Chronology of Terror
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Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
Oscar Wilde
The Good,
the Bad...
and the
Get your flashlight ready and strap on your gas mask youre about to wade a little deeper into the minds of pro-government American patriots.
These frothing apologists of empire will explain to you why America is The Leader of the Free World, the greatest, most democratic, humanitarian and enlightened nation on the face of this planet.
And anybody who disagrees oughta be shot.
morally comatose
really obscene
(My replies are indicated by indented paragraphs.)
From: Eric
Subject: (left blank; thinly veiled threat of violence)
From: Corey W. C.
Subject: Your website (page actually - you need a domain)
Cory H.
Subject: You Blow hippie boy
From: Joestyk55
Subject: Good hearted communication
From: "-=/ t0rk /=-"
Subject: Your shitty website
From: Allison L.
Subject: Hello
From: Andrew W.
Subject: this is only the beginning
Subject: hey!
From: Leconey,MM (pgt)
Subject: Ignorance
From: robert s.
Subject: .. we all love you...
From: Eric <redhawk996@----.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 20:53:42 -0800 (PST)
Subject: (left blank)You know the best thing about America? If you don't like it, you're free to go. So why don't you pack up and go live in some shit hole country where all the people would be starving if it wasn't for all the foreign aid we send them? The japs got what they deserved. Fuck with the bull, you get the horns, bitch. If America was anything like you claim, we would have shot your traitor ass years ago (hmmm...there's an idea).
Fuck You
* * *
Hey what a brilliant idea, Eric! You could prove that America isn't anything like the terrorist nation I claim it is by shooting any "traitor ass" who seriously criticizes it!Yep, there's no doubt about it, you're a real Thinking American, Eric. And that would be a totally All-American thing to do murder those crazy people who have a human conscience, people who have the gall to speak out and criticize this great nation just because it butchers a few hundred thousand babies now and then. Well by God, in the name of apple pie and the hallowed American tradition of "free speech," these people must be silenced!!!
Oh, but there's just one little problem with that plan, Eric old boy. It's too late. Every intelligent, honest person in the world already knows that America is a terrorist nation, a nation crawling with people just like you violent, racist, misogynistic, patriotic morons.
From: <Joestyk55@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 12:55:42 EST
Subject: Good hearted communicationWhy don't you take your commie lovin' pinko fag self and go to the third world part of the planet and start your own country you sorry ass piece of shit. You ought to drop down on your knees and blow the first military man you see for risking his life so a piece of human garbage like you has the right to disseminate the type of anti- American trash you do. It's a big planet fuckface. Why don't you try another place to live. I don't think you will, and I'll tell you why. A whiny little asshole like you couldn't survive in 90% of the world. You ought to drop down on your knees and eat the pussy of the next woman you see in uniform, as she is protecting your rights too. Go fuck yourself.
* * *
And another fine and righteous All-American patriot has spoken this one with quite an oral-sex fixation. What is this, some new form of basic training in today's U.S. military? Or maybe just this guy's personal fantasies.Well, "Joestyk55," just remember the best policy is "don't ask, don't tell." Keep your fantasies about your drill sergeant to yourself and you might even have an honorable discharge someday.
From: Andrew W. <lakeguy2_4@----.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 16:51:57 -0700
Subject: this is only the beginningSo you hate the land of the free, and the home of the brave. You hate the Government that allows you to spew lies and propaganda of your own on a web site.
Oh no, we dropped 2 atomic bombs on the freedom loving Japanese in order to end WWII. Yeah, they were real supporters of human rights.
You're not quite clear on the concept, Andrew old boy. When the United States Air Force dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki it mass-murdered 150,000 civilian men, women and children. Those children, in particular, had absolutely nothing to do with Japan's military war crimes. But the U.S. Air Force slaughtered them all anyway. Innocent children.You know what that makes the U.S. government and the U.S. Air Force , Andrew? It makes them every bit as evil as the murderous Japanese soldiers.
Andrew W.: You're right about Yugoslavia, we fucked up there.... we should have supported the Serbs in wiping out those muslim albanian dogs.
Well you're all wrong about Yugoslavia, Andrew. The Serbs were not "wiping out those muslim albanian dogs". You're a fool for corporate mass-media propaganda. The Yugoslav government and army were involved in a protracted civil war in Kosovo with the Albanian KLA, a racist, heroin-smuggling mafia. The KLA are your kind of people, Andrew. I would think you'd be more sympathetic. They terrorized everybody, Albanian and Serb alike, and they murdered scores of innocent Serbian men, women and children. They were fully backed by the U.S. and German governments, of course. Definitely your kind of people.
Andrew W.: Napalm is the best way to send a population fleeing. Of course, there's also chemical and biological agents that are good for that kind of thing. You should fear us. After all, what kind of sick bastards take over an entire continent through shear force. Nobody, absolutely nobody is as ruthless as we are. You fuck with my people or get in the way of our rise to power and you will die like so many others.
Basically, you're my bitch.
Your culture is inferior. Your military culture is inferior. But at least you know who's running the show. Fuck off and die.
Gotta hand it to you, Andrew, you're a true American patriot. Your analysis of American history and character is simple but quite accurate, and your own inhuman attitude is authentic U.S. military.In fact, if you're not already in the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines or Air Force you should seriously consider joining. A hero like you could climb all the way to the top, over the burned bodies of thousands of women and children.
From: "-=/ t0rk /=-" <t0rk@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 08:27:13 -0800
Subject: Your shitty websiteGo to hell you stupid Northern California hippy. I think you need to move to some other counry like, China, Iraq.. Anywhere in the middle east you fuck.
You should be proud of this great county.
San Diego
* * *
I should be proud of this great county? San Diego? Surely you jest.
From: Corey W. C. <corey@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 11:51:21 -0600
Subject: Your website (page actually - you need a domain)Hey dumbfuck, how's it going? I'm sure that you have spent time in one of the branches of the US Armed Forces to be able to reach such a blind opinion of how our military works.
An interesting, seemingly contradictory statement. Let's see... if you spend time in one of the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces you reach a blind opinion of how our military works.Hmm... you know Corey, you could be on to something!
Corey: Need I reminds you that it was Vietnamese civilian women and children who carried guns and strapped bombs to themselves (I'd kill them to if they were armed, would you)?
No, actually I wouldn't invade their country in the first place.And congratulations on your uncommon honesty, Corey! Not many dirty lowlife scumbags would actually admit they'd murder women and children.
I'll bet you've spent time in one of the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, haven't you?
Corey: Also what about Pearl Harbor, I'm sure that you yourself could classify that as a terroist act as well, seeing that we were not even at war when this all happened. I also didn't remember seeing any documentation in your pages on how the Japanese treated civilians on the islands that they took. Kamazie pilots also seem to be terrorists (especially when you look at how similar they are to suicide bombers).
Yes the Japanese military were monstrous war criminals and state terrorists. But this website is about American state terrorism and American war crimes a subject Americans like you need to learn about.
Corey: Now onto the Gulf War, so when we bomb tanks, aircraft, and such....we use weapons that kill for the simple is that it kills. I want to be sure that when I send a missle down range to a tank, that I'm not going to have to worry about it finding myself and my friends to send return fire, or to worry about its occupants coming out with blazing guns either. Iraq invaded Kuwait, stole unbelieveable amounts of valubles, and you think that we had no right to be in Iraq?
You think America's ruling corporate plutocracy and military could care less about "Kuwaiti valuables"? Do you personally give a hoot about "Kuwaiti valuables"? What a joker.American and British forces slaughtered 200,000 Iraqi civilian men women and children merely to protect American and British oil interests in the Mideast.
You better believe we had no right to be in Iraq!
Corey: You think that we terrorize Kuwawitis? If you ask any Kuwaiti what they think of Americans I bet you will have at least a 90% approval rate.
Well, seeing as how the Kuwaitis are slave-owning, royalist whores of the American corporate plutocracy, it's no wonder they would give their American masters a high "approval rating."
Corey: Now onto your politics, first off quit your fucking whining, Bush won each and every recount, your geriatric Democrat friends should not even be allowed to vote if they are incabable of following directions properly. When you voted, did you read the whole ballot before even getting close to putting a mark on it? For Christ's sake there were 7 year olds that were able to use that ballot design without problems (they were in Florida as well).
That is total, unadulterated, mass-media-induced ignorance. The ballots were intentionally designed to be confusing, and the election was openly stolen when the U.S. Supreme Court overruled the Florida Supreme Court and halted the vote count. It couldn't be more obvious. Except to morons like you.For a clue about the real story, see:
Supreme Court overrides US voters: a ruling that will live in infamy
George W. Bush: president-elect or president-select?See also:
Betrayal of America: How the Supreme Court Undermined the Constitution and Chose Our President
by Vincent Bugliosi and Gerry Spence
as well as:
Supreme Injustice: How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000
by Alan Dershowitz
Corey: Now chances that Gore will come back in 4 years to run is nill-in-none after America had to see the Vice President while and cry and pull out his lawyers.
Well I agree that Gore the Bore is just as crooked and worthless a politician as Bill "I never inhaled" Clinton or Ronald "Bedtime for Bonzo" Reagan or Gee Dubbya Shrub.But Gore had a perfect right to "pull out his lawyers," as you put it. Unprincipled political whore though he is, he was legitimately elected to the Presidency of the United States of America, and that election was blatantly stolen from him by the Bush camp and five Supreme Court Injustices.
Corey: To sum it up you can take your conspiracy theories and shove them up you left-winged liberal ass. FUCK OFF YOU IDIOT, THE ONLY CONSPIRACY IS THAT THERE ARE NO CONSPIRACIES!
Now, now, Corey, don't choke on your lollypop! I understand you feel that if you scream it loudly enough you might even believe it yourself. But it really would be best if you calmed down and tried to think clearly for just a minute. That's a challenge for you, I know, but try it anyway. It'll do you a lot of good in the long run.First of all, your self-contradicting assertion about conspiracies does not actually constitute a rational argument. Where did you get that line, from a T.V. sitcom? Your attempt to sound glib merely reveals the shallowness of your thinking. (If your mindless, brainwashed tripe can be called "thinking" at all, that is.)
The obvious fact is that all of history is filled with conspiracies. Every dirty deed a government does that is "top secret" is a conspiracy. Every mass murder of civilians a military commits in secrecy is a conspiracy. Every crooked scheme a business undertakes covertly is a conspiracy. What do you think the word "conspiracy" means?
To help you out, let's wipe the dust off your pocket dictionary and crack it open for the first time:
conspiracy n 1: the act of conspiring together 2a: an agreement among conspirators b: a group of conspirators syn see PLOTconspire vb 1: to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end
So even by the simple dictionary definitions of the words "conspire" and "conspiracy" any intelligent, informed person can see that governments, militaries, businesses and all other varieties of crooks engage in conspiracies as a matter of routine.
Corey: I'm sure if the US had used your thinking when we were in the most critical stages of building this nation...
"building this nation" a sanitized euphemism for invasion, theft, rape and the ruthless, massive genocide of America's original people.
Corey: ...we would be about the size of Texas at best, and would not be the world's superpower that we are today. If you hate this nation so much, why don't you move the fuck out to Vietnam, North Korea, Iran, or one of the other countries you claim that are oppressed by the U.S. I'll even be glad to help your blind ass pack.
Cïao Mother-Fucker!
What, leave America? Land of the freak and home of the knave? Unthinkable! It makes me just too damn proud to be an American knowing I live in the same country with a potential child-murderer like yourself!
From: Allison L. <allisonl---@-----.net>
CC: "Ernie" <ernie@----houseofwhoopass.com> (a friend of Allison's)
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 14:54:32 -0700
Subject: HelloLook you communist bastard, the same people that you are trashing on your website are the ones who protect your freedom to say whatever the fuck your little high and mighty ignorant ass can dream up. Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do. And your entire email reveals that you're as brainwashed as they come, Allison. The U.S. military does not exist to protect my freedom of speech. The U.S. military exists solely for the purpose of protecting the interests of the ultra-wealthy corporate rulers of America.And the survival of those rulers also depends on brainwashing millions of naive people like you to believe that America stands for something better than ruthless self-interest.
Allison L.: I was 9 years old, living in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia as an expatriate. My father work for the oil company and we were in no way connected with the US Military.
Well that's not quite true, Allison. The U.S. military depends totally on all that oil your father's oil company is exploiting the Mideast for. And the U.S. government depends on the military to protect it. There has always been a very intimate relationship between the U.S. government, American oil companies and the U.S. military.
Allison L.: However, when Iraq began to take over Kuwait solely for their own money driven gains...
Oh, and I suppose the U.S. government and American oil companies never do anything "solely for their own money driven gains." What a hypocrite.
Allison L.: ...more than Kuwaiti's were affected. Everyone was. I had to carry a gas mask to school because of Sadam's threats.
Oh you poor baby! You had to carry a gas mask to school while 200,000 Iraqi civilian men, women and children were being violently slaughtered by your precious U.S. military. Gosh, I feel sooo sorry for you!
Allison L.: Our saving grace, and the saving grace of that entire region of the world was the US Military.
The U.S. military was "the saving grace of that entire region of the world"? Tell that to the hundreds of thousands Iraqi mothers (those left alive) whose children were violently murdered by your heroic U.S. military.
Allison L.: How would you like it if that madman took over the largest reserve of oil in the world? Do you have any idea of the impact that would have on the world? I mourn for the innocent victims of war and their families, but there are times when deaths cannot and should not be avoided.
Oh I see. You "mourn" for the innocent victims of the U.S. military and yet you say the deaths of those innocent people "should not" be avoided. Especially when they are the deaths of other people, huh Allison? Not your death or the deaths of your children or your father or anyone you know. But it's acceptable to you for other people's helpless children to be brutally murdered by the U.S. military.I don't think you honesty care the slightest bit about the death and suffering of all those people even though you actually admit they were innocent.
Allison L.: Someone has to take a stand for democracy and what's right in this world, and the only one's who can and will are the US Military.
You're totally nuts, Allison. The U.S. military doesn't stand for democracy and what's right in this world. The U.S. military stands for plutocracy and what is evil in this world. If the U.S. military stood for what is right they would never murder innocent children and civilian people.
Allison L.: These people are out there fighting and protecting every day of their lives the freedoms and basic human rights you take for granted. The only thing that you should be doing is praying for those men and women's safety every night of your life, and every time you see a soldier, walk up to them and thank them for the air that you're breathing.
What a wacko. And you say your father's oil company is "in no way connected with the US Military"? Your religious attitude toward the U.S. military is a perfect symbol of how it is a virtual extension of American oil companies.Why don't you set up an altar to your sacred U.S. military, Allison? Make it on top of your television. You could put a cluster bomb, a depleted uranium shell and a little picture of Jesus beneath huge portraits of Colin Powell and Norman Schwartzkopf.
And make sure the candles are all bright red, Allison the color of Iraqi children's blood.
Allison L.: I hope you continue your website. Not because I think you're opinions have any merit, but because it's a beautiful thing that you have the right to have that site.
I can (so far) get away with having a website that tells the truth about American state terrorism only because it doesn't get millions of hits a day. Freedom of speech in America exists only if you are talking to a small enough number of people. If you are able to consistently reach a huge audience in America your freedom of speech is gone. Then you must say exactly what the American plutocracy wants you to say or you will be silenced, one way or another.The situation in America is really not the beautiful thing you imagine it is, Allison.
Allison L.: And when you're sitting in your comfortable chair, drinking your latte working on your pathetic excuse for a website, close your eyes and thank all the soldiers that your are in your home instead of a bomb shelter somewhere.
No, actually the moral thing to do is to damn all those American soldiers, pilots and their evil officers for terrorizing innocent civilian people around the world and forcing them to cower in bomb shelters.
Allison L.: And, because a soldier is out their protecting my right to say this to you I will, get a fucking clue you mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging moron.
What a clever insult! I'll bet you got that from one of your favorite Saturday morning cartoon shows, eh Allison?
From: <BRINGINHEAT44@-----.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 15:42:39 EDT
Subject: hey!look,ya know what i like about this country?if you dont like it then you can get the fuck out.if you have nothing better to do but slam america then why dont you take your nerdy ass to one of those 3rd world countries and live there for a while.then maybe youll appreciate the fact that the people befor you died for your stupid ass so you could have this kinda web site.your the fasciast that is againts others opinions because they dont agree with your opinion about this country.and what the fuck has the government or military done to you?and about that brianwashing shit....i think you watch to much t.v. and i have a question.what do think makes a good american?please tell us all so we can be what YOU think americans should be like.and if some one sticks gun in your face and wants to blow your hippie head off what are you gonna do? let him do it and be a testimony of what a real american pussy is?
fuck you
From: <BRINGINHEAT44@-----.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 19:53:30 EDT
Subject: heyhey fuck faces its me again.i just wanna say that your all stupid ass morons who clearly dont appreciate this country.why dont you talk about another country and there crimes.oh waaaaahhh so we killed a few people who really dont matter.you cant tell me that you actually cared and loved those casualties of our military actions.what do you think is gonna happen when anybody uses weapons of destuction.you have got to be the most ignorant ass holes in the world.one day i hope you will wake up and actually see that its the world we live in so you might as well get used to it cuz nothing you say is ever gonna change the way our military or our country works so to all of you hippie assholes who obviously have nothuing better to do than cry about how bad our country is heres a big FUCK YOU from the bottom of my heart.oh yeah what about the people who died while fighting in wars to keep our country free?what do you have to say about them? you probably dont give a shit about them.
* * *
Well "BRINGINHEAT," I'd guess from your letters that, mentally, you're about 15 years-old (maybe 2-3 years older physically), your emotional development has possibly peaked at an age of 12-13 years and therefore you've probably guessed that your best chance to "be all that you can be" resides with a career in the U.S. military.Your mutant spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary bear the unmistakable imprint of American schooling (A mind is a terrible thing to waste...). Your political confusion, ignorance, hypocrisy and fundamental immorality are also highly compatible with both American schooling and a further "education" by the American mass-media but your parents' corrupting influence is surely the primary contributing factor. You've probably been gaping at American television and drooling over violent American movies all your life, and the brutal deaths and unspeakable suffering of millions of civilian men, women and children at the hands of the U.S. military have no more reality for you than your favorite cartoon show or computer game.
In short Congratulations! You're exactly the sort of Neanderthal the United States Armed Forces have always been looking for!
I would suggest that you march right down to your nearest recruiting center and sign up at the first opportunity. Volunteer for the most hazardous duty possible. Hopefully you would be deployed wherever American cluster bombs have been dropped and your job would be to walk into all the uncharted mine fields and locate the unexploded ordnance (preferably by stepping on it).
Yes, with any luck at all you'll meet the same fate as the local dismembered children as your glorious military career comes to a sudden and decisive conclusion. Your family (if they ever sober up enough to notice you're gone) will take great pride in knowing that you finally got to "be all that you can be" when you are shipped home in several body bags.
And the rest of us, as we wipe the tears (of joy) from our eyes, will take some added consolation in the fervent hope that the illustrious "BRINGINHEAT" met his fate before he met some unlucky girl, thus sparing the human race from his own special degradation of the gene pool.
From: Leconey,MM (pgt) <M.M.Leconey@---.ac.uk>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 05:27:45 +0100
Subject: IgnoranceYou ungrateful bastard. How dare you criticize those that provide the very freedom that you exist under. You are a complete fucking idiot to even argue the point that anarchy is the ideal form of government...
Hold it right there Leconey. I challenge you to do a search on my site for the word "anarchy." You'll find that there is not one single place anywhere where I "argue the point that anarchy is the ideal form of government." Anarchy is against all government in the first place.Right off the bat you demonstrate how dishonest you are.
And how pathetically confused and brainwashed too. You imagine the U.S. government "provides" freedom to Americans? Like some sort of big, benevolent "mommy" or "daddy" perhaps? How magnanimous of dear old genocidal Uncle Sham to "provide" us with freedom.
Get a clue, Leconey: the U.S. government exists primarily to limit your freedoms unless you belong to the rich ruling class, or are a loyal minion of the evil, crooked system. For all normal, decent people, however, what freedoms we have left we must continually fight for against the criminal U.S. government. It is up to We The People to provide ourselves with freedom or we won't have any freedom at all.
Interesting also that you would characterize your "provided freedom" as something we exist "under." Leconey, tyranny is something people exist "under," not freedom. I think you know, at least subconsciously, the we all exist "under" the U.S. government's tyranny.
Leconey: ...as it is completely ludicrous to even attempt to support such a society. While I may agree that the U.S. government has been instrumental in various political altercations in the past 20 years...
"...instrumental in various political altercations..." ! What an absurdly deceitful euphemism for massive state terrorism and genocide. You'll have to do much better than that if you want to be an effective liar, Leconey. Do you work for the U.S. government? The State Department, perhaps? You certainly are dishonest enough to qualify.Let's see, in the past 20 years, according to looney Leconey:
- The U.S. government's direct support of the genocide of 200,000 civilian men, women and children in Guatemala was a "political altercation."
- The U.S. government's creation and support of the perverted, sadistic Contras and their slaughter and torture of (at least) 13,000 civilian men, women and children in Nicaragua was a "political altercation."
- The U.S. government's direct support of the slaughter of 75,000 civilian men, women and children in El Salvador was a "political altercation."
- The sadistic genocide of 200,000 civilian men, women and children in Iraq by the U.S. government and the U.S. military was a "political altercation."
- The terrorization of a nation of 11 million people and the bloodthirsty slaughter of 3000 civilian men women and children in Yugoslavia by the U.S. government and the U.S. military was a "political altercation."
Leconey: ...we are the only government in the world that truly supports and defends those individuals prosecuted by such tyranny that you speak of. How dare you insult the U.S. government, as you have completely distorted historical facts and bended history to your own means.
Have you ever taken a good, long, hard look in the mirror, Leconey?
Leconey: You are obviously a extremely twisted and useless individual who contributes nothing to the evolution of American society. You are a pest that deserves to be extinguished.
There there, now, Leconey. Here, let me wipe the froth off your chin. That better? Now, have you taken your medication today?
Leconey: I don't know who you are, but I hope that you are not an American citizen as if you are I fully support your deportation to the remotest part of Antarctica in the hope that you freeze to death by your self.
Really, Leconey, I think it's time for your medication.
Leconey: How dare you attempt to disseminate such ridiculous lies and bullshit. You liberal fucking insect, I'm truly disgusted by your website and hope that no one is subjected to such worthless crap. People like you truly amaze me, as you have no appreciation for those that have fought and died for the very freedom that you take for granted. You will rote in hell as you are so ignorant that you have no idea how terrible the world would be if we, the U.S., did not perform the duties that we have.
Nurse! It's your patient, Leconey. He's flipping out again suffering from mass-media flashbacks.
Leconey: People like you preach about how terrible the U.S. and its people are, but you don't even consider what the world would be like if it wasn't shaped by the U.S.'s actions.
What, you mean a civilized and democratic paradise? Lovely thought, isn't it?
Leconey: I only wish you could witness how miserable and chaotic life would be without the U.S. leadership. Your ideas are complete crap and with never hold any ground. Attempt what you may and say as you wish, but know that you will never impede human evolution.
Wow! I had no idea how powerful I was! I could "impede human evolution"? All by myself? Incredible, Leconey. Is the medication starting to kick in yet?
Leconey: You are the scum that evolution makes extinct. Good day to you liberal freak and I hope you realize the insane words that you write are ludicrous.
I'll help you tuck him in, Nurse. He's finally starting to drift off now. Isn't he cute? Look how he drools on the pillow.
Cory H. <hippies_suck2002@---.com>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 00:26:51 -0800 (PST)
Subject: You Blow hippie boyYou are a fucking faggot, i bet as you are reading this right now you are getting buttfucked by some other hippie peice of shit. I bet you have long ass hair and even drive a Vw bus, dude the fucking 60's are OVER, the hippies fucking lost. you need to move back to england you fucking queer. i bet you have been getting your ass kicked ever since you were a kid, when your DAD who was probably in the military used to fondle your little hippie private parts, and now you have a bad taste in your mouth for military men, you are probably the same fucking hippie faggot that bitches about getting pulled over in your fucking hipie bus, whining about it being a fucking conspiracy to make your hippie ass wear shoes. why the fuck dont you go take your anti american bullshit and move over to afganistan, maybe they will agree with you on how evil america is. dude i hope you choke on a fucking dick and die faggot, and then i hope some fucking terrorist fucks your mom, then digs up your dead ass hippie faggot bodie and sticks his dick right in your mouth.
HIPPIES SUCKP.S. I hope that your father still molests your little faggot ass. i hope you fucking kill yourself, actually you should you are fucking worthless
Ah yes, more scintillating commentary from an American patriot.Poor Cory, you've really got it bad, don't you. Have you sought professional help for your sexual perversions? You really need to face the fact that you're mentally disturbed. Your perverted fantasies about violent patriotic rape, sodomy, buggery and necrophilia are bad enough. But when we consider your evident delight in fantasizing about child molestation it becomes clear that you could be a serious threat to society. You really must get some sort of treatment before you act out your evil fantasies on some unfortunate child if you haven't already.
Perhaps you were molested as a child by someone you identified as a "long-haired hippie." If so, you need to seek counseling so that you can heal yourself. In your present demented condition you're unable to tell the difference between your own sick subjectivity and objective reality. Most of the people you identify as "hippies" are not evil perverts like you. For your own sake, and for the sake of any innocent person you might harm in the future, you need to get help.
I would guess that you're probably also a deeply suppressed, closet-homosexual who hates himself for it and projects that self-hate onto others. It's a very common phenomenon in America, Cory. There are so many guys like you in the United States military, the business world and everywhere else in mainstream American society.
The first thing that All-American guys like you should understand is that you don't have to hate yourselves for being homosexual. You can't help it, Cory, you were born that way. You need to understand that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality itself. But when you suppress it and hate yourself for it, then we see the sort of violently psychopathic disturbance which you expressed in your letter a psychopathology which pervades the sadomasochistic subculture of the U.S. military.
(from Germany with love)
From: robert s. <roberts---@---.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 19:33:25 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: .. we all love you...the hount for motherfuckers like you begins now !
Yesterday amerika only was your enemy..
Now the whole world will kill you and all your stupid and cowards terrorist..
the next cluster-bomb is reserved for you, your bitch-woman, your kits and your cowards friends. and the next 1'000'000 bombs for the fucking nation of palestina with his radikals idiots.
we all will piss over your graves..
count your last days and hours... the world will kill every coward terrorist-fucker .. piece for piece..
the last one will laugh at longest...
Remeber this day !! 11.9.2001
- you all will EAT SHIT ! The answer for terrorist's will be terrible !!!
and the the whole world helps amerika !!! your time is up !
GAME OVER all you terrorists and other coward-looser's !!
the last one will laugh at longest... !!
Well Robert, your letter certainly has provided me with a good laugh! Thanks !!!
You're just all worked up into a frothing frenzy, aren't you, like some Viking-age berserker. What did you do, swill a few tankards of mead before you banged out your email on the keyboard with a hammer? You certainly provide a graphic demonstration of the fact that bloodthirsty Nazis still exist in Germany. You think you're proving you're not one of them with your pro-Israel comment about dropping "1'000'000 bombs for the fucking nation of palestina" but you sure can't hide your bestial Nazi spirit.
Of course you can be imprisoned in Germany for being a Neo-Nazi, or even for merely questioning the dubious evidence of the Jewish Holocaust. (The Zionist-Jewish plutocracy has a lot to hide.) So I can see why you would express your bloodlust in a politically safe way. Besides, it's quite natural for your suppressed Nazi impulses to mutate into a sympathy for the terrorist State of Israel. Zionism and Naziism are mirror images of each other.
But instead of fantasizing about dropping cluster bombs on helpless Palestinian women and children, why don't you just drop all pretenses instead? Go ahead Robert, take your swastika armband out of the closet and wear it proudly. Swill some more liquid courage and goose-step down your street screaming "SIEG HEIL AMERIKA!!! SIEG HEIL ISRAEL!!!"
You know you don't stand for moral principles. All you want is a taste of blood, no matter whose it is. America and Israel can provide that for you vicariously, so you gladly whore your twisted little mind to your Zionist American masters.
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