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Pirates and Emperors,
Old and New:
International Terrorism
in the Real World


bookcover show several demonic fighter jets flying above the pyramids in Egypt. This new, fully updated edition of Noam Chomsky’s classic dissection of terrorism explores the role of the U.S. in the Middle East, and reveals how the media are used to manipulate public opinion about what constitutes “terrorism”. With several new chapters as well as the original sections on Iran and the bombing of Libya, Pirates and Emperors is a brilliant account of the workings of state terrorism by the world’s foremost critic of U.S. terrorism.

New chapters cover the second Palestinian Intifada — or war of stones — that began in October 2000; a detailed account of the impact that September 11 has had on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East; and a deconstruction of depictions and perceptions of terrorism since that date.

Chomsky starts by tracing the changing meaning of “terrorism,” examining how it originally referred to violent acts by “governments designed to ensure popular submission.” He calls its current application “retail terrorism,” practiced by “thieves who molest the powerful.” Chomsky argues that appreciating the differences between state terror and nongovernmental terror is crucial to stopping terrorism, and understanding why atrocities — like the bombing of the World Trade Center — happen.

In comparing the “war on terror” launched by George W. Bush to that of his father and Ronald Reagan’s administrations, Chomsky recalls Winston Churchill’s summation of the terror by the powerful:

“The rich and powerful have every right to demand that they be left in peace to enjoy what they have gained, often by violence and terror; the rest can be ignored as long as they suffer in silence, but if they interfere with the lives of those who rule the world by right, the ‘terrors of the earth’ will be visited upon them with righteous wrath, unless power is constrained from within.”


Preface to the first edition


1. Thought Control: The Case of the Middle East

2. Middle East Terrorism and the American Ideological System

3. Libya in U.S. Demonology

4. The U.S. Role in the Middle East

5. International Terrorism: Image and Reality
      (This is also Chapter 2 of Western State Terrorism, linked to above.)

6. The World after September 11

7. U.S./Israel-Palestine




“Noam Chomsky is one of the most significant challengers of unjust power and delusions; he goes against every assumption about American altruism and humanitarianism.”

— Edward Said

“Chomsky strips away layers of propaganda not recognized as propaganda, brilliantly sifting through political discourse.”

— John Pilger

“Chomsky ranks with Marx, Shakespeare, and the Bible as one of the ten most quoted sources in the humanities.”

The Guardian

“Judged in terms of the power, range, novelty, and influence of his thought, Noam Chomsky is arguably the most important intellectual alive.”

New York Times Book Review

“Chomsky’s work is neither theoretical, nor ideological: it is passionate and righteous. It has some of the qualities of Revelations, the Old Testament prophets and Blake.”

Times Literary Supplement

“An exploder of received truths.”

New York Times

“One of the radical heroes of our age. ... A towering intellect.”


About the Author

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is a major figure in twentieth-century linguistics. He has taught since 1955 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he became a full professor at the age of 32. His 1957 work Syntactic Structures revolutionized the field of linguistics, fundamentally changing the current understanding of language and mind. In 1976 he was appointed Institute Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT. Currently he is also the Ferrari P. Ward Professor of Modern Languages and Linguistics.

Chomsky has received honorary degrees from the University of London, University of Chicago, Georgetown University and Cambridge University. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. His work in linguistics, which has been internationally acclaimed, has earned Chomsky the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association, the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences and the Helmholtz Medal.

Born in Philadelphia on December 7, 1928, Chomsky became politically conscious at a very young age, writing his first political article, on the fight against fascism in Spain, when he was only ten years old.

Chomsky has written many books on contemporary issues and is an outspoken critic of U.S. foreign policy and corporate power. His political talks have been heard, typically by standing-room only audiences, all over the country and the globe.

In a saner world, his tireless efforts to promote justice would have long since won him the Nobel Peace Prize. But no, the committee prefers to give it to sleazy war criminals like Henry Kissinger.

Books by Noam Chomsky

Audio books:

Other works:

Related site

The Noam Chomsky Archive

“This archive is hosted by ZNet, the web site of Z Magazine. It contains the full text to many of Chomsky’s major works, the complete audio to several important lectures, and numerous articles, interviews and speeches.”

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