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Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
Globalize This!
The Battle Against the WTO
and Corporate Rule
Globalize This!:
The Battle Against the World Trade Organization and Corporate Rule
edited by Kevin Danaher and Roger Burbach
Common Courage Press, 2000; ISBN 1-56751-196-1From the Common Courage Press:
How do we stop the greatest threat to democracy in our time?
The World Trade Organization, World Bank and International Monetary Fund are powerful institutions that threaten diversity, labor rights, the environment and democracy itself in their push for increased globalization. They make rules that affect us all, but dont allow much input from ordinary citizens; time and time again they have proven instead to serve the interests of government elites and transnational corporations.
Learn from some of the WTO opposition movements best and brightest activists, educators and organizers:
Paul Hawken, author of The Ecology of Commerce, artfully weaves together the street protests and policy debates in his memoir-commentary on Seattle
Susan George of the Transnational Institute shows why, although Seattle was a defining moment, it must be built on immediately neoliberals who want increased global trade will lose no time in regrouping
Betita Martinez explores how to organize people of all cultures to protest unrepresentative globalization internationally
The Environmental Research Foundation focuses on how trade policies have affected the worlds environment and our health
Walden Bello takes on the fundamentally undemocratic process of the WTO
William Greider, writer for Rolling Stone, shows us how to take an offensive stance in battling the WTO.
This book demonstrates why the WTO, World Bank and IMF must be stopped. With its rich information about how to become part of the opposition movement, Globalize This! also shows us how to stop them.
The highly successful demonstration of peoples power at the World Trade Organization (in Seattle) provides impressive testimony to the effectiveness of educational and organizing efforts designed for the long term, carried out with dedication and persistence, based on open and honest interchange, and guided by careful evaluation of attainable goals and future prospects.
The needs are great, the prospects inspiring. What has taken place (so far) offers real opportunities for a long step forward in the everlasting struggle to expand the realms of freedom and justice.
Noam Chomsky
M.I.T. professor of linguistics
author of What Uncle Sam Really Wants
Excerpt from Globalize This!:
...protestors faced armored cars, horses, and police in full riot gear. In between, demonstrators ringed the Sheraton to prevent an alternative entry to the Convention Center. At one point, police guarding the steps to the lobby pummeled and broke through a crowd of protestors to let eight delegates in. On sixth Street, Sergeant Richard Goldstein asked demonstrators seated on the street in front of the police line to cooperate and move back 40 feet. No one understood why, but that hardly mattered. No one was going to move. He announced that chemical irritants would be used if they did not leave.
The police were anonymous. No facial expressions, no face. You could not see their eyes. They were masked Hollywood caricatures burdened with 60 to 70 pounds of weaponry. These were not the men and women of the 6th precinct. These were the Gang Squads and the SWAT teams of the Tactical Operations Divisions, closer in training to soldiers from the School of the Americas than local cops on the beat.
Behind them and around were special forces from the FBI, the Secret Service, even the CIA.
Editor Kevin Danaher is a co-founder of Global Exchange in San Francisco. He is the editor also of 50 Years is Enough: The Case Against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Danaher is the author of: Corporations Are Gonna Get Your Mama
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