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Apocalypse 1945:
The Destruction of Dresden
Genocide and state terrorism were the sole objectives of the horrific February 13, 1945 Allied air attack on the people of Dresden, Germany. British diplomat Harold Nicolson called it the single greatest holocaust by war.
Approximately 2,000 British and American bombers took part in the war-criminal raid on a city packed with hundreds of thousands of refugees, mostly women and children, fleeing advancing Soviet forces. Dresden was one of Europes great cultural and architectural treasures, and had no importance as a military target.
Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden tells the full story from the perspectives of both the Allied war criminals and the German victims of the inhuman raid that took the lives of at least 130,000 people, the great majority of them civilian men, women and children.
Originally serialized in the London Sunday Telegraph, this is the best-selling book that launched David Irvings career as a world-renowned historian. With many rare wartime photographs, this thoroughly revised and updated edition is based on more than three decades of research.
Apocalypse 1945 can be downloaded for free at: http://www.fpp.co.uk/books/Dresden/
See also:
A description of the horrors suffered by innocent German civilian people at the hands of Allied war criminals.
No praise can be too high for Irvings indefatigable scholarly industry.
Hugh Trevor-Roper
Most of Irvings books are big, solid works... All are well written, exciting, fun to read, and all contain new information based on sensational discoveries.
Washington Post
In the words of the military writer John Keegan: No historian of the Second World War can afford to ignore Irving.
Few contemporary scholars of the Third Reich have his depth of knowledge, virtually none has met as many of its leading figures and nobody, surely, has unearthed more original material a private archive known as the Irving Collection, always generously made available to other researchers, which weighs more than half a ton.
Robert Harris
author of Fatherland and Enigma
About the Author
David Irving is certainly the best known of all revisionist authors. Born in 1938, he is the son of a British Royal Navy lieutenant-commander who served in both World War I and World War II. Irving studied the Arts in public school and the Sciences in the University. He perfected his usage of the German language by laboring as a steelworker in Germanys Ruhr. From the time of his publishing of The Destruction of Dresden, his books have become best sellers all around the world.
His early books were met with praise from critics world-wide. Distinguished British historian, A.J.P. Taylor said of Irving, David Irving is a patient researcher of unrivalled industry and success. Similarly, Hugh Trevor-Roper has written, No praise can be too high for Irvings indefatigable scholarly industry. Even publications including The New York Times would call his The Trail of the Fox, a superb biography. The Washington Post would declare, Most of Irvings books are big, solid works... All are well written, exciting, fun to read, and all contain new information based on sensational discoveries.
Irving is best known for uncovering new facts about supposedly well-known historical events. He extensively relies on original source materials, such as diaries and original documents. His research has generated the David Irving Collection which includes various materials for other researchers to access. Included in the collection are the originals of Adolf Eichmanns papers, copies of two missing years of Heinrich Himmlers diary, the diaries of Erwin Rommel, Alfred Jodl, Wilhelm Canaris, and Walther Hewel, and many other papers unavailable elsewhere.
It had been said that David Irving could do no wrong. This was until his publishing of Hitlers War in 1977. Considered by many to be his magnum opus, it was unique among biographies, for Irving decided to describe the Second World War through the eyes of Hitler himself. Irving explained, What Hitler did not order, or did not learn, does not figure in this book. For example, the first that the reader learns of the plot against Hitlers life, is when the bomb explodes beneath the table in Hitlers eastern headquarters.
Irving and his volume were highly criticized throughout the world for expounding the thesis that Hitler was unaware of any policy to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Irving theorized that mass killings were ordered and carried out by Himmler, Heydrich, and other members of the SS. At this time, Irving offered a thousand pound reward to anyone who could produce even one wartime document that showed that Hitler explicitly knew of the extermination of the Jews. To this day, no such document has turned up.
In 1981, Irving again infuriated his detractors by writing a history of the failed 1956 anti-Communist revolt in Hungary, Uprising!. In 1987, Irving published volume one of his best-selling biography of Winston Churchill, Churchills War. By this time, Irving had revised his own opinions regarding the authenticity of the extermination claims. Irving wrote at the time,
Until the end of this tragic century there will always be incorrigible historians, statesmen, and publicists who are content to believe, or have no economically viable alternative but to believe, that the Nazis used gas chambers at Auschwitz to kill human beings. But it is now up to them to explain to me as an intelligent and critical student of modern history why there is no significant trace of any cyanide compound in the building which they have always identified as the former gas chambers.
Throughout the 90s, Irving has become very outspoken on the more controversial issues concerning the Second World War. He has traveled around the world campaigning for freedom of speech and to establish what he calls truth in history. This campaign has resulted in many new fans as well as many new enemies. When banned from speaking in Australia in 1993, David again took the offensive. He produced an 80 minute video to explain his side of the story. His video, The Search for Truth in History was sold to thousands of Australians and others world wide.
Despite various setbacks, David Irving has continued to speak around the world regarding the truth about World War II. In 1996 he released his long-awaited biography of Hitlers propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels and the second volume of Churchills War. Currently, Mr. Irving is continuing work on a biography of Franklin Roosevelt.
Books by David Irving
(partial bibliography)
- Und Deutschlands Stadte starben nicht (1963)
- The Destruction of Dresden (1963)
- The Mares Nest: The Secret Weapons of the Third Reich (1964)
- The Memoirs of Field Marshal Keitel (transl. 1965)
- The Virus House: The History of the Wartime German Atomic Research Programme (1967)
- Accident: The Death of General Sikorski (1967)
- The Destruction of Convoy PQ. 17 (1967)
- Breach of Security (1968)
- The Memoirs of General Gehlen (transl. 1972)
- The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe (1973)
- Hitlers War (1975)
- The Trail of the Fox: Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (1977)
- The War Path (1978)
- Nurnberg: Die letzte Schlacht (1979)
- Wie krank war Hitler wirklich? (1980)
- Uprising! The Hungarian Uprising of 1956 (1981)
- The War Between the Generals (1981)
- Von Geurnica bis Vietnam (1982)
- The Secret Diaries of Professor Morell (1983)
- Der Morgenthau Plan: Facsmile Documents (1985)
- Churchills War, Vol. I, The Struggle for Power (1987)
- Hess: The Missing Years (1987)
- Goering: A Biography (1989)
- Das Reich hort mit (1989)
- Deutschlands Ostgrenze (1990)
- Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden (1995)
- Der Unbekannte Dr. Goebbels: Die Geheimen Tagebücher 1938 (1995)
- Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich (1996)
- Churchills War, Vol. II, Triumph in Adversity (1996)
- Nuremberg: The Last Battle (1996)
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Related sites
David Irvings newsletter: Action Report On-line
David Irving Index
http://www.codoh.com/irving/irving.htmlIn the words of the military writer John Keegan: No historian of the Second World War can afford to ignore Irving. Few contemporary scholars of the Third Reich have his depth of knowledge, virtually none has met as many of its leading figures and nobody, surely, has unearthed more original material a private archive known as the Irving Collection, always generously made available to other researchers, which weighs more than half a ton.
Focal Point Publications
Welcome to the World of Real History
http://www.fpp.co.uk/Publishers of works of Real History by David Irving and other authors
Institute for Historical Review
http://www.ihr.org/This site offers scholarly information and thoughtful commentary, from a revisionist perspective, on a wide range of historical issues, including the Holocaust, Auschwitz, World War II, Stalin, Hitler, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor, the Palestine/Israel conflict, Zionism, the Jewish question, the Bolshevik revolution, and much more.
Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
http://www.codoh.com/The aim of this site is to promote intellectual freedom with regard to this one historical event, which in turn will promote intellectual freedom toward all historical events (thus all other issues).
We have chosen to concentrate on the gas chamber stories and war crimes trials because they are emblematic of the allegedly unique monstrosity of the Germans before and during World War II. We believe it profoundly vulgar, and emasculating, to spend half a century condemning others for their violence and brutality when we have not yet learned to condemn our own, or even recognize it.
We want to help civilize Americans. Were not Germans and were not Jews (well, some of us are) and we are not focused on how naughty they were or were not. Were focused on American culture, on the American ideal that liberty has the power to wash a people clean and that there is no liberty without intellectual freedom.
Bradley R. Smith
http://www.zundelsite.org/This is the website of Ernst Zundel, who is right now being persecuted by the U.S. government and the Zionist lobby which pulls its strings.
You cannot speak freely in America about the Jewish holocaust if you dont agree with the official story. If you question the official story and speak publicly to a large enough audience, you will be legally, financially and even physically persecuted by the U.S. government and the ADL thugs of the Zionist lobby.
Let the Bloody Truth Be Told:
A Chronology of U.S. Imperialism
http://www.neravt.com/left/invade.htmA partial list of U.S. military interventions from 1890 to 2001, compiled by Zoltan Grossman. This page also has a list of links to more information on genocidal U.S. imperialism.
U.S. Foreign Policy and Empire:
A Selected Bibliography (1995)
compiled by Will Miller
Department of Philosophy, University of Vermont
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