Chronology of Terror
Valuable Websites
About This Site
Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it.
Abraham Lincoln
First Inaugural Address
March 4, 1861
The Good,
the Bad and
the Ugly
The Good...
From: Douglas Valentine
author of The Phoenix Program
Subject: a letter to AT
From: Rick Rozoff
Subject: Whew!
From: Mike
Subject: RE: http:// www. humboldt1.com /~016910/ Amerikan_Terrorism.html
From: Gerry L.
Subject: American terrorism past & present
From: Jim P.
Subject: Thank you for this site
From: An N.
Subject: wow
From: Jim H.
Subject: [left blank; about a free license to murder]
From: Thierry S.
Subject: Foreign Policy
From: Rev. J. H.
Subject: [left blank; it's about flag burning suicide missions]
From: Daft Punk
Subject: Bleh
From: ali n.
Subject: [left blank; it's from "a true blue American Texan"]
From: Li W.
Subject: delightful commentary!
From: Ken R.
Subject: American Terrorism
From: Freedom Fighter
webmaster @truefacts.co.uk
Subject: Your US terrorism site
From: Marc H.
Subject: Like the website
From: Anna B.
Subject: about the website...
From: Ross
From: Vile Kyle
Subject: yer site
From: iron hammer
Subject: [left blank; a hearty congratulations]
(My replies are indicated by indented paragraphs.)
From: Douglas Valentine <redspruce@douglasvalentine.com>
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 13:24:06 -0400
Subject: a letter to ATDear American Terrorism,
Thanks for providing such a valuable service.
I wrote a book about the CIA's Phoenix Program in Vietnam, so I know a little about American-style terrorism. I know the government has a secret policy for world domination that relies 1) on terror and 2) on a sophisticated propaganda campaign based on the Big Lie that it does not engage in terror.
Alas, the propaganda campaign is working thanks to Network News and the major newspapers, which rarely report on American Terror, and when they do, invariably minimize or rationalize it away. In many cases, such as the CIA's Phoenix Program in Vietnam, they simply look away. Academia is complicit too. School kids aren't taught their sordid history, with the result that most Americans can't even imagine the horrible things their government has done, and is doing, in their name.
Luckily, people can read about these things on the pages of American Terrorism. Thanks again for providing such a valuable service.
Douglas Valentine
Longmeadow, MA
* * *
Thanks for your encouragement, Doug! I'm honored, particularly since you've been fighting on the front lines of the information war for so many years to reveal the awful truth of the Vietnam Genocide. This site is intended to help publicize the absolutely essential work of people precisely like you, who've spent years in painstaking research, interviews and writing on American state terrorism.I like the conciseness and simple clarity of your two-part statement about the U.S. government's policy of world domination through terror, and its sophisticated "Big Lie" propaganda that it doesn't engage in terror.
It's incredible and dismaying that this massive deception is almost universally perpetrated throughout our culture, with not only the venal mass-media but even the teachers in schools supporting the coverup of our bloody history. The U.S. government and military could never get away with their crimes against humanity if not for the active complicity of millions of grossly dishonest Americans.
The saving grace is that there actually are a few people in this country who refuse to support this massive evil. But will there ever be enough decent people here to overthrow our criminal government and prevent America from suffering the same fate as the Roman Empire and the Third Reich?
I seriously doubt it, but time will tell.
* * *
To the reader:
This site has a review of Doug Valentine's extensively researched book on the history of the sadistic CIA's genocidal crimes in Vietnam, The Phoenix Program. He was also gracious enough to allow me to post an excerpt from it: Chapter 24, Transgressions. This chapter reveals how the CIA was the sponsor of the My Lai massacre and also the horrible "Tiger Cages." Indiscriminate mass-murder and torture were routine parts of the CIA's diabolical Phoenix Program in Vietnam.
For those interested in World War II history, Doug's first book, The Hotel Tacloban, is a collaboration with his father on his father's autobiography his combat experiences in New Guinea, and then in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp in the Philippines. It's a compelling narrative by a combat soldier who survived the cruelties of the Japanese prison camp only to discover the ugly truth about his own country's evil government.
From: Rick Rozoff <r_rozoff@---.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 14:20:59 -0500
Subject: Whew!Great, invaluable site. I'm busy passing it on.
* * *
Thanks Rick!
From: Daft Punk <l--@---.au>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 12:40:01 +1000
Subject: BlehAmerikan Terrorism,
Just a short email to congratulate you on a great and comprehensive site. In the wake of the recent attacks in the US and the bloodthirsty hysteria which has followed it (and I fear will manifest itself in many innocent people dying), websites like yours are even more critical in cutting through the propaganda we're bombarded with.
This media manipulation is not limited to within the United States - recently there have been similar mindless comments and grandstanding here in Australia - most memorably when a popular newspaper columnist wrote "and so bush may have to make good on his promises, and destroy say, Kabul, or Baghdad. Do we have the stomach for such revenge? Or should we sit idly by whilst more of our own are killed?" - I'm paraphrasing a little, but the point is, millions of people being slaughtered now seems to be a moot issue in the clamour for "revenge".
Hmm. This email wasnt as short as I thought. Anyhow, once again, respect, keep it up, good work and all that stuff.
Jarrad L.
* * *
Hi Jarrad,
Thanks for your encouraging words. They mean a lot.Yeah, it looks like the world has finally gone off the deep end. At least that's what the corporate mass-media are trying very hard to make it look like. I expected to get a flood of hate mail. It hasn't happened. (So far!) Instead the overwhelming majority of the mail has been friendly, from people all over the world, even America. I'm astonished. If this is any indication of who people in the world really are, then most people are not falling for all the bloodthirsty hype, even in the U.S. Our governments are stark raving mad, to be sure, but the majority of the human race is not. It goes against their best instincts to be led down the road to hell.
Wouldn't it be fantastic if it all backfired on the bastards?
From: Mike <mike@---.uk>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 21:56:09 +0100
Subject: RE: http://www.humboldt1.com/~016910/Amerikan_Terrorism.htmlThanks for being a voice of sanity amongst the white noise of mass hysteria and revenge lust.
* * *
Hi Mike,
Thankyou very much for your kind words. Some of that hysterical patriotic hypocrisy attacked my ISP, and they were pressured into deleting the entire American Terrorism website on Friday, September 14. Fortunately I'd already put up two mirror sites, and I've been scrambling to make redirection pages for all my site pages. The mirror sites are at:
http://www.AmericanStateTerrorism.com/ in GermanyI hope everything is going well with you, and I'm glad you live in a country that the Pentagon doesn't intend to bomb, for the time being!
* * *
From: Mike <mike@---.uk>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 17:47:13 +0100
Subject: Re: http://www.humboldt1.com/~016910/Amerikan_Terrorism.htmlOur workplace bulletin board was today threatened with closure after a majority of posts discussed the part played by US/UK foreign policy in causing the carnage on Tuesday -- and yet we are told that the Muslims are attacking democracy.
In London today, an Afghan taxi driver was left paralysed following a racist attack in revenge for the WTC killings. Good luck with the mirror sites.
From: Rev. J. H. <h---@---.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 09:53:18 -0500
Subject: [left blank]I hope you have sister sites ready, they will try to shut you down. Last Sunday at my church I asked for volunteers for flag burnings (suicide missions of course) Ha!!! Ha!!! It was a joke, but it went over like a lead balloon. As an American Patriot I am duty bound to overthrow this present regime. I do still dream of doing it through the current system, though. We can always hope. I've recently joined the Green Party and found how hard it is to find out all the rules and regs to become politically independent.
Keep the Faith,
Rev J.T. H.
* * *
Dear Rev. H.,
You're right about them trying to shut my site down. They already shut down the original one, but so far I've got mirrors at:http://free.freespeech.org/americanstateterrorism/
http://www.AmericanStateTerrorism.com/ in GermanyYou're absolutely right that the U.S. government has to be overthrown. It is hopelessly corrupt and evil and cannot be reformed.
I volunteer for flag burning!
From: ali n. <asn---@---.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 15:56:11 -0500
Subject: [left blank]Great website friend,
Your website is just a declaration of what everyone other than israelis and Americans feel the government is doing. As true blue American(Texan) i feel that most of us are just too naive. We have been brought up hearing BS all our lives about how great our government is that we cant and wont believe that our "government for the people, by the people" would ever commit acts that are immoral or tyranical. America is the greatest country in the world, but not because of our government. Its the people here that make this country great. Anyways, just thought id drop you a letter of support.
True Patriot* * *
Dear Mr. N.,
Thankyou for your support and kind words. You're right that only the people are worth anything in America! And if "We The People" don't want to be led like fools down the same hellish path the Germans followed in the 1930s, we had better overthrow our government. The sooner the better.It's certainly good that most of the people of the entire world are against our evil government and military. Only the national governments of the world whore themselves to the U.S. The people are not fooled. To survive, the whole world must actively unite against the U.S. military/government. Only the world's people, united in common cause, have the power to defeat the Beast. And if their governments won't stand up to the U.S. then they must overthrow their own governments first.
This will sound too extreme to some people, of course, but only because they don't yet grasp that we are living in extreme times. The American military/industrial complex is a mortal threat to the health and safety of the world's people.
Thanks again for your support. We all need to stand up for each other against the common enemy of humanity.
From: Gerry L. <GerryL---@---.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 11:52:31 +0100
Subject: American terrorism past & presentThe USA is about to embark on a full scale "war" against various Arab nations in the Middle East. The object of this war will be quite simply genocide against millions of innocent civilians. This will surely be the biggest war the world has seen since Vietnam. This size of war takes at the very least several months to organise. If the war breaks out in the next couple of weeks or so, it will then become obvious that the war was planned before the events of September 11th.
The coming war could be a long war of attrition, with significant American casualties, again similar to the Vietnam war. America lost the Vietnam war, and lost it on the battlefields of Vietnam, but before that, America had already lost the war in the hearts and minds of it's people. However the coming war in the Middle East will be different, because after the TV pictures of the planes hitting the world trade centre, the vast majority of Americans will support the war totally and unreservedly despite possibly large numbers of American servicemen coming home in body bags.
Bearing in mind that it will soon become apparent to anybody with a morsel of intelligence that America planned the coming war months if not years ago, the events of September 11th have worked out very nicely for the US government. It has given them the excuse needed to launch an all out war against the Arab world and also ensured that the American people will support the war unreservedly.
As has been established, the US government has a long and brutal history of terrorism and mass murder, and has no problems with perpetrating these kinds of atrocities against their own people, such as Native Americans, African Americans and others.
Surely it's becoming clear that the culprit for the events of September 11th was NOT "Lee Harvey Osama" but the US government itself. It was a CIA operation, no doubt about it.
The USA is the bully boy of the world, and is dedicated to oppression and subjugation of innocent people throughout the globe. Right now they seem to have a paranoid obsession about Muslim people, similar to the paranoid obsession they had about communists during the cold war. They are now about to murder hundreds of thousands-if not millions-of innocent Muslim civilians and have started by murdering thousands of their own people in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia, and blaming it on Islamic Freedom Fighters, in an attempt to justify the unjustifiable.
Your website is inspired, just reading it gave me such a great feeling to know that I am not the only one who is aware of the truth in all this matter. There is nothing but lies hypocricy and propaganda on the news, and it's sickening. They talk about the US being the world's number one symbol of freedom, but what do they mean by freedom? Is it the freedom to burn churches, to hang black people from trees, or perhaps the freedom to drop nuclear bombs on innocent women and children or to use napalm against Vietnamese peasants, or maybe it's the freedom to forcibly remove democratically elected governments in foreign countries and replace them with brutal dictatorships, or perhaps the freedom to murder civil rights workers, or to put innocent people in the electric chair......
The US does not stand for freedom, the US is the greatest enemy of freedom known to mankind, the US has done more than any other country or organisation in history to destroy freedom. Thank God there are people like you who really know the truth and see things as they really are.
God bless you.
Gerry L.,
Doncaster, England.* * *
Dear Mr. L.,
Thankyou for your kind words. What you have written about genocidal American imperialism is a very eloquent and heartfelt statement of truth. I think the only solution is for the whole world to unite against the U.S. This must be done if the human race wants to survive in peace and freedom. Somehow all the nations must put aside their differences and realize that they truly have a common enemy and an urgent common cause: to defeat the American monster. The first step for each nation will therefore have to be to overthrow their own government if it is a whore to the U.S. "We The People" in America likewise have an absolute responsibility to overthrow our own evil government.Evil is on the march again, just as it was with the Nazis in the 1930s. The U.S. is truly the new Nazi power in the world, but it's far more insidious and deceitful than its forebear. People have got to turn off their mind-controlling T.V. sets in order to come out from under the spell of the mass-media. If people don't liberate their minds, as you have obviously done, then there is no hope of liberating their bodies from enslavement to the American Empire.
Once again, the decent people of the human race are called on to fight evil, on a massive scale. I hope enough people will choose to stand up to it. I pray that when my time comes I have the courage to die fighting, if necessary. There are so many good people in this world. It really is possible for everybody to defeat the U.S. if only they will try.
I've been absolutely amazed that the overwhelming majority of email I've gotten since September 11 has been friendly and encouraging. People from Britain, Australia, here in the U.S., Singapore, New Zealand, Ireland, Austria -- all over the world. I think this is a sign of how most people really feel. Now all we have to do, as the world's people, is to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we truly have the power to overthrow the devilish U.S. government and military. But only if everybody unites in common cause. The U.S. government is absolutely, diabolically masterful at "divide and conquer" tactics. It exploits every possible weakness. This is the key challenge. If people of all nations and races can love each other, all over the world, for their common humanity, they will definitely unite to defeat the inhuman American Beast.
Thanks again for your letter, and God Bless you too!
From: Jim P. <jim---@---.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:44:42 -0700
Subject: Thank you for this siteI just e-mailed your page to my daughter who just sent me a scary link about being brave in this time of crisis and waving our flag. Yikes! Thought I did a better job of raising her than that but her boyfriend is pretty conservative so maybe he has something to do with it.
Thanks again,
jim p.* * *
Dear Mr. P.,
I certainly hope your daughter comes to her senses and dumps the jerk soon!I'm very glad you appreciate my site. People like you make all the work I've done on it more than worthwhile. My ISP caved in to political pressure and deleted the whole site on Friday, September 14. Fortunately I'd already put mirror sites up on two other servers: http://free.freespeech.org/americanstateterrorism/
http://www.americanstateterrorism.com/ in GermanyFrom the latest U.S. government pronouncements it looks like good ol' America, land of the "free", is free no longer. (If it ever was.) I hope everything will be well with you and that the coming fascist oppression will spare you and your family.
From: Thierry S. <s---@---.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:52:12 -0600
Subject: Foreign PolicyThere are two entities completely different in the United States, as in every single "democracy", as we call them: the American People, and the American Government.
As in all "democracy", one is rarely aware of the other's decisions, especially in regard to foreign policy. Training Bin Laden and providing him with weapons to fight the Russians was one of those decisions. Establishing the Talibans to counteract the Iranian Government was another. One asks the average US citizen to live his " American Dream" and not to worry about anything else, the US government will take care of the "details". Unfortunately, like anywhere else, civilian populations undergo the repercussions of those decisions.
What has just occurred in New York is an obvious example of bad management in foreign policy, owing to the fact that we undergo the decisions of our respective governments, instead of controlling them. It is perhaps time to take again the reins of our so-called "leaders", and finally work toward a common cause.
Thierry S.
* * *
Hi Thierry S.,
All your points are excellent, a concise statement of the problem and the only real solution. I wholeheartedly agree that "We The People" in America need to take back our power from the U.S. government. Of course, we can be sure the U.S. government will not give its power away willingly. The events of the last 30 years have proven that it absolutely will not consent to be honestly reformed. Therefore I see no other solution than for the American people to overthrow the plutocratic U.S. government. There is no other way to make this country a genuine democracy and stop the Pentagon from mass-murdering civilian men, women and children around the world.* * *
From: Thierry S. <s---@---.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 01:55:35 -0600
Subject: Re: Foreign PolicyHello,
I do have to admit to you that I am not what you call a US Citizen, although I do live in the states, I am actually French. But my view does apply to the French government as well. Since you appear to be extremely knowledgeable, I am certain that you will agree with me that the French government is far from being clean, regarding Foreign policy, mainly towards African nations. Although President Chirac told Bush that the "French" were supporting him... He does not represent my opinion.
I served for several years with the French militaries, I worked on several occasions with the British and the US. I finally realized that I didn't need them to tell me who my enemies were, because I didn't feel that I had any. I agree with your statement regarding the past 30 years... but nowadays, we do have something the people didn't have in the 60s and 70s: the Internet. We need to start using this tool to its full potential, very much like you have... before our governments finally find a way to completely control this media as well.
Thanks for your replySincerely
* * *
Hi Thierry,
I agree, the Internet makes a huge difference, so much so that it has true revolutionary potential.You're right that the French government is far from clean, having been murderous toward the Vietnamese people for a hundred years, and then slaughtering and torturing Algerians in unspeakable ways. Of course all the colonial powers were monsters for centuries, including Britain, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Japan and Italy. History has proven that all these countries would be as genocidal as the U.S. if they had the same power.
But thank God so many of the people in all countries are quite different from their governments, as you said, and as you demonstrate! If only all the world's people could see that they are not each other's enemies, then there would be hope. It's so ironic that the worst enemies of all peoples are their own governments, not the people of other nations. Yet time and time again they are persuaded to kill each other when they should be throwing their own leaders in prison!
Thanks again for your letters. Your concise and well-written statement about American foreign policy and the need for people to get control of their own governments describes the problem and the solution precisely.
I've gotten so many good letters since September 11 that I now have three pages! I think decent people who see those pages will enjoy reading the thoughts of many other people around the world who are disgusted over America's latest hypocritical saber rattling. If these letters are any indication, then this whole thing may actually have politically backfired on the genocidal U.S. government!
From: Vile Kyle <vilekyle86@---.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 03:40:36 +0000
Subject: yer siteI must say that I am very much impressed with your website. It is good to see that people are taking a stand against the evils of capitalism. As an Anrchist-Communist I have done plenty of research on american policies and the destructive tendencies of capitalism in general, so while I was already quite aware of the terrorist campaign taken on by America (which isn't to say I didn't learn anything, because I did) it was uplifting nonetheless to see that many others have seen through the crapitalist propaganda machine. I would like to extend my complete support to your website and am looking forward to hearing from you.
Your Comrade,
Kyle W.* * *
Hello Kyle!
Thanks for your kind words. You're absolutely right that it is crapitalism itself that is an insidiously destructive force in human society. Tyrannosaurus Capitalismus is a genocidal, bloody beast, but it will go the way of all its fellow dinosaurs.Your time zone indicates you might be in Britain, and if so, at least you're safe from the Pentagon's bombs, if not from the British government! We all have a dire a need to overthrow our governments, for the safety and well-being of the entire human race. May the non-violent mass revolutions come as soon as possible!
In solidarity, your comrade
From: iron hammer <whu1895@---.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 00:31:31 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [left blank]couldn't have said it better myself...well done!!!!!!!
...though I think that America will never change, so the only solution for me would be to move to another country.
* * *
Thanks! And I'm afraid you're right about America. If mainstream America ever does come to its senses it will be too little, far too late.*********************************************
From: Jim H. <Ext-JimH---@---.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:12:10 +0300
Subject: [left blank]Damn, they just gave the real bastards a free license to murder in front of the t.v. cameras instead of under the table.
The "MacDonald" troops might just get a well deserved ass kicking when they reach the real world and face armed adversaries rather than unarmed men, women, and children (their preferred prey).
Stay strong and keep the truth.
* * *
Hi Jim,You got that right! If only people would turn off their mind-controlling T.V. sets and get a clue.
From: Freedom Fighter <webmaster@truefacts.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 07:16:57 +0100
Subject: Your US terrorism siteHiya,
I happened to stumble upon your web site at
and I thought I'd just say that I admire people who speak out to defend freedom and free speech, especially when controversial or emotional subjects.
I run the www.truefacts.co.uk web site, which also seeks to expose the real truth behind world events and suppressed information. I hope you don't mind, but I've taken the liberty of linking to your site from mine.
Keep up the good fight for freedom and democracy.
-- Webmaster - www.truefacts.co.uk - The most dangerous web site on the Internet
"When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free".
Jam Echelon Campaign: Link the Mossad Waco Davidian UFO bomber with GW Bush terrorist, drug crazed UFO conspiracy KGB Project Silkworth Oklahoma keywords with Bin Laden, World Trade Centre and Iraq bunged in for good measure.
* * *
Dear TrueFacts webmaster,
After looking through just a little bit of your site I can say that I'm greatly honored that you've chosen to link to my site. TrueFacts.co.uk has some fantastic and extremely valuable material. So far I particularly like the articles titled "America's blooded hands" and "We all survive death: Not just Christians after Judgement Day". It looks to me like TrueFacts.co.uk has a fine mixture of honest spirituality and political realism.I've been glad to put a link to your site on my Valuable Websites page at:
http://free.freespeech.org/americanstateterrorism/ImportantSites.html(I've got several mirrors up in the hopes that one or more will survive. The original American Terrorism site was torpedoed by the ISP owner on September 14 in the wake of the mass-media's mass hypocrisy campaign.)
Thankyou for creating and maintaining such a fascinating and informative site. I look forward to reading more of it.
In solidarity,
web author @ American Terrorism siteP.S. Great Echelon keywords combination you've got there!
From: Anna B. <Lionandvirgin@---.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 22:06:08 EDT
Subject: about the website...Hi there. I hope you are for real man, and not some concocted decoy of this hateful government to lure unsuspecting peace-loving people into incriminating themselves by spending time looking at this site!! How is that for paranoia...
I think it becomes a knee-jerk kind of reflex, to suspect everyone, when the government does truly seem to have gone mad, taking most of the population with them. The only problem I really had with anything you had to say is the part where you asserted that the people in the government deserved violence. If we are ever going to have a peaceful world, then we must let go of all feelings of hatred and vengeance! No one deserves violence.
I have to disagree with you there, Anna. War criminals totally deserve violence in return when they commit violence against civilian men, women and innocent children.I certainly agree with you, however, that for the human race to survive we must dissolve all feelings of hatred and violence. When I say the U.S. government deserves a violent fate, that does not mean I intend to blow some U.S. government war-criminal away, or that I advocate that somebody else should do that. I am simply saying they truly deserve it, whether or not it actually happens. You must have also read on the Civil Disobedience and Tax Resistance page that I clearly advocated a non-violent strategy for the masses to overthrow our evil government. I advocate that because it's the only strategy that will work. But that doesn't change the fact that the violent mass-murderers of the U.S. military/government absolutely deserve a violent fate.
You deserve to get back exactly what you put out, good or bad.
Anna: If you are able to wish for a person to have pain inflicted upon them, then you have yourself been infected by the disease of violence...not only our actions but our thoughts send out ripples that gradually affect the entire world, if not the entire universe...
That is very well stated and absolutely true. It's a tough one though. Even when you know that in your mind, it would be very hard for your heart not to hate people who violently murdered your helpless child. If that hasn't ever happened to you, Anna, then you might not really understand how people in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and a host of other countries feel about the United States military murder-machine.It's very easy for us to say these spiritual things while we live in relative comfort, safety and peace. But if you honestly care as much about the children of the world as you would care about your own child, then you will find it extremely difficult not to hate the genocidal U.S. military/government.
Anna: ...it is not for us to decide, if we are to be truly peaceful and loving, what kind of things should befall another being. I know it may sound simplistic and idealistic, but in the wake of the recent tragedies I have rededicated myself to living my ideals. We have to start individually discarding whatever fears and hatreds that we harbor, because that is the only thing that will ever bring around a true and lasting peace. We must assess each action we take and ask ourselves, will this help or hurt the rest of the world?
That is truly wise and good of you if you can really live those high ideals. More power to you! Believe me, I'm trying too, but it's not easy.
Anna: I think your advice on the refusal to pay taxes is very good, by the way; it is a good example of what a person must do when he or she develops a strong conscience. Good luck to you, to me, to all of us who wish for peace. It will happen, have faith.
Anna B.
Thankyou for your great letter, Anna. Someday there will be permanent peace, I agree. Your refusal to pay taxes to the baby-killers in the Pentagon is one of the most important and helpful things you could do. Bless you for your wisdom, courage and caring!*********************************************
From: An N. <kapanul@---.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:38:53 +1000
Subject: wowWow, i went through u're website today after the american tragedy and all i can say is "wow" i never knew any of the stuff u put up there and want to thank you for opening my mind to this subject. however of course i do not generalise the crimes of the american country to all of it's present people, and though you seem to try to attack everybody in the United States, i do not believe that everybody is "evil"
Anyway, i am fascinated with your line of thinking and would love to hear your opinion on the recent turn of events happening in America.
Yours Sincerely
Jonathan N.* * *
Dear Mr. N.,
Thankyou for your kind comments. I'm very glad you found the material on my site helpful, and it is for people exactly like you, people who actually want to know the truth about America, that I have worked on it for so long.I agree with you that not everybody in America is evil. There are millions of good people here, but they're still a small percentage of the total, it seems to me. Maybe that will change. I hope that when the coming fascist oppression makes its final move, most Americans will come to their senses and overthrow our evil government. But so far most Americans have been willfully ignorant, mental sheep, thoroughly indifferent to the fact that their own country butchers innocent civilian men, women and children around the world. If that isn't evil I don't know what is!
I just found your email, Saturday night. I've been scrambling for the last few days to make a bunch of redirection pages for my site since the humboldt1.com ISP was pressured into removing it, due to the mood of hysterical patriotic hypocrisy which the corporate-controlled mass-media is endeavoring to whip up among the American sheeple.
I've posted my opinion on the WTC terrorist attack on the homepage of the American Terrorism mirror sites, and I've copied it for you below. (This was in the email.)
I hope everything is well with you and that you are living in a country that won't be attacked by American missiles.
From: Li W. <fluidice@---.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 03:12:12 +0000
Subject: delightful commentary!i just wanted to drop you a little note to tell you how much i enjoyed reading the articles on your web. it confirms and beefed up what i suspected for a long time. (yes, yours truly here has been ignorant too)
i am sorry to know about your being forced to move to another server. but i really hope that you will continue to provide this useful service by never closing down the site.
i thoroughly enjoy the sarcastic and often funny gems in your linguistic style. it was easy to read and absorb. i also liked your use of big font size for readability. but i only have one suggestion to make: perhaps you could use less incendiary language so as to be taken more seriously by the skeptics? but you shouldnt make it so sterile as to be an academic piece of work. it shouldnt be. well, i am not sure if the impact of your work will be lessen if you adopt my suggestion. if it does, please do not follow it. it will only make your work less of a gem than it is now.
despite all the atrocities of the US mafia corporate govt, i will still like to extend my condolences to the thousands of your people who have perished in the Sept 11 tragedy.
Li W.
Singapore* * *
Dear Mr. Li W.,Thankyou for your kind words and insightful comments. I'm delighted that you like some aspects of my writing style and the look of the site. Your suggestion about using less incendiary language is a good one, and something I've thought about. I too don't want it to be sterile and academic, but I know inflammatory language does turn some people off. I'm not absolutely certain what to do about it.
My most basic concern is simply to tell it like it is, no holds barred. Since the political, historical truth is appallingly horrific, any honest writing about it will have to address that to a fair degree. Yet I too appreciate writing that is calm and rational and still very straightforward. Great men like Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal and William Blum write like that. But I could never have the patience to write the way they do. What I do is simply write what I honestly feel and think, with a mixture of reason and natural human emotion.
In any case, because someone as thoughtful as you has mentioned this, I'll have to think more about the whole issue. Thanks again for your letter.
From: Ken R. <mrr---@---.net>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 00:41:09 -0800
Subject: American TerrorismHello,
I just want to thank you for your website. I've been browsing your pages and noticed that you're getting alot of traffic as I can't get to half of them. I'll be sure to link up with your site.Thanks again - Ken R
Rewson, SAFE, Waihopai, INFOSEC, ASPIC, MI6, Information Security, SAI, Information Warfare, IW, IS, Privacy, Information Terrorism, Terrorism Defensive Information, Defense Information Warfare, Offensive Information, Offensive Information Warfare, The Artful Dodger, NAIA, SAPM, ASU, ASTS, National Information Infrastructure, InfoSec, SAO, Reno, Compsec, JICS, Computer Terrorism, Firewalls, Secure Internet Connections, RSP, ISS, JDF, Ermes, Passwords, NAAP, DefCon V, RSO, Hackers, Encryption, ASWS, CUN, CISU, CUSI, M.A.R.E., MARE, UFO, IFO, Pacini, Angela, Espionage, USDOJ, NSA, CIA, S/Key, SSL, FBI, Secert Service, USSS, Defcon, Military, White House, Undercover, NCCS, Mayfly, PGP, SALDV, PEM, resta, RSA, Perl-RSA, MSNBC, bet, AOL, AOL TOS, CIS, CBOT, AIMSX, STARLAN, 3B2, BITNET, SAMU, COSMOS, DATTA, Furbys, E911, FCIC, HTCIA, IACIS, UT/RUS, JANET, ram, JICC, ReMOB, LEETAC, UTU, VNET, BRLO, SADCC, NSLEP, SACLANTCEN, FALN, 877, NAVELEXSYSSECENGCEN, BZ, CANSLO, CBNRC, CIDA, JAVA, rsta, Active X, C
* * *
Hi Ken,
Thankyou for your words of encouragement and for linking to my site. It is too bad Geocities keeps blocking access due to traffic overload. I don't know which mirror site you've been looking at but here are the URLs for the two mirrors I have so far:
http://www.americanstateterrorism.com/ in GermanyThat's a great Echelon keyword list you've got there! Looking at all the terms it contains, it just occurred to me that maybe the effectiveness of such lists, when included with emails, is due not merely to having individual keywords but to having so many in one place.
From: Marc H. <marcmywords@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 11:24:31
Subject: Like the websiteHello-
stumbled across your site while looking for the Business Week citation that Chomsky uses, (from the 1940s about how military spending and social spending have the same economic benefits, but the latter gets the rabble interested in decisions and is therefore not acceptable).
Really like the site- interesting that you combine the 'New Age' sensibility with hard headed recognition of what's going on. Usually the two are (in my limited experience) mutually exclusive.
That's a very good point, Marc. It certainly is true that for many New Age people their pious masquerade is nothing more than a wimpy, self-obsessed fantasy trip that totally excludes political realism.But if one defines "New Age" as being about things that are honestly spiritual, then it must necessarily also be realistic. Genuine spirituality is profoundly realistic far more so than any other sphere of life. Many people in various cults call themselves "New Age" and imagine themselves to be "spiritual," yet they don't care enough about other people to face social and political reality and speak out against horrific crimes against humanity. These cultic people are nothing but egocentric frauds.
It seems to me that a good basic definition of "spirituality" would be: "to honestly care about our fellow human beings" to care about the innocent men, women and children of every race and nationality. Spirituality is really just basic humanity. The United States government and military are doing bloody, brutal things to our fellow human beings around the world. Any person or group who refuses to condemn such evil is not honestly spiritual.
Marc: The letters [in the "Bad" and "Ugly" sections] are a laugh. Don't these morons have spell checks?
I'd be happy if they'd do a reality check! But at least they're entertaining. And they do provide us with excellent demonstrations of the fundamental stupidity, dishonesty, immorality and inhumanity of American patriots.
From: Ross <lobo@---.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 17:13:55 -0800
Human Rights Organizations & Labor Unions
Injured by Death Squads
CAN USE Racketeering Law To Sue In The United States mercenary and complicit corporations
--doing business in the U.S.--
Colombian human rights advocates should use racketeering law (RICO) to sue in the United States any corporation or government agency doing business in the U.S. and proven to support directly or indirectly Colombia Death Squads.
Colombian workers should use racketeering laws to sue in the United States any corporation or government agency doing business in the U.S. and proven to support intimidation or extortion of union and non--union workers: Colombian Citizens may file class action racketeering lawsuits in the United States against alleged corporate wrongdoers that do business in U.S. Jurisdictions.
Door Is Open To Use Civil Racketeering Law To Sue Corrupt Quasi-Government Companies, Government Agencies, and their employees.
Lawsuits Against the LAPD Can Use Racketeering Law Judge Rules:
August 2000, U.S. District Court Judge William Rea ruled--citizens framed by the LAPD, can use Racketeering Law to separately sue corrupt police and their government employers. 100 criminal cases were overturned as a result of LAPD corruption. Framed citizens may constitute a class to file class action racketeering {RICO) lawsuits against the City of Los Angeles. The statute of limitations to file a racketeering lawsuit under RICO, is 10 years:
The lead racketeering plaintiff in the LAPD Corruption Scandal was Louie Guerrero. Plaintiff's attorney was Stephen Yagman.
* * *
Thanks for this information, Ross!
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