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Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
American capitalism is predatory, and American politics are corrupt.
Upton Sinclair
famous American writer
Corporate Predators:
The Hunt for Mega-Profits
and the Attack on Democracy
From the Common Courage Press:
Fifty-one of the worlds biggest 100 economies are corporations not countries.
As the most powerful institution of our time, the multinational corporation dominates not only global economics, but politics and culture as well. But the mechanisms of corporate control and the details of corporate abuses have remained largely hidden from public perception until now.
In this compelling collection of columns, investigative journalists Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman critique corporate power from a relentlessly human perspective. While mainstream media cheerfully laud big businesss record profits, Mokhiber and Weissman ask the real questions:
Where is profit coming from? When working Americans incomes have dropped dramatically since 1980, while salaries of corporate CEOs have risen 500 percent in the same period, is the economy really booming?
Whose economy is this, anyway?
From union-busting to food irradiation, from lethal air bags left on the market to judges who take bribes, from the IMF to oil companies wherever corporate crime strikes, Mokhiber and Weissman are there, covering an amazing range of issues, to sound the alarm and call people to action.
If major corporations dont like a law, they can invest millions in campaign contributions, lobbyists, and political advertisements. If those efforts dont result in a change in the law, the corporations can just ignore it...
Mokhiber and Weissman
on the Citicorp-Travelers Group merger
About the Authors
Russell Mokhiber is editor of Corporate Crime Reporter, a legal weekly based in Washington, DC.
He is also author of Corporate Crime and Violence and the co-author of The Raw Power of Corporate America
Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington DC-based Multinational Monitor, the leading source of critical reporting on corporate power. He is also co-director of Essential Action, a Corporate accountability group.
He is the co-author of The Raw Power of Corporate America
Related sites
Corporate Watch
http://www.corpwatch.org/Corporate Watch provides news, analysis, research tools and action resources to respond to corporate activity around the globe. We also talk with people who are directly affected by corporate abuses as well as with others fighting for corporate accountability, human rights, social and environmental justice. As part of the independent media, Corporate Watch is free of corporate sponsorship.
Reclaim Democracy!
Imagine democracy with an actively participating public. Imagine progress defined as improved quality of life for all people and families. Reclaim Democracy! aims to make these goals reality. We strive to restore democracy to improve our lives today, and for our childrens future. We are a non-partisan grassroots organization and welcome all who share our goal of regaining democratic authority over corporations.
Related pages
Solutions: American Revolution 2 and a Humane Future of International Socialist Democracy
Thomas Jefferson Calling: The Time for Revolution is NOW
by John Kaminski
Civil Disobedience and Tax Resistance
Our Hidden History: Corporations in America
The two-headed, two-faced American plutocracy
The Corporate Domination of American Culture and Politics
Revealing Quotes 2: Corporate Capitalist Plutocracy
Related books
Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy
by Robert W. McChesney
The Sword and the Dollar:
Imperialism, Revolution and the Arms Race
by Michael Parenti
Democracy for the Few
by Michael Parenti
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
by Gore Vidal
Market Elections:
How Democracy Serves the Rich
by Vince Copeland
What Uncle Sam Really Wants
by Noam Chomsky
Dying For Growth:
Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor
Edited by Jim Yong Kim, Joyce V. Millen, Alec Irwin and John Gershman
Eyes of the Heart:
Seeking a path for the poor in the age of globalization
by Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Globalize This!
The Battle Against the World Trade Organization and Corporate Rule
edited by Kevin Danaher and Roger Burbach; multiple authors
Saving Private Power:
The Hidden History of The Good War
by Michael Zezima
Apocalypse 1945:
The Destruction of Dresden
by David Irving
A Peoples History of the United States:
1492 Present
by Howard Zinn
Bloody Hell:
The Price Soldiers Pay
by Daniel Hallock
Censored 2000:
The Years Top 25 Censored Stories
by Peter Phillips & Project Censored
Deadly Deceits:
My 25 years in the CIA
by Ralph W. McGehee
Derailing Democracy:
The America the Media Dont Want You to See
by David McGowan
The Beast Reawakens
by Martin A. Lee
Blackshirts and Reds:
Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism
by Michael Parenti
Killing Hope:
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since WWII
by William Blum
Rogue State:
A Guide to the Worlds Only Superpower
by William Blum
Western State Terrorism
Alexander George, editor; essays by Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Gerry OSullivan and others
Terrorizing the Neighborhood:
American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era
by Noam Chomsky
Pressure Drop Press, 1991
Pirates and Emperors, Old and New:
International Terrorism in the Real World
by Noam Chomsky
The Culture of Terrorism
by Noam Chomsky
Secrets and Lies:
The Anatomy of an Anti-Environmental PR Campaign
by Nicky Hager & Bob Burton
The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media:
Decoding Spin and Lies in Mainstream News
by Norman Solomon
Manufacturing Consent:
The Political Economy of the Mass Media
by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky
The Hidden Persuaders:
What makes us buy, believe and even vote the way we do?
by Vance Packard
Dumbing Us Down:
The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
by John Taylor Gatto
Toxic Sludge is Good for You!:
Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry
by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton
War, Lies & Videotape:
How media monopoly stifles truth
edited by Lenora Foerstel; multiple authors
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