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“By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War.”

— the official motto of Mossad

9-11 Was a Mossad
“False Flag Operation”

by Sean McBride
March 23, 2002

I’ve been strongly resisting coming to the best guess that 911 was a classic Mossad false flag operation, conducted with the full complicity of a Zionist political network loyal to Israel at the highest levels of the U.S. government, but some recent events have made it almost impossible to ignore the obvious.

This is the theory that best fits the known facts. It’s not enough that the U.S. has failed to capture a single planner behind or perpetrator of the 911 WTC and anthrax attacks. It’s not enough that the U.S. is even failing to show any interest in capturing these “evildoers.” But now we have George W. Bush urging Americans to pay no attention to Osama bin Laden and to forget he exists. What’s that again? Forget about OBL? And forget about the anthrax attacks?

OBL has conveniently been demoted from Lord Satan to a pesky “parasite,” someone beneath our notice. You can’t afford to capture “evildoers” when knowledge of the real identity and purposes of said evildoers would turn the popular understanding of 911 upside down and create the biggest crisis in American politics since the Civil War.

Then we have the frantic efforts to shift the focus of attention regarding 911 to Iraq, even though there is not a shred of solid evidence that Iraq was involved in the attacks, and that the campaign to attack Iraq is being masterminded and promoted by Israel and Israeli loyalists in the American government like Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle.

The question then arises: was the purpose of the 911 attacks to justify precisely this kind of military campaign, against the Palestinians, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and on down the line?

Then there are reports about John Ashcroft, a militant Christian Zionist, demanding that the investigation into the 911 Israeli art student and movers spy rings be buried. Both spy rings appear to be closely-connected to the 911 WTC attacks in sinister ways about which Ashcroft would prefer to keep Americans in the dark.

Here’s the best guest so far of what happened on 9/11/2001...

Osama bin Laden is a high level agent operated by the Israeli Mossad in cooperation with the CIA. OBL and his inner circle [or any of the mujahedeen groups the CIA has funded and supported since the 1980s] recruited the hijackers for 911, with the naive recruitees having little idea of what they were really getting into or about whom was pulling their strings (this was the false flag component of the operation). The hijacked planes were taken over on 9/11 by remote control — the hijackers lacked the piloting skills to execute the maneuvers that were performed. Well-established [U.S. Air Force and National Guard] procedures for handling situations of this kind were deliberately overridden by orders from on high within the Bush administration. The planes were allowed to hit their targets.

Now the government is engaged in a massive propaganda campaign to suppress any reasonable questions about 911. If the cover-up starts to fall apart, it is likely that more and worse terrorist incidents will be engineered, martial law will be declared, and any skeptics and dissidents will be imprisoned or murdered.

Now, if none of this true, why is the government doing its level best to make it appear to be true by its bungling and provocative behavior? Doesn’t this entire operation — both 911 and post-911 — have a keystone cops quality about it that is highly redolent of Iran-Contra?

Anyone who thinks Israel is incapable of this kind of behavior should thoroughly research the Lavon Affair. Start by doing a simple Google search on “lavon affair”.

Anyone who thinks Christian Zionists aren’t capable of supporting Israel in this kind of behavior should take a close look at the attitudes expressed on Free Republic, a hotbed of Christian Zionist opinionating. Christian Zionists regularly express the conviction that Americans owe absolute loyalty and submission to the Israeli government, and that Israel and the United States should launch a campaign of genocide against Arabs and Muslims. Literally thousands of messages in this vein have been posted on Free Republic in the last few years, with the approval of Jim Robinson.

The most difficult thing to wrap one’s mind around in this scenario is the idea that some Americans would participate in such a radical betrayal of their country and fellow citizens. But then you have to take into account the bizarre effects of ethnic and religious cultism on the human mind, particularly cultism animated by apocalyptic fervor.

[Added note from this site: When you know about the millions of our fellow human beings all over the world who have been violently butchered over the last century by U.S. military-government state terrorists, you know the war criminals who rule this country are inhuman. It is therefore not at all surprising that they place no value on human life — including American lives.]

If this scenario comes close to describing what happened on 911, George W. Bush and many other high-level government officials are probably as much out of the loop as the average American. They are no doubt asking the same questions in private that have been asked on the Internet. I hope this scenario is proven wrong in the near future.

I hope we catch the real culprits behind 911 and the anthrax attacks, and discover they really are whom the media have claimed they are. But if the weeks drag on and on with more government evasions on these issues, and not a single significant arrest or conviction, suspicions are going to grow and harden.

At this point, the only thing I am certain about is that we have NOT been told the truth. That the Israelis were notified about the attack on the internet two hours before it occurred, that only ONE Israeli died in the attack, that the Israeli spy ring was discovered and then sent back to Israel without getting any answers, that the CELEBRATION of the Israeli group on the roof top in NYC took place.... all these things point to Israel.

The media is run by about 50 American and Non-American Jews. [But for the sake of decent, anti-Zionist Jewish people, it’s essential to distinguish between them and the Jewish-Zionist segment of the American plutocracy, which is totally evil.] Sharon said that America is run by Israel. I believe it. Look at the Marc Rich (Expatriot Jewish American) pardon. We are going to war against Iraq and others to satisfy them, not for our own nation’s security. It could lead to Nuclear war. ...

“Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.”

— U.S. official
quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report
on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

“Every time we do something, you [Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that.. I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”

— Ariel Sharon
Israeli Prime Minister, homicidal psychopath
Jewish Mafia member
Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001

graphic showing an israeli flag covered by a red circle and slash, and the words 'Boycott Israel' “Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can be used to disallow terror as a means of war... We are very far from any moral hesitations when concerned with the national struggle. First and foremost, terror is for us a part of the political war appropriate for the circumstances of today...”

— Yitzhak Shamir
Israeli Prime Minister, Zionist terrorist
in an August 1943 article titled “Terror”, written for Hazit
the journal of Lehi, the terrorist organization he belonged to

Related pages


9-11, Mossad, the CIA and “False Flag Operations”

Fox News Special Report: Israeli Spying on the U.S.

The Israeli Connection To 9-11

Massive Israeli Spy Ring Linked to September 11

The United States Government Committed the September 11 Attacks

America: the Ultimate Terrorist

The CIA, Insider Trading and the World Trade Center Terror Attack

Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (about Operation Northwoods)

Fake Terror: the Road to Dictatorship

Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS

Israeli state terrorism:

American-Israeli Terrorism of the Palestinian People

A description of the sadistic nature and scope of Israeli state terrorism, with related sites for more information.

Ariel Sharon: The Jewish Hitler

Return of the Terrorist: The Crimes of Ariel Sharon

Zionism is Jewish Naziism: A Photo Essay on Israeli State Terrorism

Western State Terrorism
Alexander George, editor; essays by Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Gerry O’Sullivan and others

The infamous quote by Yitzhak Shamir at the end of the article on this page, is given in Western State Terrorism, chapter 2: International Terrorism: Image and Reality, by Noam Chomsky, section 6, and note 36. See chapter sections 4 through 8 for heavily-censored (in America) information on the historical realities of Israeli state terrorism.

Racist Zionism: Israeli Apartheid

The Jenin Massacre:

The Jenin Massacre

Massacre at Jenin: “I now know the smell of death...”

Immortal Heroes of Jenin

Eyewitness Jenin: Evidence of a Massacre

The Israelis are Guilty of Mass Murder in Jenin

Israeli War Crimes at Jenin

Human Rights Watch report excerpts

“Sanity was buried alive...” at Jenin

Related sites

Israel US Spying

This page has a long list of links to articles dealing with Israeli spying on the U.S., and Mossad involvement in the 9-11 terror attacks.

Israel Files: Info on the Israeli Spy Conspiracy

“The ‘Israeli Art Student’ Files: Media coverage of Israel’s underground in the US — and the 9/11 connection.” This is an index page for a collection of articles.

Homeland Insecurity:
Phoenix, Chaos, The Enterprise, and the Politics of Terror in America
by Douglas Valentine

“This ability to commit the most horrific acts of terror, and successfully blame them on its enemies through black propaganda, is what makes the CIA’s inclusion in the OHS [Office of Homeland Security] so dangerous.

“This one-two punch, in conjunction with the CIA’s expertise at ‘provoked responses’ and ‘false flag recruitments,’ also makes the CIA itself a prime suspect in the terror attacks of 11 September, and the current propaganda campaign being waged in America now, as a pretext to threaten terror against the Bush Administration’s domestic political opponents, as well as to win support from the terrified middle class for the illegitimate Bush regime.”

Suspicious Activities Involving Israeli Art Students at DEA Facilities

“In January, 2001, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Security Programs (IS), began to receive reports of Israeli art students attempting to penetrate several DEA Field Offices in the continental United States. Additionally, there have been reports of Israeli art students visiting the homes of numerous DEA employees. These incidents have occurred since at least the beginning of 2000, and have continued to the present.” ...

“The activities of these Israeli art students raised the suspicion of IS and other field offices when attempts were made to circumvent the access control systems at DEA offices, and when these individuals began to solicit their paintings at the homes of DEA employees. The nature of the individuals’ conduct, combined with intelligence information and historical information regarding past incidents involving Israeli Organized Crime, leads IS to believe the incidents may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity.”

U.S. Police and Intelligence Hit by Spy Network

“In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, the FBI has stumbled on the largest espionage ring ever discovered inside the United States. The U.S. Justice Department is now holding nearly 100 Israeli citizens with direct ties to foreign military, criminal and intelligence services.

“The spy ring reportedly includes employees of two Israeli-owned companies that currently perform almost all the official wiretaps for U.S. local, state and federal law enforcement.

“The U.S. law enforcement wiretaps, authorized by the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), appear to have been breached by organized crime units working inside Israel and the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad.”

Despite Coverup, Israel Caught Spying in Washington Again

June 2000, Special Report:
“Israel has been caught spying in Washington again, this time on the White House and other sensitive telephone systems. But Americans have to look and listen very hard to learn the details.

“The damage could be as great as that sustained during spy-for-pay Jonathan Jay Pollard’s blatant military codes, plans and secret-stealing rampage of the 1980s. And probably greater than Israel’s stealing not only of U.S. nuclear secrets in the 1960s, but even of American enriched uranium via an Israel-controlled contracting firm in Apollo, Pennsylvania.”

The following information is reported on Cryptome.org:

The June 2000 Washington Report story above was first broken on May 5, 2000, in Insight magazine (a weekly supplement to the daily Washington Times), and then on Fox News. The Insight authors researched it for a year, and their article appears to be the first major coverage of Israeli telecommunications spying on the U.S., as described later in the Fox News reports of December 2001.

Due to post 9-11 political censorship, however, the Dec. 2001 Fox News reports have been pulled from their website, and the May 2000 story has also disappeared from both Insight and Fox News. The following URLs are given in the Washington Report article above, but the articles are now gone:


The July 2000 Washington Report discusses the press coverage (or lack thereof) of the Insight article:

Report of Israeli Eavesdropping on White House Telephones Gets Varying Media Treatment


“This web site is dedicated to the memory of thirty-four fine young men who gave their lives on June 8, 1967, defending the USS Liberty against a sustained air and sea attack by the armed forces of the State of Israel.”


“Andrews Air Force Base is a huge military installation just 10 miles from the Pentagon.

“On 11 September there were two entire squadrons of combat-ready fighter jets at Andrews. Their job was to protect the skies over Washington D.C. They failed to do their job. Despite over one hour’s advance warning of a terrorist attack in progress, not a single Andrews fighter tried to protect the city.”


“The time has come to stop using the flag as a blindfold, to stop waving our guns and our gods at each other, to take a close look at the facts which have emerged from the attacks on the World Trade Towers and to recognize the very real possibility, indeed probability, that We The People are the victims of a gigantic and deadly hoax.”

Stan Goff: The So-Called Evidence Is A Farce

“I’m a retired Special Forces Master Sergeant. ... I studied and taught military science and doctrine. I was a tactics instructor at the Jungle Operations Training Center in Panama, and I taught Military Science at West Point. ...

“Based on that experience, and operations in eight designated conflict areas from Vietnam to Haiti, I have to say that the story we hear on the news and read in the newspapers is simply not believable. The most cursory glance at the verifiable facts, before, during, and after September 11th, does not support the official line or conform to the current actions of the United States government.”

US planned war in Afghanistan long before September 11

“The United States ruling elite has been contemplating war in Central Asia for at least a decade. ... American oil companies have acquired rights to as much as 75 percent of the output of these new [Caspian Sea oil] fields, and US government officials have hailed the Caspian and Central Asia as a potential alternative to dependence on oil from the unstable Persian Gulf region.

“The major problem in exploiting the energy riches of Central Asia is how to get the oil and gas from the landlocked region to the world market. ...US oil companies and government officials have explored...pipeline routes...south from Turkmenistan across western Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean.”


Body of Secrets:
Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency
by James Bamford

In 1962, U.S. military leaders had a top-secret plan for committing terrorist attacks on Americans in Miami and Washington D.C., while blaming Cuba. Codenamed “Operation Northwoods”, the plan was intended to provide the propaganda necessary to create popular support for an invasion of Cuba.

Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth
by Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie
published originally in France as Bin Laden, la Verite Interdite

This book reveals that FBI deputy director John O’Neill resigned in July 2001 to protest official U.S. government obstruction of his investigation of terrorism.

The authors report that O’Neill told them: “The main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it.”

Osama bin Laden is a Saudi who has worked with the CIA since the 1980s, when they supplied him with U.S.-made Stinger missiles so his forces could shoot down Russian helicopters in Afghanistan.

Pirates and Emperors, Old and New:
International Terrorism in the Real World
by Noam Chomsky

Western State Terrorism
Alexander George, editor; essays by Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Gerry O’Sullivan and others

Rogue State:
A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower
by William Blum

The Fire This Time:
U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf
by Ramsey Clark

Desert Slaughter:
The Imperialist War Against Iraq
by the Workers League

The Real Terror Network:
Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda
by Edward S. Herman

The Culture of Terrorism
by Noam Chomsky

Terrorizing the Neighborhood:
American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era
by Noam Chomsky
Pressure Drop Press, 1991

Killing Hope:
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since WWII
by William Blum

The Phoenix Program
by Douglas Valentine

Against Empire
by Michael Parenti

The Sword and the Dollar:
Imperialism, Revolution and the Arms Race
by Michael Parenti

What Uncle Sam Really Wants
by Noam Chomsky

Deadly Deceits:
My 25 years in the CIA
by Ralph W. McGehee

A People’s History of the United States:
1492 — Present
by Howard Zinn

Bloody Hell:
The Price Soldiers Pay
by Daniel Hallock

Corporate Predators:
The Hunt for Mega-Profits and the Attack on Democracy
by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Derailing Democracy:
The America the Media Don’t Want You to See
by David McGowan

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
by Gore Vidal

Apocalypse 1945:
The Destruction of Dresden
by David Irving

The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb
by Gar Alperovitz

Saving Private Power:
The Hidden History of “The Good War”
by Michael Zezima

The Continuing Terror Against Libya
by Fan Yew Teng

The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media:
Decoding Spin and Lies in Mainstream News
by Norman Solomon

Inventing Reality:
The Politics of News Media
by Michael Parenti

Toxic Sludge is Good for You!:
Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry
by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton

The Hidden Persuaders:
What makes us buy, believe – and even vote – the way we do?
by Vance Packard

War, Lies & Videotape:
How media monopoly stifles truth
edited by Lenora Foerstel; multiple authors

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