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Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
Thomas Jefferson
of American Culture and Politics
This is the fundamental fact of American political life:
Ultra-wealthy corporations and banks are the ultimate power behind the U.S. government today.
An ultra-wealthy plutocracy, in one form or another, has been the ultimate power behind the U.S. government from the beginning. Thomas Jeffersons hope was not realized.
A government of the people, for the people and by the people has always been a total myth at the national level and at most state, county and large city levels as well.
Flag-waving, brain-dead, pro-government patriots will deny that fact, and yet even they are dimly aware that there is an inherent and overwhelming corporate domination in all of mainstream American cultural, economic, academic, artistic, technological and political life.
Corporations and bankers rule America, but there is an inherent problem for them with this state of affairs. The majority of American people cherish the myth of American Democracy. Corporations themselves, however, are obviously not internally democratic. Democracy is totally alien to the corporate mindset.
And regardless of their propaganda, the corporate mindset is hostile to external democracy as well. Corporations flourish economically in non-democratic political environments. In genuine democracies they cannot do just anything they please to maximize their profits. There is too much interference from all those lowly masses of voting people.
Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power.
Benito Mussolini
Fascist dictator of ItalyTherefore the desire of the majority of people for genuine democracy represents a creative challenge to the corporations. These inherently fascistic organizations absolutely must make sure that they appear to the majority of Americans to be cherishing democratic ideals.
To survive, they must convince us they are caring, moral people who have the same interests and values as the majority of people. But just a little reflection reveals to an intelligent person that the political and economic interests of the working majority must necessarily be diametrically opposed to the interests of the corporate CEOs, boards and major shareholders.
The self-interests of the greedy, ultra-wealthy owners of corporations and banks are inevitably in direct competition with the self-interests of the vast majority of people:
We want higher wages/salaries. They want to maximize their profits.
We want to pay a reasonable price for gasoline. They want to maximize their profits.
We want to live in decent housing. They want to maximize their profits.
We want to enjoy a clean, unpolluted, unravaged environment. They want to maximize their profits.
We want to eat clean, healthy, non-mutant food. They want to maximize their profits.
We want a genuine democracy, with real candidates to vote for. They want to maximize their profits.
We dont want to exploit and enslave impoverished working people in foreign lands nor drop cluster bombs on innocent children. They want to maximize their profits.
Dictatorship of the Plutocracy
$$ In Gold We Trust $$Corporate executives like to pretend that the competition of the marketplace, free of governmental interference, is the ideal of capitalist economics. But anybody who is familiar with corporate competition knows that they actually seek governmental interference as long as it is in their favor. Parasitical corporate welfare is a monumental government interference. Corporate capitalism is in fact mere piracy, exemplified by the U.S. government which extorts money from taxpayers to bail out failed banks and corporations that have been looted by CEOs, boards and other wealthy criminals, who have bribed the government officials to bail them out.
Some sort of honest regulatory influence would be ideal, therefore. Without it, the marketplace is merely the economic anarchy and corporate tyranny we endure today. When one of the corporate pirates inevitably gets very big and powerful there is no longer even anarchic competition. There is only economic dictatorship. (Politely referred to as a monopoly.) And when a group of piratical corporations work in concert, as the oil companies do, they can have a monopoly in effect, if not in name, while telling us that the competition of the marketplace still exists.
So we see that without genuine control by the majority of the people in any given nation, the so-called competition of the marketplace is actually a thieving chaos that inevitably mutates into an economic dictatorship of the winners of the competition. Since the first two decades of the 20th century, the worlds greatest economic dictatorship has consisted of a plutocracy of American corporations and banks.
At the national and international levels the genteel and democratic-sounding competition of the marketplace is therefore just another myth for popular consumption. There can be no democracy and no genuine competition in a marketplace dominated by an ultra-wealthy plutocracy. Some of these banks and corporations have a total monetary worth greater than the entire gross national product of many third-world nations.
And given the grossly selfish, egocentric madness most people indulge in when they get money and power, its no wonder that a plutocracy is entirely antagonistic to the spirit of Democracy.
The Bush family, beginning with Prescott Bush [grandfather of G.W. Bush], have served as satraps of the Rockefeller, Brown, and Harriman interests. President Bush is simply a puppet of this powerful cabal, and their schemes will be carried out by whatever next president comes to power unless we the people can deflect them from this insane, murderous plot for global dominance.
Dr. Norman Livergood
The World Dominance Plot
Mass media = mass illusion
Clyde W. Clueless
mind-controlled American taxpayerTo placate the masses of unthinking Americans, the corporations absolutely must maintain the appearance of participating in and even protecting the cherished American myth of Democracy. To create such mass-illusion on a national scale is a real challenge. But so far, theyve succeeded spectacularly. They do it through the mass-media.
The corporate plutocracy owns the mass-media, and theyve been consolidating that ownership for over 20 years. That means everything you see and hear in the mass-media is controlled by fewer and fewer people. Every time you hear about the latest media mega-merger youre hearing about the further reinforcement of what is already the worlds greatest propaganda machine.
Because of the effectiveness of that machine, when it comes to national politics, most Americans cant see the forest for the trees.
And international politics? Forget about it!
Its been demonstrated that well within two minutes of watching television, most people enter a hypnotic alpha state bordering on theta. Viewers in this state are no longer able to critically evaluate, discern, or pass judgement from their own moral database on the material being viewed. The information just flows, unimpeded, into their subconscious year in and year out.
Jeff Rense
talk-radio host
http://www.rense.com/Most Americans are only too willing to exist within a mass-media-produced virtual-reality. They dont have the guts to face the fact that their own country is effectively owned and controlled by a corporate mafia.
Its no wonder, therefore, that the corporate-owned mass-media can easily keep average Americans 100% clueless when it comes to understanding the brutal, fascistic realities of world politics.
Especially when that means American state terrorism.
Related sites
Corporate Watch
http://www.corpwatch.org/Corporate Watch provides news, analysis, research tools and action resources to respond to corporate activity around the globe. We also talk with people who are directly affected by corporate abuses as well as with others fighting for corporate accountability, human rights, social and environmental justice. As part of the independent media, Corporate Watch is free of corporate sponsorship.
Reclaim Democracy!
Imagine democracy with an actively participating public. Imagine progress defined as improved quality of life for all people and families. Reclaim Democracy! aims to make these goals reality. We strive to restore democracy to improve our lives today, and for our childrens future. We are a non-partisan grassroots organization and welcome all who share our goal of regaining democratic authority over corporations. Our interest is not mere corporate responsibility. The Reclaim Democracy! goal is to address our root problems and inspire people to consciously choose what role corporations should play in society.
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Revealing Quotes 2: Corporate Capitalist Plutocracy
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