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Eyewitness Sudan:
America’s Future

videocover, shows a group of grieving Sudanese women in public mourning.  The three women in the foreground have their right hands raised with their forefingers pointing up, and they are all crying as they speak or chant something, perhaps a prayer or a formal condemnation of America.  Behind them is a white-cloth sign with Arabic writing on it. Eyewitness Sudan:
The War of the Future
Video, 28 minutes, VHS
producer Ellen Andors
People’s Video Network, 1998

From leftbooks.com:

A powerful video exposé of the August 20, 1998 U.S. bombing of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant, the small factory in northern Khartoum that provided more than half the medicine for Sudan. The American cruise missile attack murdered 12 workers at the plant. Two food processing factories were also damaged in the strike.

The smoking ruins and dashed hopes of Sudanese doctors are skillfully juxtaposed to footage of Clinton, Albright and Berger’s hypocritical charges of terrorism.

Follow former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and his team of investigators and activists as they expose this U.S. war crime against the people of the Sudan. This investigative documentary connects the years of sanctions and U.S. funding of a contra-type army to the cruise missiles sent against an impoverished African country.

Sudanese men dressed in white robes and white caps, standing around the smoking ruins of their medicine factory, destroyed by U.S. cruise missile

“The [Al-Shifa] plant produced 50% of the pharmaceuticals available in the Sudan... It produced 90% of the antibiotics used for malaria which is the leading cause of death there... A single U.S. missile attack destroyed the single most important health facility in the Sudan and will cause thousands of deaths.”

— Ramsey Clark
former U.S. Attorney General
Letter to the U.N., November 1998

Related sites

The Al-Shifa Bombing In Sudan: Assessment And Analysis

From The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, London.

Credible Deception: The Times and the Sudan missile attack
by Jared Israel

An in-depth look at how the media misinformed Americans about the US bombing of Sudan in 1998.

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