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With reasonable men I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but with tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost.
William Lloyd Garrison
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From: Baz D.
Subject: Interesting
From: m.o
Subject: FW: justice is served upon the US
From: Arthur L.
Subject: Comments on your site
(My replies are indicated by indented paragraphs.)
From: Baz D. <crazy_baz_dude@---.com>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 23:15:35 +0000
Subject: InterestingHi,
I was given your link by mail and visited ur site. In fact i was reading through the assassinations section and failed to find the name of General Zia Ul Haq---President of Pakistan who was assassinated by US in 1980s i think. His helicopter was blown up plus the US killed their own ambassador to Pak who was travellin with him in the helicopter on request of General Zia. I think he knew something was wrong and thought it was safe if the ambassador was travellin with him! You can look up on this if u want and Im sure ull find enough evidence.Hi Baz,
That sure sounds like something the CIA would do! I will research this story about General Zia. Thanks for telling me about it.
Baz: I dont know if you are an American or not but I feel you are more Human than most of us and stand for what is right..I really appreciate that.
Thankyou for your kind words. I've been accused of a lot of things, but being human is one charge I'll plead guilty to!I was born and raised in America but I don't like to think of myself as an American anymore. I'd rather just call myself a human instead. To me the word "American" has become a dirty word. I know "America" means something good even to genuinely good people, but these are usually people who don't know a lot of the sordid details of what this country has been up to for over 100 years. From the beginning, actually.
And it isn't just our government and military that are guilty -- the majority of Americans have either staunchly supported the various genocides and state terror campaigns, or else they've apathetically looked the other way and ignored them, helped very much by corporate media censorship and disinformation, of course. And almost all Americans continue to obediently pay taxes to the genocidal U.S. government/Pentagon war machine.
Baz: I dont follow politics very closely but i know the larger picture and what a terrorist state the US is...not to forget its a country owned by Free Masons! After the disgraceful act of the World Trade Centre no one has actually questioned why the terrorists did this! Its all about taking revenge and its the Afghanis this time even tho there isnt proof that it was Osama who did this. I am not saying that it wasnt him but u have to show evidence. Plus stories such as 4000 jews did not turn up for work on 11 sep in the WTC makes me even more confused! I dont know who to believe....
That is an amazing story. I first heard about it in your email, and then I read about it at TrueFacts.co.uk and paknews.org. The report basically says that there is strong circumstantial evidence that the Israeli Shabak knew of the attack in advance. This could possibly even mean that Israeli agents were actually behind the WTC attack.In any case the motive for it is certainly there. They know that committing such a horrendous act and then blaming it on Moslem terrorists would take all the heat off Israel for slaughtering helpless Palestinian people, at least as far as the corporate mass-media propaganda would be concerned. And the WTC attack has indeed worked out to Israel's advantage so far. But if they really did it then it's going to backfire on them, one way or another, even if it's never reported in the mainstream mass-media lie-machine.
In fact the U.S. government's war-mongering hysteria is beginning to backfire on the U.S. government now. Not only are hundreds of millions of people around the world alarmed, but I think tens of millions of decent people here in the U.S. are really getting sick of it all, and they're beginning to get very suspicious of the U.S. government's motives. The mass-media are covering this up completely of course, making it look like 99% of Americans are flag-waving retards.
So it's a good thing all the alternative news sources on the Internet are reporting that a great number of people are seeing right through Uncle Sham's latest scam. They know the WTC disaster is being exploited by the U.S. government as an opportunity to bully the world and advance the American Imperial agenda, and to create an openly fascist police state within America also.
Baz: ...but I do not support the killing for innocent people who are just working hard to earn a living, it wasnt their fault. Although for all that has happened the US has no one else to blame but themselves. They control what we hear and see and brainwash us cause they control the media but the freedom to think on your own still exists but most of us dont realise that...Im glad you do.
BazThankyou, and I'm glad you do too! You're sure right that the corporate mass-media are used to brainwash people by the millions, but the Internet is really changing all that. Now that people can bypass the mainstream media propaganda apparatus the ruling plutocracy is getting increasingly nervous and fearful. So their next step will be to try to impose a total police state on everybody in this country. They're starting it right now with the passage of all kinds of fascist laws in Congress.The only way the people in America will be free of the coming fascist oppression is if we fight back hard in every good way we can. A non-violent strategy is the best one overall, but I think people should defend themselves and each other against violent pigs, FBI goons and any other criminal U.S. government thugs that try to harass, bully and intimidate people.
Ultimately the only solution is for We The People in America to completely overthrow the U.S. government. It is going to happen, sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. May we live to see it!
From: Arthur L. <omni@---.il>
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 00:44:56 +0200
Subject: Comments on your siteYour no-punches-pulled homepage shocked me yet compelled me to read every word. I shall return to it for as long as the champions of free speech allow it to remain in the ether. The links, for those who care to follow them, are to more reasoned and better documented evidence in support of your basic premise. I hope I shall have time to follow them all. As the man said, I may not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it. If only a few of the many millions who now know of your site's existence take a moment to ask themselves how anyone could possibly hate their country so much as to perpetrate one of the most heinous acts ever committed against a civilian population, you will have succeeded.
I am currently working on a literary project in an entirely different field, but there are some chilling similarities and you might just be able to use some of my research to reach a wider audience.
No doubt I shall now be on some CIA blacklist, but I dare to strike my solitary match before we are embraced by Big Brother's all-consuming flame.
I understand your anger and share your fears.
Arthur L.
(Israel)* * *
Hi Arthur,
I'm glad you've found my site worth reading and will investigate the links further. The extensive bibliography and the links to other sites are my documentation. My site is only a very basic introduction to the subject of American state terrorism. The books go into it in much greater detail, particularly those in the main bibliography, such as
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since WWII
What Uncle Sam Really Wants
To Kill A Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia
The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda
The Culture of Terrorism and many others.I would be interested in learning more about your literary project and the part of your research that has any relevance to American terrorism.
Thankyou for striking your solitary match in defiance of Big Brother. Millions of others in the U.S. and around the world are doing the same thing, and if enough good people will do that then it will be evil institutions like the CIA that are embraced by the all-consuming flame of the world's people.
From: m.o <m.o@---.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 00:33:09 +1000
Subject: [left blank]-----Original Message-----
From: m.o <m.o@---.com>
Sent: Sun, September 16, 2001 10:37 AM
To: newsdesk@---.com
Subject: Re: FW: justice is served upon the USi am a 30 y.o australian man with a young family, we are not muslim, however, we are intelligent and educated people who sympathise completely with the plight of the millions suffering throughout the middle east. This suffering is inflicted by the truely evil regimes imposed by the US.
unlike most of my countrymen i do not watch or own television as it has become nothing more than a household noise to subdue watchers into a state of mindless, soulless consumption.
i am sickened by the limitless greed, corruption and deceit perpetuated by the US and the west, whilst at the same time we are constantly told that the west is a beacon of light and freedom. we in the west have become mindless slaves to consumerism, placing more faith in our nike shoes than in the love we could share with each other. children in the west are taught not to trust or to love, they are taught to put their faith in the almighty dollar before anything else. thus the cycle of greed will perpetuate itself.
i cannot raise my children as a part of such a society, it sickens me to think of it. this is truely becoming a war of good vs evil, unfortunately the corrupt have control of the media and most of the 'human cattle' in the west will never see the truth of america's evil medling and genocidal tactics. even now there is a complete media blackout of any news from the middle east. no-one knows about the disgusting US imposed regimes, regimes put in place with genocide in mind.
please tell me what can be done to help change this. how can we disrupt the frightening development of an international (US) all powerful government (great israel). the loss of life in NY was terrible but nothing compared to that throughout the middle east. these evil and corrupt tyrants shall be shown for what they really are, and i wish to help. i have heard the call of truth and wish to become active in preventing further oppression, what can i do to help.
* * *
Hi m.o,
Your children are very fortunate that they have a good-hearted father who is not media-brainwashed and who honestly cares about the suffering of helpless people in this world. That will give them a very good start in life. I hope you can do homeschooling with them there in Australia. I suppose the public schools there are like they are here in America nothing better than government brainwashing centers.Protecting and guiding your children is the first duty, of course. But to help society in general, just informing any decent person you can of the realities of the American state terrorism is one of most important things you could do. Only when a sufficient number of people know the basic political, social and moral reality will the world's people have enough focus to take effective action and put an end to the U.S. military/government's genocidal tyranny.
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