Chronology of Terror
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Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
How does it become a man to act towards the American government today? I answer that he cannot, without disgrace, be associated with it.
Henry David Thoreau
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
The Good,
the Bad and
the Ugly
The Good...
From: Sue B.
Subject: [left blank; from a nice lady in New Zealand]
From: Wv126vW
Subject: Question about recent attack...
From: Paul C.
Subject: congratulations
From: Gary B.
Subject: [left blank; a poetic denunciation of official insanity and hypocrisy]
From: aisha b.
Subject: Hi
From: Jesse
Subject: your webpage
(An exchange of two letters with an insightful 17-year-old)
From: NightSage6
Subject: help please
From: Jody La B.
Subject: [left blank; horrified to learn the truth of the U.S. government]
From: J.S.
Subject: boring comments [not!]
From: Dave G.
Subject: Operation heartbreak
From: matt d.
Subject: 10 % of the public
From: Tim D.
Subject: About the webpage...
From: The Unpossibe
Subject: American-Israeli Terrorism
(My replies are indicated by indented paragraphs.)
From: Sue B. <sueb---@---.nz>
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 14:32:29 +1200
Subject: [left blank]Hi
it's frightening to think what will come next! I feel for the people of NY, but I also believe that the USA politicians interfere too much in other countries. I am not a radical, just a middle aged female who sells advertising for a living. I have never protested or done anything illegal yet the fact I feel afraid even to agree with you tells me that the world is changing.
Sue* * *
Hi Sue,
Thanks for your letter. I know exactly how you feel about being afraid even to agree that the U.S. government is the world's greatest terrorist organization.Two-and-a-half years ago I had no idea at all. It was very fortunate that I just happened to get my first Internet connection in late March, 1999, just a few days after the U.S./NATO terror campaign began against the Yugoslavian people.
At first I actually believed all the lies of the corporate media and U.S. government. I looked at a picture on Yahoo of one of those black batwing B2 bombers, and I was stupid and naive enough to think it was impressive, though it was rather ugly and sinister looking. I was reading news on Yahoo and noticed that they provided links to alternative websites, some from the Yugoslav government itself. That was surprising to me, since one never sees any such alternative news sources in the mainstream corporate media. I remember I actually felt a slight sense of guilt and hesitation at the thought of even daring to click on them to find out what they said!
Similar to you, I realized it was rather strange that I should feel nervous and guilty just for wanting to know the other side of the story. So I clicked on the links anyway. In the next few days I discovered a world of alternative information on the Internet for the first time.
It was mind-blowing to see in real time how the U.S./NATO jets would butcher and burn people to death all over Yugoslavia, the official Pentagon/NATO spokesmen would first deny it ever happened, then they'd be confronted with undeniable evidence, they'd admit to a little bit of it, be confronted by more evidence, say it was a "regrettable mistake," and then do it all over again -- time and time again. Over 78 days and nights of constant bombing they violently murdered more than 3000 people, and about 1000 of the dead were children. But of course they weren't really people, they were all just "collateral damage."
The Internet proved to me that the U.S. military/government and their corporate media are totally inhuman, and that they lie routinely. None of them cared in the slightest that real people -- men, women and innocent, helpless children -- were being horribly and violently murdered by American/NATO pilots, again and again.
My initial timidity turned into a white-hot rage.
In subsequent months and years I discovered, through books and research on the Internet, that the U.S. has been murdering civilian men, women and children internationally for over 100 years. And practically nobody in the U.S. even knows about it! It's just surreal.
Then I realized that if I knew about it I had a duty to tell those who didn't know. We've all got to inform each other. We sure can't depend on the corporate mass-media for truthful information! The Internet is an unprecedented opportunity for ordinary people to discover the political and historical facts that have been covered up for as long as there have been governments.
I'm glad you live in New Zealand. So far, New Zealand isn't on the growing list of countries the Pentagon wants to bomb!
From: Wv126vW@---.com
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 07:40:50 EDT
Subject: Question about recent attack...Now, I undertsand what America has been doing for over 80 years to many different countries, and we have gotten a taste of our own medicine, but what I don't understand is why, the alleged terrorist, bin Laden is so angry at us. He is not an Afghani, so the destruction of Afghanistans democratic government wouldn't really fuel his fire. I believe he is Saudi. If you can expand on this that would be great, because I am trying to get a better understanding of why. I understand for the most part, and I can also understand why the Palestinian's were celebrating, but not sure of bin Laden's history.
America is out for revenge, but what do you think America should do for justice? Thank you for your time.
P.S. I have been visiting your site since 2000.
* * *
Hello "Wv126vW",
You're right, Osama bin Laden is a Saudi Arabian, not an Afghan. He and his extended family are multi-billionaires with very close ties to the U.S. government, American oil companies and American banks.Bin Laden and his organization were directly supported by the CIA and the Pentagon in the 1980s during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. The Pentagon provided bin Laden and the Taliban with American-made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles which allowed them to drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan. Once the Soviets couldn't butcher people with helicopter gunships any more the ground war was hopeless in that mountainous terrain.
So Osama bin Laden was originally a puppet of Uncle Sam, just like Saddam Hussein. And as with Hussein, Uncle Sam started baring his fangs when bin Laden started yanking back on the puppet strings. One of the reasons he's against the U.S. now is because he doesn't want American military bases in Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden is a religious fanatic who fantasizes that his homeland is an exclusive "Holy Land," just like Zionist fanatics fantasize about Israel.
He rightfully opposes U.S. support of brutal Israeli state terrorism against helpless Palestinian children, men and women. But like the Israelis, bin Laden is a bloodthirsty murderer who doesn't care about the Palestinians as people. He cares only because they are Moslem, and if they were any other religion he wouldn't give a damn about their suffering at all.
For example, bin Laden didn't care about the suffering of innocent Serbian people because they are Orthodox Christians. He and his fellow Moslem fanatics joined forces with the U.S. and NATO against the Serbians all throughout the 1990s. Bin Laden's Saudi Arabian mercenaries enjoyed cutting the heads off the Serbian people they murdered. Then they would pose before the cameras, leering evilly as they held up their severed trophies by the hair.
For more information about Osama bin Laden's role as a U.S. government employee, see:Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth
by Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie
(published originally in France as Bin Laden, la Verite Interdite)
As to what America should do for justice in the aftermath of September 11, that's simple. The entire upper level of the U.S. government and Pentagon should stand trial for massive crimes against humanity. Then they should spend the rest of their lives in prison with no possibility of parole. That would be partial justice, at least. Of course it would also be justice to execute them all, but then they'd be getting off too easily.
After that, justice would be further served if the United States made many trillions of dollars in reparations payments to all the nations of the world where the CIA and the U.S. military have committed genocide and state terrorism, or closely supported such crimes against humanity. Of course all the money in the world could never make up for all the murdered and tortured loved ones of the survivors, but such a gesture would be better than nothing.
What we are in dire need of here in America is a major revolution. The American people must non-violently overthrow our government and replace it with an honest democracy. That is the very least we owe to the world, and it is the only hope we have for a sane future.
From: aisha b. <aisha---@---.com>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 12:32:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: HiHello.
My name is Aisha... and pretty interesting site you have there.... u just hit the nail... and summed up everything.... who ever you are....
The thing is my friend and I have planned to write a essay/ report thing on why america was hit on the 11th.... we are gathering information and stuff from all over....
I wanted to ask you if we can use the stuff on ur site.... and what are the conditions for using it. Also.. all the stuff thats on their.. u have reference to it right?
anyhow... thankyou! we need more pplz like u to do stuff like this... and let me know if we can use it...
okie i guess thats all
* * *
Hello Aisha,
You and your friend are welcome to use anything you want on my site. The only condition I would make to anybody would be that they have to be accurate and not misquote anything.My references are the extensive bibliographies and all the websites listed and linked to. That's where I've gotten all my information. The books, in particular, are very well researched and documented. Some of the most important ones include:
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower by William Blum
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since WWII by William Blum
The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda by Edward S. Herman
The Culture of Terrorism by Noam Chomsky
To Kill A Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia by Michael Parenti
What Uncle Sam Really Wants by Noam Chomsky
The Phoenix Program by Douglas Valentine (about the CIA's sadistic role in the genocidal Vietnam War)
Derailing Democracy: The America the Media Don't Want You to See by David McGowan
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire by Gore Vidal
There are many more. The most important ones I've found so far, relevant to American state terrorism, are listed on the Main Bibliography page.
Good luck with your essay/report. And thankyou for having an open enough mind to actually ask the question of why we were hit on September 11. This country needs more people like you too!
From: J.S. <mercaba13@---.com>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 04:47:18 EDT
Subject: boring commentsGee,
I hate to disappoint y'all but I'm almost in complete agreement, except I think the US is only part of the mess we've come to know and actually boldly hear these sinister predators call the New World Order. But, of course I'm sure you already were aware of this, judging by the accurate information I keep trying to tell sheople about. I guess all we can do is be the voices screaming in the wilderness. If you try to tell people this, they get totally upset; thinking that America is the land of the free. The freer one proclaims himself to be, the more shackles he's actually bound by.Thanks for stepping up and exposing the hypnosis everyone is under.
--J S.
* * *
Hi J. S.,
Thankyou for your encouraging words."Sinister predators" certainly is a good description of the ruling plutocracy of the "New World Order". I agree that the U.S. military/government is only a part of it, but it is the leading part. And by far the most predatory.
I know what you mean that it can really seem like we are voices crying in the wilderness of ignorance and apathy. But I'm beginning to strongly suspect that the corporate mass-media are grossly exaggerating the number of supporters of the evil New World Disorder. And of course they've always denied the massive numbers of its dissenters and adversaries. But there is consistent evidence that a growing number of people are waking up. And their numbers will continue to increase, until the whole rotten system is completely overthrown at last. It's truly just a matter of time.
Everybody who is plugged in to the corporate mass-media is indeed hypnotized, as you said. It is pathetic that such people imagine themselves to be free. Since the T.V. is constantly telling these mental slaves that they're "free", they believe it. So one of the most helpful and revolutionary things we could tell these people is to get rid of their mind-controlling T.V. sets and tune in to the non-corporate, non-government information sources on the Internet -- if they honestly want to wake up to reality.
Many people really don't want to wake up, however, so they're total write-offs. But there are many others who actually have human hearts and reasonably honest and intelligent minds, and they are simply lacking information. If only they knew what was really happening in this world they would radically change course in their lives. These are the people that are worth talking to.
From: matt d. <maddogmatt@---.com>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 05:09:57 +0000
Subject: 10 % of the publicI agree with some of what you are saying. I feel that 10% of the public, as I am, are opposed to military action against the innocent people of afghanistan. I feel that the American Government has overstepped its boundries on many occasions. The genocide of American Indians is with out a doubt the worst case. This land used to be pure and beautiful. Now it is in an ugly state of disrepair.
I feel as though the American people have lost control of the political scene. Our votes don't count. Governers can play with the election ballot to the benefit of one candidate and we can't change it. Too many Americans are either happy or believe nothing can be done.
It is convenient how this tragedy has erased the memory of the election. I don't trust Bush and I hope he does not make the wrong choice or choices. I want you to know that I have watched about 50 hours of TV in the last 3 years and most of that was this past week due to the coverage of this tragedy. I also want to say I am not brainwashed by the propaganda being displayed on TV. I see a lot of people driving around with flags on their cars and I wonder where were those flags before all of this happened? It seems people are only patriotic when were about to go "bomb someone back to the stoneages." I can't stand the media.
Anyway, I am an educator. I have always been open to critical thought. It is how I survive in an academic environment. I would also like to add that the 10% of the USA that doesn't want us to hurt more innocent people are mostly people in the academic world. I think there is a link between revenge and violence and lack of critical thought. Anyway, write back and tell me your thoughts.
Matt D.* * *
Hi Matt,
Regarding 10% of the public being opposed to military action against the innocent people of Afghanistan, I feel certain the percentage is a lot higher than that, very likely a great majority. But you'd never guess it from the corporate-controlled mass-media, of course. They favor only U.S. government propaganda about critical issues and completely shut out every other point of view, or else they distort opposing views beyond recognition.I've been amazed that the overwhelming majority of email I've gotten since September 11 has been very positive and supportive. At least 90% of the people who have written me feel just like you do. The hostile 10% or less are able to make only very weak, half-hearted arguments which are mindlessly dogmatic, as always. They don't sound too inspired.
I've seen an even lower percentage of morons with flags. Of course there have been a lot more of the ugly things on people's cars, trucks and house windows than usual, but when I stop to think about the actual percentage, I realize they are actually a very tiny minority. The overwhelming majority of people do NOT have American flags on their vehicles or houses! That is a very hopeful sign.
As always, the corporate mass-media is creating a very distorted, false image of what is actually happening in this country. Meanwhile, the minority of people with flags are merely advertising to everybody else that they are thoroughly brainwashed fools for government propaganda. (Thanks for the warning, suckers! Now we know who the real idiots are.)
I think the vast majority of people in America are either informed and rationally skeptical like you, or else they at least instinctively have very serious doubts about the sanity and morality of the U.S. government. I think also that these numbers are only going to increase, and the final result will be the total overthrow of the genocidal U.S. military/government. It's truly just a matter of time. Then the morons with flags, and the racist thugs who have been exploiting this opportunity to attack anybody who isn't sufficiently European-looking, will have to scurry back under the rocks from which they came.
I don't think the WTC attack has erased the memory of the stolen presidential election among the people in general. Only the mass-media pretend to have forgotten it. They started "forgetting" it last December! The intelligent and informed people of the country have not forgotten, nor will they ever.
A lot of people feel powerless to change anything because that is exactly the feeling the corporate mass-media seeks to instill in people. Therefore the antidote to a great number of the problems of this country is for the masses of people to completely ignore the corporate media. People must tune in to honest sources of information on the Internet. Then they will know that millions of people feel exactly like they do, and they will hear about actions they can take to solve our society's problems.
Once the corporate plutocracy no longer controls people's minds it will no longer control the future of this country. And only then will we have a decent future!
From: Paul C. <Duggy@---.uk>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 20:18:06 +0100
Subject: congratulationshello, and congratulations on a fantastically objective website. It is a pleasure to read the comments of people who are sceptical of the true motives of western governments. i say this because i live in the uk, (yes, that sycophantic little island of pompous, ignorant monkeys), and being british i am denied the same kind of access to information which ye yourself has.
I would just like to pose a question though. how much involvement has the british government had in these atrocities? i would imagine quite a bit, as we here are seen as the american governments most obedient lapdogs, but if you could shed any light on this particular subject, i would be extremely grateful, and would then go forth to spread your good word. thanx once again. mr soft.
* * *
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your kind comments and refreshingly honest criticism of the U.K. Perhaps the biggest difference between the U.K. and the U.S. is that America is merely a big island of pompous, ignorant monkeys!I've heard from other British people that the U.K. government is in a more advanced state of fascist decay than even the U.S. government. But I haven't heard before that there was less access to information in Britain -- at least not on the Internet. Do you mean that the U.K. government censors the Internet the way the Chinese government does?
Regarding British government involvement in atrocities, as far as I know it's primarily confined to Iraq.
(Added note: we can now add Afghanistan, unfortunately.)
The British Royal Air Force are partners in war crime with the U.S. Air Force, routinely murdering innocent Iraqi civilian people in bombing raids since 1991. Along with the rest of NATO, the British Air Force were also enthusiastic butchers of the Yugoslavian people in 1999, using British-made cluster bombs.The British cluster bomb is called the RBL755, and it's manufactured by the UK arms company "Hunting Engineering" of Ampthill, Bedford. http://www.hunting-engineering.co.uk/
Thankyou indeed for spreading the word about this. People who make cluster bombs are criminal accessories to the bloodiest sort of mass-murder. They shouldn't be allowed to hide their evil profession from the public.
From: Gary B. <gb---@---.za>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 00:45:47 +0200
Subject: [left blank]This is an excerpt of a letter I wrote to a friend of mine in Arizona. The response I got was the same old ra ra patriotism God bless America crap. I am so glad I live in South Africa with people that will question the politics that obfuscate the Janus faced truths that are fed to the world.
I sent this same attachment to an associate in Michigan who told me that Einstein's observations were only applicable to scientific study and not to human behaviour. This, from a university professor.
You are right, Mr Icke, we don't need a designated brainwashing force, the older generation will police the younger, with conviction and faith in the veracity of their truth.
Gary B.
South Africa.ATTACHMENT:
Well, all the same things are being said over and over again and no one notices this. Perhaps I'm being obtuse, but are these not the words to a very old song?
a.. Global village.
b.. Assault on all humanity.
c.. America has lost it's innocence.
d.. Islamic fundamentalism.
e.. We'll fight them on the beaches. we'll fight them in the trenchers.....
f.. You give us that we'll give you this.
g.. Zionism, liberation, P.L.O. innocent lives, Jihad, we will not tolerate........
h.. Conspiracy.These words make up contradictions and oxymorons, and yet I hear them sung with conviction and passion. As always, fundamentalism will blind us to the real disease that so wants healing and absolution.
Democratic fundamentalism, Islamic fundamentalism, Zionistic fundamentalism, Communist fundamentalism, Christian fundamentalism........... all defining freedom and salvation.
It is true that in the name of humanity real humans will be killed, in the name of freedom people's freedom will be restrained and curtailed, in the name of religion real gods will be killed. Under all this lies a corruption that is ugly and putrid, so much so that we never talk about it.
The countries that unite with each other are at war with each other, wars they fund, encourage and fight by proxy. These countries discuss and formulate the rules and protocols of wars they exploit and direct. This is the secret we all collude with, this is the scapegoat we let loose into the wilderness...... we are shriven and blameless.
The whole world has received a message, it's veracity may be lost in all the righteousness and indignation. We mourn the dead, praise the heroes and pass the ammunition. No one is exempt. Einstein is quoted as saying:
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."Reality shows its self to us, but we have forgotten what it looks like and we are disturbed and frightened. Will the next message come with other plagues and more death and will we listen?
Gary B.
Johannesburg.* * *
Hi Gary,
I think what you wrote is excellent and poetic. It's too bad your friends in Arizona and Michigan are too dense and brainwashed by the corporate mass-media to see the obvious truths in it. What Einstein said was supremely applicable to human behavior. But from everything I've always heard about university professors in this country, I'm not surprised that the one in Michigan could be so blind and dishonest. When it comes to politics, most American academics are among the most intellectually dishonest and venal of professionals.The American mass-media is permanently filled with the absurd contradictions, oxymorons and all manner of hypocritical fundamentalism you pointed out. Only people who are addicted to this endless silly-circus fail to see it. The only solution is for the majority of people to start ignoring the corporate mass-media and tune in to the thousands of honest sources of information on the world's Internet.
I also agree that David Icke has some very good and valid psychological and spiritual insights into the nature of society, and the essentially inhuman people who rule it.
From: Jody La B. <l---@---.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 19:40:51 -0700
Subject: [left blank]Dear Mr. Mcgehee, ...
Woaa, Jody -- wait just a second! I'm honored you would think that I am Mr. McGehee, but alas, I must confess, I cannot claim to be he!
Jody: I am shocked and disgusted. Not by your site but by the actions of my government.
Working my way through the information in your site has been a painful and sickening experience, made worse by the knowledge that we're about to commit those same atrocities in a new area of the world.
I certainly know how you feel! It has been painful for me to learn about it too.
Jody: When I read the section on Iraq, it was almost too much to take. Conventional weapons are bad enough, after all death is death, but with nuclear weapons we are poisoning the earth. The ultimate blowback, no one survives. Two hundred thousand people killed in 6 weeks of fighting? An estimated one to two million that have died since then? Were we told that?
How is it possible we are using nuclear weapons? Because that's exactly what those depleted-uranium tipped missiles are. Aren't there treaties against that? How is it that I didn't know about these things until now? Why hasn't there been a huge public outcry? World outrage? UN sanctions?
There has been public outcry and world outrage for many years, but it's either totally ignored by the corporate mass-media, or buried in the back pages.As for U.N. sanctions, the U.S. government liberally uses its veto power to nullify as many reasonable, decent, human U.N. resolutions as possible.
Jody: Have we gotten to be so powerful that no one dares challenge us?
Most national governments don't dare challenge Imperial America, it's true. But there have always been a few that did, such as Cuba, Venezuela, Chile (with Allende), Panama, Nicaragua, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, China and the Soviet Union. Those that dare to challenge The Beast tend to get rather badly beat up, however. Especially the smaller nations. The U.S. military/government is quite adept at beating the hell out of smaller nations.See the Chronology of Terror pages for more information.
Jody: I'm aghast. Horrified.
I hope that you're wrong when you say the terrorist attacks of September 11 will give legitimacy to further terrorism by our government. Maybe it will lead to a turning point in this country in a way that no one really expected. As a people, we are starting to ask questions. And via the internet, we are finding out things our government really didn't want us to know.
You're exactly right about that. In spite of the picture being fabricated by the corporate mass-media, I'm getting the increasing feeling that the vast majority of people, even in America, are not falling for the scam. They're bypassing the propaganda apparatus and finding out the truth via the Internet.
Jody: A little more than two weeks ago, I wondered why there were people in the world that hate us so much. Now I wonder why there are any people who don't hate us.
Thank you for providing this website. I hope this message gets to you--the one I sent to mcgehee@igc.apc.org didn't. Just in case, I'm sending a copy to my alternate e-mail so that I don't have to retype this to send it again.
Jody B.
San Diego, CA
Thankyou for your words of encouragement. It's good to hear from a person who cares about humanity and refuses to be brainwashed by the mass-media lie-machine. I hope you tell as many decent people as you can what you're learning about the U.S. military/government. That's the first step for the world's people to defeat the genocidal monster just people informing other people.Eventually there will be massive non-cooperation by billions of people, both within and outside the U.S., when they finally realize that it's a life or death matter. The inhuman war criminals in control of the U.S. government are thoroughly evil and they will enslave the world's people unless the world's people put aside their differences and unite in common cause for their own freedom and survival.
We need a non-violent revolution to completely overthrow the genocidal U.S. military/government. They don't mind slaughtering people by the millions, but there's nothing they can do to stop massive, non-violent non-cooperation!
From: Dave G. <dave@---.uk>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 03:07:43 +0100
Subject: Operation heartbreakYour site is amazing, heartbreaking and true. The fate of the Native Americans, Afro-Americans and so many other people whose lives have been used to enrich others is a sobering reality. Thank goodness for sites like yours which document the true horrors and abominations of the psychopaths who govern us and is free of the idiotic brain-washing of "patriotism", religion or any of the other myths that keep people in chains. Warmest best wishes, Dave G. (Sheffield, England)
* * *
Dear Mr. G.,
Thankyou very much for you encouraging words. The realities of this world truly are heartbreaking. And the incredible thing is that it's all so unnecessary. No power in the Universe is forcing the people of the U.S. military and government to commit their war crimes around the world. They are motivated only by greed and pathological power lust.One of the most astonishing things is that so few people (particularly in the U.S.) even know about what the U.S. has been up to for 100 years! I knew almost nothing about it before I got my first Internet connection. The Internet is a revolutionary tool for bypassing corporate-controlled mass-media propaganda. And when enough people finally wake up to reality, the U.S. military/government will be overthrown -- and the world will be a far better place for it. It's just a matter of time.
From: Tim D. <td---@---.CA.GOV>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 14:11:20 -0700
Subject: About the webpage...Looked over the first page, most of the history you mentioned there is true, but I think you are infected with the same hate that has driven people for centuries to enslave, exploit, and kill one another. You advocate overthrowing a government, presumably with violence? Reminds me of that line from the Who..."say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss".
Well Tim, your letter demonstrates that even basically good people like you can make false presumptions, such as the presumption that I advocate overthrowing the U.S. government with violence. I do not, in fact -- as you would know if you had gone beyond the first page and read the material on Civil Disobedience and Tax Resistance.And if what I wrote reminds you of "The Who" lyrics then you sure didn't read it very carefully. The original statement you're referring to read exactly like this:
"The American People must overthrow the United States Corporate Mafia Government completely, and replace it with a DEMOCRACY."Notice that on that page I put the word "DEMOCRACY" in big, capital letters. If the American people replace the U.S. government with a DEMOCRACY, then it will definitely not be "the same as the old boss."
Surely you are aware that Unpresident Bush stole the election last November? We do not have a democracy here in the United States, Tim.
Because of who you work for, however, I can see how a statement about the American people overthrowing our undemocratic government might make you nervous to the point where you get careless with your reading. Your email address indicates you work for the California State Government, and I checked out the associated website. It's a good thing that the branch you work for is involved in honestly helping people, but it is still part of the State Government. At the bottom of the page they just can't resist notifying the reader: " © 2000 State of California. Gray Davis, Governor." (As if we need to be reminded who the crooked governor is at the head of the largely corrupt and venal California State Government.)
I mention this little ending of the page because it is so illustrative of the mentality of all governments. They identify with their leaders -- not with the people they claim to serve.
One of the most basic political realities, anywhere in the world, is that the masses of people are accurately seen as a serious threat by all big, powerful governments -- regardless of those governments' "democratic" facades. And California has always been a perfect example of this. California has historically been one the most oppressively controlled police states in the U.S. Perhaps you already know that, but if you don't then you've been working for the State Government too long.
Tim D.: My point being that you point out many symptoms of the disease, and propose using the same symptoms to combat the disease. That disease is hate, prejudice, and ignorance. The symptoms are what you described in your webpage.
Of course your point is based on your totally false presumption. But I certainly agree with you that hate, prejudice and ignorance are emotional/mental diseases, and as such they can only create problems rather than solve them.
Tim D.: It is also ironic that you chose a quote from Abraham Lincoln at the end of the first page to illustrate his thinking on overthrowing governments. That is ironic because many people believe that "Honest Abe" started a war of aggression against the Confederate States to ensure that northern capitalists could have a fascist government in place, controlled by wealthy corporations. I had you in my shortcuts, I think I will remove you. My choice.
Yes it's your choice, Tim, just as it is your choice to make a false presumption and also to repeat an inaccurate statement about U.S. history.Abraham Lincoln did not "start a war of aggression against the Confederate States." The South was clearly the initial aggressor in every way. It was the South that fired the first shot on the Union garrison at Fort Sumter, South Carolina. It was the South that had been aggressively agitating for secession for years. It was a Southern Senator that physically attacked a Northern Congressman on the Senate floor itself, beating him with his cane. And most importantly of all, it was the South that aggressively defended the utterly evil institution of slavery, and also aggressively tried to spread that evil to new states.
It is true, however, that Northern capitalists didn't give a hoot for the slaves, and that the only reason they wanted to preserve The Union was because that would mean greater profits for themselves. And it's interesting that you would acknowledge that the Northern capitalists wanted "a fascist government in place, controlled by wealthy corporations."
They succeeded spectacularly in that effort, Tim. And to this day, wealthy corporations control our fascist U.S. government. That's why I really appreciate Abraham Lincoln's perfectly valid statement about overthrowing it -- but non-violently! :-)
From: "The Unpossibe" <unpossible@-----.net>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 22:02:08 -0500
Subject: American-Israeli Terrorism
Organization: CompuglobalhypermeganetI am currently writing a research paper on anarchy and American terrorism for my senior high school class. Your site has proved to be a very valuble resource. I was writing about American-Israeli terrorism, when I came upon a question: What does America gain from the Palestinian slaughter and Israeli control? If you could answer this, it would support my research on A-I terrorism greatly. And as a person question on A-I, before Israel was a state, I believe Israeli (Hebrew) "natives" still lived there? Did they still attack and fight the Palestinians? Thank you for your time, and please answer ASAP.
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> What does America gain
> from the Palestinian slaughter
> and Israeli control?Hello,
America has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by supporting and funding the viciously racist, terrorist state of Israel.Decades of brutal Israeli state terrorism have severely alienated the entire Moslem world over one billion people from the United States. Israel is a total liability, both politically and economically. Supporting Israel makes it much harder for the U.S. to control the Arab oil states. Since oil is of central importance to the American Empire, it makes absolutely no sense for the U.S. to be an ally of Israel.
I think the best analysis of the whole situation can be found among the articles at: http://www.wsws.org/sections/category/news/me-peace.shtml
> before Israel was a state,
> I believe Israeli (Hebrew) "natives" still lived there?
> Did they still attack and fight the Palestinians?Yes, there was a relatively small number of Jewish people living in Palestine before the racist Zionist State of Israel was founded. As increasing numbers of Jewish people over the years fled the vicious pogroms of the Russian Czars and the evil abuses of the Nazis, most of them came to America and a few to Palestine.
But some of these refugees, and all of the wealthy supporters of Zionism, were racist hypocrites. They were determined to create an exclusively Jewish Zionist state in Palestine. As their numbers increased in Palestine during first decades of the 20th century, they came into inevitable conflict with the Moslem Palestinian people who were already living there.
As far as I know there were atrocities committed on both sides during the pre-WWII decades, but the Zionists were clearly the invading aggressors. Here's a quote from Yitzhak Shamir, a Zionist terrorist in 1943 who later became Prime Minister of Israel:
"Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can be used to disallow terror as a means of war... We are very far from any moral hesitations when concerned with the national struggle. First and foremost, terror is for us a part of the political war appropriate for the circumstances of today..."
Yitzhak Shamir
Israeli Prime Minister, Zionist terrorist
in an August 1943 article titled 'Terror', written for Hazit
the journal of Lehi, the terrorist organization he belonged toThat tells you who the Zionists really were and are to this day. They are no better than Nazis.
By 1948 the Israelis had a huge military advantage because they were backed by the U.S. The Israelis immediately embarked on a brutal terror campaign to drive the Palestinian people out of Palestine. The State of Israel was baptized in the blood of innocent Palestinian people men, women and children.
One of the most notorious incidents of early Israeli terrorism was the Deir Yassin massacre in April, 1948. 250 Palestinian men, women and children were murdered in cold blood by Menachem Begin's "Irgun" terrorist group, as it went from house to house seeking to drive all Palestinians out of their ancient homeland. Before that, in 1946, Menachem Begin's terrorist organization blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, murdering British nurses, in order to force the British out of Palestine. And of course Menachem Begin later became the Israeli Prime Minister.
Since 1946 the overwhelming majority of the terrorism has been committed by the heavily-armed Israelis. And the news of almost every Israeli terror attack has been totally censored in the American corporate mass-media, while the less severe and much smaller number of Palestinian terror attacks have been very vigorously publicized.
By some estimates over 100,000 Palestinian men, women and children have been brutally murdered by Israelis since 1948. And thanks to the corporate mass-media, relatively few people in the U.S. even know about it.
I hope this information is helpful, and by all means check out the site referred to above. The writers there know a lot more about the subject than I do.
Good luck with your research paper!
See also:
American-Israeli State Terrorism of the Palestinian People
From: <Jesse---@-----.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 18:16:23 EST
Subject: your webpageI understand things that you are saying about our country. But if it is so bad and gruesome, why do you still live here? There is good to our country, right?
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Hi Jesse,Sure, there are lots of good people here. They aren't a high percentage of the total, but at least there are some.
Why do I still live here? Why even ask that question? What relevance does it have to the war crimes this country commits with impunity all around the world? Indeed, if one has a mind to do something to stop those war crimes, what better place could you be than right smack in the belly of the Beast itself?
Of course there isn't much we can really do in any direct way to stop the carnage. We do NOT have a democracy here in America, you might have noticed during this stolen election. But we can talk to one another and inform one another while living here, and that's worthwhile. And if enough people would just wake up, we could bring down this demonic system non-violently with simple civil disobedience. But it would take tens of millions of people with real human consciences. Maybe someday there will be that many real human beings here.
America is a ruthless predator among nations. You can't see it if you live a comfortable life within that predator, but you can bet that unfortunate people around the world can see it up close.
Do you care about those people? How do you feel about being part of a monstrous nation that causes pain and death and unimaginable suffering to millions of your fellow human beings in this world?
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From: <Jesse---@-----.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 01:05:56 EST
Subject: Re: your webpageMost people in this world are in a so called "slumber" or"glaze". Somewhat like being brainwashed into how much money they can get in a lifetime, but thats history. Such as the roman empire. There was the poor and the rich who just kept expanding. Searching for more money. A bunch of so-called "nobodys" brought them down. Thats almost like what your talking about. I do love my country but I can reconize that we have made many horrible and bad mistakes that cost millions of peoples lives. Most of it is from corruption of our highest government officials (president, senate, congress etc...). Most local and even state officials seem legit, to the public at least.
Well thats just a little what I think. Im only 17, but I scored very high two times in a row actually on the state history test. I was in the 98th percentile for us history, so I do know whats going on and what has happened. Tell me more what you got to know. Im open to hear it. [....] Thanks for your word.
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Hi Jesse,I think you're exactly right about everything you said above. If you know that most people are brainwashed and our government is corrupt, you already know two of the most important things. Anything I could say would just be details on those basic facts. If you're 17 and you already know this stuff then you know a lot more than I did when I was 17!
There's a lot of information on my site, but if you have any specific questions I'll try to answer them if I can.
From: NightSage6@-----.com
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 18:17:58 EST
Subject: help pleasehi. im planning on doing a research paper about american terrorism. your website helps alot but if there is anything else you feel would be valuable to my project please let me know. anything and everything is welcome. thank you
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Hi NightSage6!
I'm glad my site is helpful to you. If you have any specific questions I'll try to answer them. My intention for this site is for it to be just a very basic introduction to the subject of American state terrorism. The most important parts of the site, I feel, are all the website links and Bibliographies for further research.Good luck with your research paper!
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