Chronology of Terror
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Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can be used to disallow terror as a means of war... We are very far from any moral hesitations when concerned with the national struggle. First and foremost, terror is for us a part of the political war appropriate for the circumstances of today...
Yitzhak Shamir
Israeli Prime Minister, Zionist terrorist
in an August 1943 article titled Terror, written for Hazit
the journal of Lehi, the terrorist organization he belonged to
Sanity was buried alive...
Jenin Survivors Describe Israeli War Crimes
Sanity was buried alive with human rights and hope when the tanks came here.
Adnan Dasouki
Palestinian market trader in Jenin
Jenin Survivors Describe Israeli Operation
By Mike Gallagher
From the International Desk
Published 4/21/2002
JENIN, West Bank, April 21 (UPI) - Palestinian eyewitnesses have given United Press International detailed accounts of the Israeli militarys incursion into Jenin, describing firefights in the tight alleyways that make up much of the refugee camp, and a pattern of house demolition and the use of heavy munitions by Israeli soldiers that appears to have killed many civilians, and left survivors at risk from hunger and disease.
Israeli soldiers would demolish any building they took fire from by using tanks and armored bulldozers, inhabitants of the camp told UPI.
If they saw any movement inside the house, they would open up on it with heavy-caliber weapons, pause to see if anyone would come out and then flatten it. On other occasions, they blew the doors off with explosives and charged in firing automatic weapons, residents say.
Sometimes, they pushed civilians in ahead of them.
Residents say these tactics were adopted after 13 Israeli soldiers were killed in one day by a combination of suicide bombs, snipers and booby traps. Israel has defended its operation, saying its purpose was to root out terrorists in the camp.
I was standing by my window, watching this tank coming down the street, when suddenly one of the soldiers saw me and fired in my direction, Maryam Ayasi apparently still in a state of shock told UPI.
She was horribly scratched and bruised and was limping painfully on two swollen ankles. Her clothes were full of small bloodstains and covered in dust and grime from her miraculous escape.
The next thing I knew, she went on, a machine gun was cutting holes in the walls and I tried to run downstairs to get away. I was halfway down when the building was rocked by a huge explosion and I was thrown off my feet and I fell down the stairs.
The machine guns didnt stop. I wanted to go out and tell them there was no one inside, but I was afraid that they would kill me so I managed to get out the back door. The shell had blown some of my furniture from the room where I was standing, through two walls and out onto the backyard. Lumps of concrete were still falling down when I staggered outside.
She continued: I had decided to stay and take care of our home. My husband left when he heard that the Israelis were coming. He said that he didnt believe that he would get any mercy from them and although he is only a carpenter and was never interested in the intifada (Palestinian uprising), he thought he would be rounded up and tortured until he named everyone he knew.
He used to do a lot of work on construction sites in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, but when the blockade started he couldnt get a travel permit so instead he did bits of work fixing the homes of those who lived in the refugee camp. I dont think he knew any of the suicide bombers or any of their colleagues, but I dont think the army cares. I dont know where he has gone, if he has been arrested or what. He refused to tell me where he was going in case the Israelis tortured me.
Thank God, we have no children, she concluded. Worrying about them is more than I could bear. I have enough on my hands with my nephews and nieces.
Israeli officials have defended their operation, saying Jenin was a nest of suicide bombers and other Palestinian extremists, and that the army did its best to limit civilian casualties.
It is difficult to find an army in the entire world that would fight a war in such a moral way, one Israeli Cabinet official told reporters Sunday.
The Israeli military says it only targeted buildings from which Palestinian militants had been firing at them and that ground troops had aided in pinpointing those targets. The Israelis insist that they did not use fighter jets such as F-16s, nor artillery that would cause extensive damage and hit innocent people as well. This policy cost Israeli lives, they added.
[Added note from the author of this website: The fact is, they fired artillery from tanks and helicopter gunships, and then used gigantic armored bulldozers, all of which not only caused extensive damage and hit innocent people, they intentionally buried innocent people alive. This is how Israelis fight a war in such a moral way.]
Ayasi took UPI to where she used to live. The small apartment block had been cut in half by the shelling. The entire front section had collapsed in on itself. She pointed out where she had lived. The outer wall was gone, and her description of the blast was accurate. The inner wall was scorched, and a large hole led out onto the backyard.
As we approached the building, an elderly resident came up to us and warned us not to enter the area.
Hussam Abu Attalah said he was a 69-year-old refugee of the Israeli war of independence that brought him here in 1948.
A young boy was hurt by an explosion there yesterday, he said. I think the army has left booby traps in the rubble. We thought that someone might be alive inside, but we are afraid to go near it.
I think, he said pausing as tears welled up in his eyes that you can tell by the smell there may be no one inside worth saving.
As we walked back toward the center of town, a small boy with a good grasp of English came up to me and asked where Id been. When I told him, he shook his head like a war veteran.
We tried to make them go down there, the boy said. We had a lot of very good snipers, and we were going to make them come out of the tanks and shoot them one by one.
When I asked him how they planned to do that, he looked at me like someone who had to have everything explained to him in childrens terms and his tone of voice was like that of an old man telling stories to a little boy. He said he was just over 8 years old.
The streets are too narrow. They cannot drive the tanks through them quickly. They get stuck and one or two always come out and wave at it until it is free, he said, imitating the hand signals he saw them using. Then we shoot them.
He jumped and clapped his hands delightedly.
When I asked him what his name was, his eyes narrowed and his voice lowered cautiously. He was suspicious about the possibility that Israeli soldiers were walking around camouflaged as journalists.
To you I am ... Issa, he said at last.
By way of praising his courage, this reporter told him: No. To me you are David, and I admire your bravery against the tanks and soldiers that are like Goliath.
But he replied: David is a Jewish name. I am a Palestinian. To you I am Issa.
Ayasi wept quietly as she walked away from Issa and back toward the center of the ruined city.
You cannot defeat a spirit like that, she said. He embodies the spirit of the Palestinians.
Residents were doing whatever they could to dig their way through the smashed buildings. Most had little more than steel bars, shovels and bloody bare hands, scratched and bruised from moving the heavy, sharp lumps of masonry.
UPI saw several groups at work, with at least one person kneeling, carefully listening for any sounds down below. Everyone watched him closely. If he suddenly raised his hands in the air, the digging came to an abrupt stop and yells for silence would go around.
The listener strained to hear the slightest sound, pushing one ear close to the hole with a hand held over the other and eyes closed in concentration. Then he would shake his head in disappointment, and the work would continue.
I think were wasting our time, said Adnan Dasouki a 32-year-old market trader.
We should be using our noses to find our families, not our ears. Its gone way past the point where any sane person would think there was still hope for those who are buried alive. But what use is there for sanity out here?
Sanity was buried alive with human rights and hope when the tanks came here.
Dasouki told UPI he was briefly arrested and then released by Israeli soldiers. He showed me his wrists where the handcuffs had cut into them.
They seemed to know who they were looking for, and thankfully, it wasnt me. But I dont know why I wasnt taken away. I saw some other men who I know had no connections with Hamas or any other groups. I almost felt guilty about being the only one who was freed.
When asked about the risk of unexploded ordnance lying around, he said that was the least of his worries.
If we find some of their bombs and bullets, then maybe we can give it back to them in the same way they gave them to us. By force.
A Palestinian nurse who asked that UPI not publish his name described how the Israeli bulldozers tore up roads, sewers and water pipes, cut off electricity supplies and pulled down telephone lines.
If were not careful, then we could end up as victims of the second part of the Israeli assault disease, he said. It could end up killing more than the soldiers and the tanks did. Its a kind of biological warfare.
(With reporting by Joshua Brilliant in Tel Aviv, Israel)
Copyright © 2002 United Press International
This article is also at Rense.com
Related pages
Jenin massacre:
Massacre at Jenin: I now know the smell of death...
The Israelis are Guilty of Mass Murder in Jenin
Human Rights Watch report excerpts
Eyewitness Jenin: Evidence of a Massacre
Israeli state terrorism:
An American Heroine, Murdered by Israelis
Israels State Terrorism
by Dr. Lev Grinberg
The Israeli Connection To 9-11
American/Israeli Terrorism of the Palestinian People
A description of the sadistic nature and scope of Israeli state terrorism, with related sites for more information.
Albert Einstein Condemns Israeli Nazis
Zionism is Jewish Naziism: A Photo Essay on Israeli State Terrorism
Ariel Sharon: The Jewish Hitler
Return of the Terrorist: The Crimes of Ariel Sharon
Racist Zionism: Israeli Apartheid
Western State Terrorism
Alexander George, editor; essays by Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Gerry OSullivan and othersThe infamous quote by Yitzhak Shamir, at the top of this page, is given in Western State Terrorism, chapter 2: International Terrorism: Image and Reality, by Noam Chomsky, section 6, and note 36. See chapter sections 4 through 8 for heavily-censored (in America) information on the historical realities of Israeli state terrorism.
Related sites
Photos from Jenin
http://www.ummah.com/inewsletter/massacres/palestine/jenin.htmHorrifying photos from the Jenin refugee camp, taken after the massacre by Israeli Nazis. There are sickening photos of mutilated, burned and dismembered bodies and yet the most repulsive photo of all is the one of Colin Powell and Ariel Sharon while theyre alive (or are they?). It was taken during or shortly after the Jenin massacre as both of the old war criminals were enjoying themselves. Powell is leering evilly as he stands like a marionette on a string behind a stupidly gaping Sharon, whose squinting left eye is turned to the left while his open right eye stares directly at the viewer. A couple of freaky, filthy old murderers if there ever were. And if you pay taxes to the U.S. government, youre paying these satanic freaks and their minions to literally butcher children.
Palestine Chronicle
News and Commentary from Palestine, the Middle East, and Beyond...
http://palestinechronicle.com/Palestine Chronicle is an independent internet magazine, dedicated to addressing issues and offering perspectives rarely seen in mainstream western media. These issues include the plight and welfare of Palestinian refugees, as well as other displaced and oppressed people around the world.
Palestine Media Watch
http://www.pmwatch.org/pmw/index.aspThe purpose of Palestine Media Watch is to fight anti-Palestinian bias in the US media and to call for giving Palestinian views greater room for expression.
Palestine Media Watch is a grass-roots media watch group established on October 5, 2000 to help fight US media bias against Palestinians via direct action: writing letters and making phone calls. Our strength is in the commitment of our dedicated members our gadflies who day after day, through their informed letters to newspapers, work for a more balanced, more humane, and more informed portrayal of the Middle East conflict.
The Electronic Intifada
http://electronicintifada.net/new.htmlA resource for countering myth, distortion and spin from the Israeli media war machine.
The Electronic Intifada project...aims to focus on just one aspect of the struggle, the war in the media for a representation of the Palestinian point of view.
This site also provides a running total the Palestinian men, women and children who have been murdered and injured by the Israeli Defense Forces.
Boycott Israel Campaign
http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-israel.htmlPeople of good conscience have chosen to boycott israeli products and companies supporting the zionist entity. ... We have carried out extensive research to identify the guilty companies. All our findings are provided here.
Stop US Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now
http://www.sustaincampaign.org/SUSTAIN is a non-hierarchical, grassroots organization committed to supporting and sustaining the Palestinian movement for justice, human rights and self-determination.
The United States government supports Israeli violations of Palestinian national and human rights militarily, economically, and ideologically. The most tangible form of this support is the massive tax-funded aid that goes to Israel. We are committed to building a campaign against US military and economic aid to Israel so that US tax-dollars do not support the abuse of human rights.
Indict Ariel Sharon
Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila
http://indictsharon.net/IndictSharon.net is the website of the International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila, offering news on the case lodged in Belgium against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other Israelis and Lebanese responsible for the massacre, killing, rape and disappearance of civilians that took place in Beirut between 16 and 18 September 1982 in the camps of Sabra and Shatila and the surrounding area.
MER - Mid East Realities
http://www.middleeast.org/MERs purpose is to distill and present the most incisive and honest, the most insightful and independent, information and analysis about what is really going on in todays Middle East as well as in Washington about the Middle East.
Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace
http://www.ccmep.org/Media-censored information and photos documenting the efforts of private American citizens to protect the Palestinian people and protest Israeli state terrorism within Israel itself.
Palestine Daily
daily news and current events
http://www.palestinedaily.com/A great deal of news and information, with related links and sections on Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as Palestine and the Middle East in general.
Resources about Palestine
http://www.freespeech.org/fsitv/html/topics_Palestine.shtmlA collection of talks, interviews and other materials to help broaden your knowledge of the Palestine issue. Includes video and audio interviews with Palestinian people and peace workers.
The Other Apartheid:
Commission of Inquiry to Investigate U.S.-Backed Israeli War Crimes In Palestine
http://www.internationalanswer.org/news/update/071802commission.htmlDay after day, as Israeli Defense Forces continue to kill, attack and humiliate the Palestinian people in a brutal occupation, the U.S. Government lays the blame for the conflict and responsibility for peace on the Palestinians. It arrogantly insists on reform of all Palestinian institutions, the overturn of the Palestinian leadership and an end to all Palestinian resistance to occupation. The powerful combination of U.S. policys vast diplomatic support, arming and funding of Israel and the corporate medias wildly distorted portrayal of the occupation creates mass confusion about the situation for people in the U.S.
The Commission of Inquiry is being titled The Other Apartheid as a comparison to the apartheid policies faced by Palestinian people in the Occupied Territories and within the 1948 border of Israel, and to those faced in South Africa. This is clearly a policy that comes from the top levels of the Israeli government with the full support of the United States, just as the U.S. and Israel supported the now-overthrown apartheid regime in South Africa.
Few people in the U.S. realize that the U.S.-backed Israeli occupation breaks dozens of international laws and human rights conventions. Even fewer know of the dispossession of the Palestinian people to make way for the state of Israel, or of the long history of Palestinian resistance.
Israeli Aggression, Militarism, and Terror
http://www.zundelsite.org/english/israeli_terror/Excerpts from several books dealing with Israeli state terrorism:
- Our Man in Damascus
- A Nation On Trial
- Israels Sacred Terrorism
- What Price Israel?
- Every Prince a Spy
- The Fateful Triangle
- The Lobby
- The Zionist Connection
The Zionist Terror Network (online book)
http://www.ihr.org/books/ztn.htmlThis booklet documents the background and criminal activities of Jewish Zionist terrorist groups, and especially the Jewish Defense League. Particular emphasis is given here to terror including murder against thought criminals who question the Holocaust story that six million Jews were systematically killed during the Second World War.
Zionist terrorists openly proclaim an arrogant Jewish-supremacist ideology and acknowledge their readiness to use violence against those who disagree with them. With a well-documented record of bigotry and crime, they pose a serious danger to our society, and to men and women everywhere who treasure freedom.
Return of the Terrorist:
The Crimes of Ariel Sharon
http://www.counterpunch.org/sharon.htmlSharons history offers a monochromatic record of moral corruption, with a documented record of war crimes going back to the early 1950s.
In 1953 he was given command of Unit 101, whose....purpose was that of instilling terror by the infliction of discriminate, murderous violence not only on able bodied fighters but on the young, the old, the helpless.
http://www.iacenter.org/palestinian_resist.htmAn International Action Center page with links to a good collection of informative articles on the brutal tactics of Israeli state terrorism, Israeli use of Depleted Uranium weapons, the political realities of the Al Aqsa Intifada, a related article by Mumia Abu-Jamal, and reports from the October/November 2000 IAC Fact Finding Mission To Palestine.
Al-Aqsa Intifada
The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network
http://www.pngo.net/intifada/intifada.htmIncludes reports such as:
Report on the Impact of Closures of Water Supply To Palestinian Villages and Towns
Difficulties and Problems facing the Agricultural Sector resulting from the Israeli Aggression
Request for Support: The Palestinian NGO Network expresses its high concern and outrage at the vigilante acts of the Israeli military forces
Request for Support 2: The Palestinian NGOs and civil society organizations condemn with great anger Israels savage and brutal actions against the helpless unarmed civilians in Palestine
- Last moments of Mohammed Aldurah (video clip)
- Related Links
WSWS : News & Analysis : Israel and Palestine
http://www.wsws.org/sections/category/news/me-peace.shtmlThis is the index page for an extensive collection of news articles and high-quality analysis. The articles deal with both the brutal Israeli terrorism and oppression of the Palestinian people, and the internal condition of Jewish Israeli society itself.
http://www.jewsnotzionists.org/There are in fact many Jewish movements, groups and organizations whose ideology regarding Zionism and the so-called State of Israel is that of the unadulterated Torah position that any form of Zionism is heresy and that the existence of the so-called State of Israel is illegitimate.
Neturei Karta - Jews United Against Zionism
http://www.netureikarta.org/In addition to condemning the central heresy of Zionism, we also reject its policy of aggression against all peoples. Today this cruelty manifests itself primarily in the brutal treatment of the Palestinian people. We proclaim that this inhuman policy is in violation of the Torah.
NKI seeks peace and reconciliation with all peoples and nations. This is especially needed in our relations towards the Islamic world where Zionism has for 53 years done so much to ruin Jewish - Muslim understanding.
We welcome the assistance of all men of good will and stand ready to assist all whose agenda coincides with ours.
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