Spy Ring Linked to September 11

The Israeli Connection To 9-11

9-11, Mossad, the CIA and “False Flag Operations”

9-11 Was a Mossad “False Flag Operation”

Ariel Sharon: The Jewish Hitler

Return of the Terrorist: The Crimes of Ariel Sharon

Israel’s State Terrorism
by Dr. Lev Grinberg

Albert Einstein Condemns Israeli Nazis

Zionism is Jewish Naziism: A Photo Essay on Israeli State Terrorism

Racist Zionism: Israeli Apartheid

American/Israeli Terrorism of the Palestinian People

A description of the sadistic nature and scope of Israeli state terrorism.

Western State Terrorism
Alexander George, editor; essays by Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Gerry O’Sullivan and others

Full text of chapter 2: International Terrorism: Image and Reality, by Noam Chomsky. See chapter sections 4 through 8 for heavily-censored (in America) information on the historical realities of Israeli state terrorism.

The Jenin Massacre:

The Jenin Massacre

Massacre at Jenin: “I now know the smell of death...”

Immortal Heroes of Jenin

Eyewitness Jenin: Evidence of a Massacre

The Israelis are Guilty of Mass Murder in Jenin

Israeli War Crimes at Jenin

Human Rights Watch report excerpts

“Sanity was buried alive...” at Jenin

Related sites

Boycott Israel Campaign

graphic showing an israeli flag covered by a red circle and slash, and the words ’Boycott Israel’ “People of good conscience have chosen to boycott israeli products and companies supporting the zionist entity. ... We have carried out extensive research to identify the guilty companies. All our findings are provided here.”

Stop US Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now


“SUSTAIN is a non-hierarchical, grassroots organization committed to supporting and sustaining the Palestinian movement for justice, human rights and self-determination.

“The United States government supports Israeli violations of Palestinian national and human rights militarily, economically, and ideologically. The most tangible form of this support is the massive tax-funded aid that goes to Israel. We are committed to building a campaign against US military and economic aid to Israel so that US tax-dollars do not support the abuse of human rights.”

End Military Ties to Israel


“DukeDivest is a group of concerned students, faculty, staff and alumni calling upon Duke University to end all military ties to the state of Israel. This requires Duke to DIVEST from companies that do military business with Israel.

“We understand the enormous role the United States plays in this conflict, providing diplomatic, military, and financial support to Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestinian lands. We recognize our responsibility as members of the university community to use our influence to promote a just peace for Israelis and Palestinians. Standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for self-determination, we believe that divestment is an effective means of non-violent resistance that can pressure the Israeli government to comply with international law.”

Indict Ariel Sharon
Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila

“IndictSharon.net is the website of the International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila, offering news on the case lodged in Belgium against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other Israelis and Lebanese responsible for the massacre, killing, rape and disappearance of civilians that took place in Beirut between 16 and 18 September 1982 in the camps of Sabra and Shatila and the surrounding area.”

Palestine Section : Massacres that world conscience ignored, savagery that surpasses nazis

Horrifying photographs of Israeli atrocities. Israeli soldiers truly are Jewish Nazis. You will have no doubt about it when you actually see what they have done to people.

Return of the Terrorist:
The Crimes of Ariel Sharon


“Sharon’s history offers a monochromatic record of moral corruption, with a documented record of war crimes going back to the early 1950s.”

“In 1953 he was given command of Unit 101, whose....purpose was that of instilling terror by the infliction of discriminate, murderous violence not only on able bodied fighters but on the young, the old, the helpless.”

Israeli provocation against Palestinians ignites a social powder keg

A report on Sharon’s visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in September 2000.

The Zionist Terror Network (online book)

“This booklet documents the background and criminal activities of Jewish Zionist terrorist groups, and especially the Jewish Defense League. Particular emphasis is given here to terror — including murder — against ‘thought criminals’ who question the Holocaust story that six million Jews were systematically killed during the Second World War.

“Zionist terrorists openly proclaim an arrogant Jewish-supremacist ideology and acknowledge their readiness to use violence against those who disagree with them. With a well-documented record of bigotry and crime, they pose a serious danger to our society, and to men and women everywhere who treasure freedom.”

Israeli Aggression, Militarism, and Terror

Excerpts from several books dealing with Israeli state terrorism:

Palestine Chronicle
News and Commentary from Palestine, the Middle East, and Beyond...

Palestine Chronicle is an independent internet magazine, dedicated to addressing issues and offering perspectives rarely seen in mainstream western media. These issues include the plight and welfare of Palestinian refugees, as well as other displaced and oppressed people around the world.”

Palestine Media Watch

“The purpose of Palestine Media Watch is to fight anti-Palestinian bias in the US media and to call for giving Palestinian views greater room for expression.

“Palestine Media Watch is a grass-roots media watch group established on October 5, 2000 to help fight US media bias against Palestinians via direct action: writing letters and making phone calls. Our strength is in the commitment of our dedicated members — our gadflies — who day after day, through their informed letters to newspapers, work for a more balanced, more humane, and more informed portrayal of the Middle East conflict.”

Electronic Intifada logo
The Electronic Intifada

“A resource for countering myth, distortion and spin from the Israeli media war machine.”

“The Electronic Intifada project...aims to focus on just one aspect of the struggle, the war in the media for a representation of the Palestinian point of view.”

This site also provides a running total the Palestinian men, women and children who have been murdered and injured by the Israeli “Defense” Forces.

MER - Mid East Realities

“MER’s purpose is to distill and present the most incisive and honest, the most insightful and independent, information and analysis about what is really going on in today’s Middle East as well as in Washington about the Middle East.”

Zionism’s legacy of ethnic cleansing
Part 1: Israel and the Palestinian right of return


“While many Palestinians fled to avoid the war [of 1948], most left out of fear of what might happen to them at the hands of Zionist terrorists. One of the most notorious incidents was the Deir Yassin massacre where 250 men, women and children were murdered in cold blood by Menachem Begin’s Irgun group, as it went from house to house to drive out the Palestinians.”

Zionism’s legacy of ethnic cleansing
Part 2: Israeli expansion creates more Palestinian refugees


“The tragic irony of the Zionist solution to the oppression of the Jewish people — traditionally and historically connected with a struggle for tolerance and freedom — has been the brutal suppression of another oppressed people [the Palestinians]. In consequence, the right-wing forces cultivated by the Zionist state now threaten to reproduce within Israel the same conditions of dictatorship and civil war from which an earlier generation of Jews fled.”

Resources about Palestine

“A collection of talks, interviews and other materials to help broaden your knowledge of the Palestine issue.” Includes video and audio interviews with Palestinian people and peace workers.

Human rights groups condemn Israel for assassinations and indiscriminate killing

“On December 31, IDF [Israeli Defense Force] fire in the Haret al-Sheikh neighbourhood of Hebron injured 18-year-old Arit al-Qawasma in the right shoulder and face while she was in her bedroom. As she was being evacuated from the house, IDF fire killed 11-year-old Muath Abu Hadwan and wounded another boy. The IDF also shot 13-year-old Abir Salameh in the stomach as she went to feed her chickens.”

International condemnation of Israeli settlements dominates events in Middle East

“In a major escalation of the conflict, Israel used F-16 warplanes for the first time to strike at targets in the West Bank and Gaza, killing at least nine people and injuring 90. Eight people were killed and 54 wounded in an attack on a Palestinian police outpost in the West Bank town of Nablus. Another person died and 14 were injured when Israeli missiles hit a building in Ramallah housing members of the Palestinian presidential security force. More than 20 were injured in further air strikes on the Gaza Strip.”

“Israeli forces moved into an area near the Gush Katif settlement and took over a multi-storey building, while bulldozers protected by tanks went into the town of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza and uprooted fruit trees.”


An International Action Center page with links to a good collection of informative articles on the brutal tactics of Israeli state terrorism, Israeli use of Depleted Uranium weapons, the political realities of the Al Aqsa Intifada, a related article by Mumia Abu-Jamal, and reports from the October/November 2000 IAC Fact Finding Mission To Palestine.

Zionism and Israeli Apartheid

“There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn’t exist.”

— Golda Meir
Delusional Israeli Prime Minister
Statement to The Sunday Times
June 15, 1969

Israel’s war measures and the legacy of Zionism

“Israel was established through a military struggle to wrest control of the land from its Arab inhabitants, beginning with a systematic campaign of terror and intimidation that drove more than three quarters of a million Palestinian Arabs from their homes.

“The founding principle of the Israeli state was the assertion of the ethnic and religious interests of Jews over those of Arab Muslims. Any criticism of this inherently anti-democratic and repressive standpoint was denounced by Israel’s Zionist rulers and their apologists as an expression of anti-Semitism.

“In order to justify Israel’s creation, Zionist leaders for 40 years denied the very existence of a Palestinian people. Their central slogan was: ‘A land without people for a people without land.’ In official proclamations, the land that became Israel was portrayed as largely uninhabited prior to the arrival of Jewish settlers [invaders].”

WSWS : News & Analysis : Israel and Palestine

This is the index page for an extensive collection of news articles and high-quality analysis. The articles deal with both the brutal Israeli terrorism and oppression of the Palestinian people, and the internal condition of Jewish Israeli society itself.

The political dead end of Labour Zionism:
Part 1 — The origins and class character of political Zionism


“The core premise of Zionism was that Jews everywhere constituted a single nation with permanent and exclusive rights to occupy Palestine land. This was embodied in the slogan, ‘A land without people for a people without land.’

“But Palestine was not an uninhabited territory. A Zionist state for the Jews in Palestine could only be established at the expense of the existing population. The very conception of the Zionist state was based upon profoundly undemocratic principles: the denial of the rights of non-Jews already living there.”

Part 2 — The convergence of the Labour Zionists and Revisionist Zionism

Part 3 — The June 1967 “Six Day War” — A turning point in the evolution of Israel

“The Zionist utopia of a national state in which the Jews of the world could find liberty, equality and social justice has been realised in the form of a capitalist entity created through the dispossession of another people.

“It has been maintained through brutal wars and repression beyond Israel’s borders, and mounting social inequality at home. As the murderous actions of the extreme right-wing zealots cultivated by the Zionist state have shown, there is a real danger that Israel will itself reproduce the very conditions of dictatorship and civil war from which earlier generations of European Jews had fled.”

Neturei Karta - Jews United Against Zionism

“In addition to condemning the central heresy of Zionism, we also reject its policy of aggression against all peoples. Today this cruelty manifests itself primarily in the brutal treatment of the Palestinian people. We proclaim that this inhuman policy is in violation of the Torah.

“NKI seeks peace and reconciliation with all peoples and nations. This is especially needed in our relations towards the Islamic world where Zionism has for 53 years done so much to ruin Jewish - Muslim understanding.

“We welcome the assistance of all men of good will and stand ready to assist all whose agenda coincides with ours.”


photo of an orthodox Jewish man holding a sign which reads - ‘Authentic RABBIS have always opposed Zionism’

“There are in fact many Jewish movements, groups and organizations whose ideology regarding Zionism and the so-called ‘State of Israel’ is that of the unadulterated Torah position that any form of Zionism is heresy and that the existence of the so-called ‘State of Israel’ is illegitimate.”

Many orthodox rabbis have long worked to inform the world and fellow Jews of the fact that Zionism is a complete heresy against Torah Judaism. See Jews Against Zionism, JewsNotZionists.org, Neturei Karta USA and Neturei Karta - Jews United Against Zionism. Zionism is a total heresy against human decency itself, for that matter, regardless of religion.

There have also always been many good and decent secular Jewish people all over the world who are ashamed and horrified at the murderous, racist hypocrisy that has been perpetrated in their names by the terrorist state of Israel. See Jews Against the Occupation and Gush Shalom.

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