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The Sword and the Dollar:
Imperialism, Revolution and the Arms Race
From the Michael Parenti Political Archive:
To many, the foreign policy directives of the United States seem bewildering and sometimes inharmonious with its domestic political values. Why does the U.S. seem to support foreign dictators? Why has it invested so many of its resources in stockpiling nuclear arms? Why doesnt the U.S. act as a force for peace throughout the world?
In this probing, provocative analysis, Michael Parenti reveals the hidden agenda of American foreign policy decisions. No matter which party is in power, the U.S. acts to protect the interests of large American-based corporations, in order to maintain valuable overseas markets and cheap foreign labor.
In lucid detail, Michael Parenti examines just how these very private interests determine Americas public policy goals, from the impoverishment of developing nations to the building of an intimidating nuclear arsenal. What he discovers will surely be controversial and suggests that the greatest threats to democracy both here and abroad may emanate from within the United States itself.
- A Policy neither Fainthearted nor Foolish
- Imperialism and the Myth of Underdevelopment
- Maldevelopment and a Sharp Philanthropy
- The Mean Methods of Imperialism (I)
- The Mean Methods of Imperialism (II)
- A Condominium Empire: Neo-Imperialism
- The Empire Strikes Back Home
- The Mythology of Interventionism
- The Real Threat of Revolution
- The Costs of Counterrevolution
- Other Variables or Must We Ignore Imperialism?
- The Cold War Is an Old War
- The Arms Chase
- Rational Nuclearism
- Can We Trust the Russians?
- Against Imperialism
About the Author
Michael Parenti received his Ph.D. in political science from Yale University in 1962. He has taught at a number of colleges and universities, in the United States and abroad. His writings have been translated into Portuguese, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Polish, German, Bangla, and Dutch.
He is the author of fourteen books (see below). His articles have appeared in CovertAction Quarterly; Monthly Review; Prevailing Winds; The Humanist; New Political Science; Nature, Society and Thought; The Nation; Z Magazine; Dollars and Sense and numerous other publications.
He appears on radio and television talk shows to discuss current issues and ideas from his published works. Dr. Parentis talks and commentaries are played on radio stations to enthusiastic audiences in the U.S., Canada and abroad.
He lectures on college campuses and before a wide range of audiences across the country. His books are enjoyed by both lay readers and scholars, and have been used extensively in college courses.
Among the many topics he treats are:
- Democracy and Economic Power
- Imperialism and U.S. Interventionism
- Political Bias in the U.S. News Media
- Ideology and History
- Race, Gender, and Class
- The Overthrow of Communism
- Fascism: Past and Present
See also:
Articles & Selections from Published Works of Dr. Parenti http://www.michaelparenti.org/articles.html
A brief, unauthorized history of politically motivated faculty firings at the University of Vermont since 1972
http://www.uvm.edu/~radphil/uvmfirings.htmProfessor Will Millers Introduction for Dr. Michael Parenti before an overflow audience on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of his firing by the UVM Trustees.
Books by Michael Parenti
To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia, 2001; Reveals a decade-long disinformation campaign waged by Western leaders and NATO officials in their pursuit of free-market reforms. The political and economic destabilization of Yugoslavia continues today, Parenti shows, as does the forced privatization and Third Worldization of the entire region.
History as Mystery, 1999; how history is manufactured and distorted by the victors, from early Christianity to today.
- America Besieged, 1998.
Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism, 1997.
Dirty Truths, 1996; selected readings on politics, ideology, media, conspiracy, ethnic life, and class power.
Against Empire, 1995; critiques U.S. imperialism and the New World Order at home and abroad.
Democracy for the Few, 1995; now in its sixth edition, a critical study of the U.S. political system.
Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media, 1993; now in its second edition, the first comprehensive critique of the news media.
Make-Believe Media, 1992; the hidden politics of the entertainment media.
Land of Idols: Political Mythology in America, 1994; challenges many of the deceptions put forth by conservative elites.
The Sword and the Dollar: Imperialism, Revolution, and the Arms Race, 1989; an exposé of U.S. cold war history and interventionism in the Third World.
- Power and the Powerless, 1978
Americas foremost progressive writer and speaker, Parenti is illuminating, penetrating, and never afraid of the truth.
James Petras
SUNY professor and noted author
Radical in the true sense of the word, [Parenti] digs at the roots which...sustain our public consciousness.
Los Angeles Times Book Review
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To Kill A Nation:
The Attack on Yugoslavia
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Decoding Spin and Lies in Mainstream News
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by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton
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