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Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
The Good,
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The Bad...
deep sleep
morally comatose
just plain bad
(My replies are indicated by indented paragraphs.)
From: Keniff51810001
Subject: Hi
From: Kirk T.
Subject: Your Site
From: Kristin D.
Subject: What a joke..
From: Boomer Hellofaman
Subject: You really dont deserve any comments but...
From: Tomcat, MiG Killer
Subject: sigh
From: TenSux
Subject: (left blank, appropriately)
From: brandon/rachel
Subject: dumbass
From: hottmann
Subject: wake up
From: Jerry C.
Subject: An intelligent question
From: Mondreamer
From: Tim the Great
Subject: Ernie's minions
From: Tom S.
Subject: (left blank, but it could be titled: "pink mist and bone chips")
From: Carol O.
Subject: (left blank; but it's about free speech)
From: Berylnukems
Subject: ashamed
From: <Keniff51810001@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 22:59:20 EST
Subject: Hilet me tell you something, if it wasent for america, you would be dead right now. No other country, with your kind of thinking, would have put up with you. You should be lucky you live in a country where you can speak your opnion. I am in the U.S. Navy and damn proud to be an american and serving our great country, maybe you should live in Iran for a little while and see how it really is. You make me sick
* * *
You're in the great and glorious United States Navy are you?Well, "Keniff51810001", would you be so kind as to tell me whether or not you feel the U.S. Navy's use of cruise missiles to brutally murder innocent children and women in Yugoslavia and Iraq is something you can be "damn proud" of?
(No response from "Keniff" ever received.)
From: "TenSux" <tensux@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 09:52:06 -0500
Subject: (left blank)u are one dumb fuck
* * *
Ah yes, another eloquent expression of the breathtaking intelligence so common among American patriots.
From: brandon/rachel <btrg73@-----.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 21:39:24 -0600
Subject: dumbasswhat a stupid dumbass, ernie sent me
* * *
Hmm... who could "ernie" be? An absolutely enthralling mystery!
From: <hottmann@-----.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 04:59:55 -0500
Subject: (left blank)You could be the most ignorant person alive.
From: <hottmann@-----.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 05:01:42 -0500
Subject: wake upNice web site you moron. Pull your head out of your ass...
* * *
Mr. "hottmann" accompanied these two brilliant denunciations with an email attachment named "madness.jpg." Tragically, I neglected to open it, thus depriving myself of the virus that no doubt was generously included as a special bonus.
From: Tim the Great <twiny1@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 11:15:17 -0500
Subject: Ernie's minionsGet a life, you loopy revisionist. History can be twisted to suit any theory you like. Yours is REALLY twisted.
* * *
So "Tim the Great," you admit that history can be twisted to suit any "theory" you like. And mine is "REALLY twisted," you think. As opposed to what your "theory" which is only slightly twisted perhaps?You think American patriots don't twist history to suit their purposes?
Anyone who thinks American patriots have the slightest capacity for honesty in regard to the evil side of American history should check out Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James Loewen, and A Peoples History of the United States: 1492 Present by Howard Zinn.
From: Kirk T. <kt----------@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 13:19:01 -0500
Subject: Your SiteIf you don't love it, leave it. We don't need your liberal ass here anyway.
* * *
This is a recurring theme with simple-minded American patriots. They always suggest you leave the country if you have a serious criticism of it.So, if they had their way the only people left in America would be blind lemmings like themselves who would never speak out and try to change what's wrong.
From: Jerry C. <wvusux@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 13:47:25 -0500
Subject: An intelligent questionI have a few quick questions for you. Each of them will have a simple answer. All of them are relevant to my point.
How old are you?
That's a quick question alright, but sorry, it's none of your business.
Jerry C.: Have you served in the American military before?
Another question that's really none of your business. Furthermore, this personal question and the previous one have no genuine relevance to the numerous false historical points you attempt to make in the remainder of your letter.
Jerry C.: Do you remember the worst genocide in history, Hitler's killing of the Jewish?
Jerry, the worst genocide in world history was and is the slaughter of the Indian Peoples of North, Central and South America. Tens of millions of Indians have been brutally butchered from 1493 to the present day.See:
Holocaust of the American Indian Peoples, as well as Colombia: the Genocidal Democracy and the bibliography: Genocide and Oppression of the American Indian Peoples.
Jerry C.: Are you aware of the comment made by Hitler before his campaign to take over Europe?
I believe Hitler made quite a few comments before his "campaign to take over Europe."
Jerry C.: Do you know Germany's allies for World War II?
Jerry C.: Are you aware of Saddam Hussein's comments before invading Kuwait?
Oh I'm sure you'll be able to tell me with absolute certainty, seeing as how you were probably there listening to Saddam speak in Arabic, right?
Jerry C.: Hitler killed a lot of Jews in the 30's and 40's because they did not believe in Jesus Christ. He wanted the world to be an Arian Nation. White supremecy was his main focus. He wanted to take over the world and spread his ideals for all the world. Anyone who stood in his way was going to be killed. The Jewish, every other European nation, and America (with others) were going to stand in his way because of his dictatorship becoming established. If it was not for our "genocide" of Germans, you would be speaking German now without that wonderful Stars and Stripes on the flag waving above your head.
Well first of all, the "Star and Stripes" is not wonderful, it's ugly as sin. But that's just my opinion. (And that of millions of other people around the world.)Secondly, your trite comment about "speaking German" is nonsense. There was no need to condemn all the civilian men, women and children of Dresden to horrible fiery deaths in order to defeat the German Army. The Russians were advancing steadily from the east, the Americans and British from the west and the Luftwaffe was essentially gone, leaving German troops with no air cover. It was just a matter of time before the German military was thoroughly exhausted and defeated. Like the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the fire-bombing of Dresden was totally unnecessary, nothing but pure, genocidal, vengeful sadism on the part of the Allies, punishing innocent civilian people, including children, for the crimes of the Nazis and the German Army.
Jerry C.: Japan was one of Hitler's allies in the war. Japan bombed US at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii to have a stronghold in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for a refueling station between Asia and the Americas. To have those islands, Japan is another quick jump across the rest of the Pacific to land on Mexico, Canada, or South America and march north for a conquest of America, the great country we are in now.
Jerry, stop and think for a minute about what you're saying. From Hawaii to the mainland of Mexico, Canada or South America is not a "quick jump." Hawaii is the most geographically isolated island chain in the world. The Japanese would have required supply lines across thousands of miles of ocean.And you seriously think that Japan alone could have done that with a sufficient number of troops to carry out a "conquest of America"?
Come on, Jerry. The subject line of your email said: "An intelligent question". You have yet to ask one. You have yet to make an intelligent statement, for that matter.
Jerry C.: Without the bombing of two cities in Japan, Hitler would have succeeded in his efforts to take over the world.
Brilliant theory, Jerry, except for one minor little detail: Hitler was already dead when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed.
Jerry C.: The bombing put Japanese civilians at risk..."At risk"?? The atomic holocaust of 150,000 Japanese civilian men, women and children put Japanese civilians "at risk"? The fire-bombing of Tokyo which burned alive 80,000 civilian men, women and children in one night put Japanese civilians "at risk"?Jerry, I think all those smoldering corpses were well beyond the point of being "at risk."
You're being exceedingly dishonest here with such a patently absurd euphemism.
Jerry C.: ...and the Japanese emperor knew that we had the ability to destroy the island and kill all the Japanese. He did not want to see his nation destroyed. He made the correct move. Did you notice that we did not want to get involved in WWII? The bombing occurred after 2 years of the war was going on. We were involved from 41-45. The war started in 39 in Europe. Our "genocidal" government really wanted to conrtol everything, didn't they?
You bet they did, Jerry. They wanted to control the world's markets. And they succeeded. But before 1941 there were factions within American business and government that really loved Adolf Hitler because he was a rabid anti-Communist. (These Hitlerophiles included Prescott Bush, grandfather of Gee Dubbya Bush.) There were other factions within American business and government that wanted to neutralize Germany and Japan, but only because they were powerful competition to American imperialism.But did you notice, Jerry, that most Americans didn't want to get involved even though the Nazi Germans were terrorizing and burning and slaughtering people all over Poland, Yugoslavia, the Ukraine and Russia? Did you notice that most Americans didn't want to get involved while the Japanese Army was raping and beheading tens of thousands of helpless people in Nanking? Most Americans just didn't care about any of those millions of people. It took the bombing of Pearl Harbor, under highly questionable circumstances, to get most Americans to give a damn.
I don't think that's anything to be proud of.
Jerry C.: Hussein was quoted in the Washington Post and USA Today that...
Woaa, just one minute there, Jerry. I don't consider the Washington Post or USA Today to be reliable news sources for anything political at all, much less for any supposed "quotes" from one of the U.S. government's favorite scapegoats. All major newspapers in the U.S. are nothing but mouthpieces for the corporations that own them.
Jerry C.: ...and I am paraphrasing here, Hitler had great ideas. He did not get them accomplished. I will." To me, that was a threat. If he was left alone, by now, the world would be nuked to the brink of all life ending on earth and the people who would be left certainly would not be working now. They would be in hospitals or labs trying to find ways to clean up the nuclear destruction that USSR, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, North Korea, Cuba, and Iraq would have unleashed on all opposing governments, including us.
You must watch too much CNN, Jerry. You believe in papers like the Washington Post and USA Today. Sorry, Jerry, but you don't have the faintest clue about what is going on in this world today, or what our war criminal U.S. government has been up to for the last 100 years.
Jerry C.: Our "genocidal" government, in your terms, sure killed millions of people uselessly.
You're right, it did. Totally uselessly. Merely to make a few corporate owners filthy rich.
Jerry C.: I would ask you to do one thing. Go to Iraq and live for a while. When you do not have the freedom to express your thoughts, religion, or yourself freely, USA will be here to welcome you home. When you are there, think about walking down the street on dirt and with the fear of stepping on a landmine. USA will be here to welcome you and to rescue your leg from be blast of that landmine, if you survive. Walk down the street and look up to see soldiers on walls with guns.
Guess what, Jerry? That landmine on the dirt street in Iraq is most likely going to be an unexploded cluster bomb dropped by a United States Air Force jet. There are millions of them all over Iraq, Yugoslavia, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Children get killed or their legs blown off by American cluster bombs in Iraq, Yugoslavia and all over Southeast Asia all the time. Hundreds of them every year since the 1960s.Does that bother you, Jerry? Do you care about those children at all?
Jerry C.: It is hard for me not to be thankful for history and the sacrifice that millions have given so that our nation could be a great nation. Guess what, it happened. Without our "genocidal" government, you would not be free to express your opinion.
Let me clue you in on something, Jerry. I'm only free to express my opinion here in America because a website like mine has a tiny audience-share compared to the corporate mass-media. If I was somehow able to consistently put forth my views before millions of people I would be silenced very quickly.Yes, there is freedom of speech for truth-tellers here in America as long as very few people listen to you. If you attract a big enough crowd, however, you also attract the attention of Big Brother. And if he doesn't like what you're saying you're not going to be saying it any more.
But I know you'll choose not to believe that. You'd rather believe that all the big corporate-owned newspapers represent "freedom of the press" and that they are actually telling you the truth about what's happening in this world. You're more than a bit naive, Jerry.
Jerry C.: Thank you for your time and reading this.
Well you're quite welcome, Jerry. You're also quite ignorant of history, and totally brainwashed, politically. That's why you're so "thankful" to be an American. You wouldn't be thankful to be an American if you had the guts to face reality.
From: Tom S. <tom_and_laura@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 19:11:08 -0000
Subject: (left blank)Sir.
I read your website on the so-called "American Terrorism," and as an Ammo Troop in the US Air Force, I just have one thing to say.
Thank you.
Well you're more than welcome, Tom!!
Tom S.: Your diatribe against our government, military and even your chickenshit comments about America's Fighting Men and Women makes my job building bombs extremely worthwhile....
Now wait just a minute there, Tom old boy! You're one deeply confused guy! Who's chickenshit? "America's Fighting Men and Women," as you call them, are people who support or directly participate in the butchery of helpless children and civilian men and women around the world. If anything is evil, cowardly and "chickenshit," that is.With my website I am criticizing these cowardly baby-killers and their evil leaders in no uncertain terms. I would say that such criticism is anything but "chickenshit." On the other hand, your grossly immoral job of building bombs which brutally murder babies and helpless children is totally "chickenshit" Tom.
Tom S.: .... for the very fact that you are free to publish your tripe as you see fit, regardless of it's fucked-up logic, exemplifies the First Amendment of the Constitution for which I am prepared to die.
Don't romanticize your immoral existence, Tom. I don't think you're prepared to die for anything. I think you're prepared only to keep your cowardly job of making bombs that brutally murder women and children all over the world.
Tom S.: One the positive side, you obviously did your research on your weapons, because your descriptions were pretty much spot-on. There were a few inaccuracies, but those details are classified, so obviously I can't correct you on those.
I disagree with your view, though. You make it sound like everyone in the American Government, the military included, is a warmonger who doesn't mind slaughtering a few babies. The truth is, however, quite the opposite. We in Ammo strive to make our bombs work the first time, every time, and we now make more guided weapons than not, greatly reducing civilian casualties. No war is bloodless, though, and, again strictly my opinion, if we have to turn a few (Insert Country Here)-ians into pink mist and bone chips so that country may be free to choose its own destiny, then tell me the place, and I'll build the iron.
Poor Tom. The extent of your brainwashed confusion is truly bizarre. Look over that last paragraph you wrote. Can you see how riddled with contradictions it is? Well let me help you out.First of all you say the truth is "quite the opposite" of the assertion that everyone in the American government and military is a warmonger who doesn't mind slaughtering a few babies. Meanwhile, the American government and military continue to slaughter babies in Iraq and to excuse their slaughter of babies in Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and many other places around the world. Anyone in the American government and military who doesn't approve of this cowardly evil should not be a part of it. If they remain a supporting part of it then they are indeed giving at least tacit approval to these war crimes.
Then you say that you in "Ammo" now make more guided weapons that "greatly reduce civilian casualties." But your weapons are still murdering civilians, Tom, greatly reduced or not. You are an accessory to murder. The weapons you make murder innocent people who never in their lives did anything to hurt you.
Then to top it all off you make the sordid comment about your eagerness to build weapons that turn your fellow human beings into "pink mist and bone chips" and for what? "...so that country may be free to choose its own destiny" ?
How twisted can you get? Don't you think a country would be a whole lot freer to choose its own destiny if the U.S. military didn't terrorize them by turning innocent civilians into "pink mist and bone chips"?
I think your mind is pretty far gone, Tom. You've been at your immoral, cowardly, baby-killing job for way too long. You need to make some big changes in your life. How about dedicating the rest of your life to making amends for all the cold-blooded murders you've been an accessory to?
But no, you'll just keep saluting your evil officers as you fantasize about turning innocent babies and women into "pink mist and bone chips."
From: Kristin D. <thed-----family@-----.net>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:12:20 -0500
Subject: What a joke..After coming to your site, I had to laugh, can I ask you one simple question?
If the "American Goverment" is what you say, then..... why are there so many immigrants flocking to this country?
To make money, Kristin. It has nothing to do with love for our war-criminal American government. It has everything to do with the American economy. And when that finally crashes... well, you won't see too many "immigrants flocking to this country" anymore.
Kristin D.: hmmmmmm.......
Oh, btw, you spelled missles wrong..... its not cruise missives....
Oh, btw, you spelled "missiles" wrong, Kristin. Take a look at your own letter!And here's another clue for you: look up the word "missive" in the dictionary.
Kristin D.: One bit o advice, take up a hobby thats worth all the typing you did....
Oh don't worry your smug little head about it, Kristin. All the typing I do for this website is more than worth it, I assure you!
From: Carol O. <carolo@----.net>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:15:45 -0600
Subject: (left blank)The place which you hate so much grants you the right to say these things against the "Plutocracy." Some of the places I assume you might rather live would deny you that right.
Well Carol, you're correct that you are making an assumption. Several assumptions, in fact. First of all, just because I criticize our genocidal, war-criminal government and military doesn't mean I hate "the place" which is ruled and victimized by them. America is victimized by its own plutocratic government and military (though not nearly so much as the rest of the world). I hate evil, Carol, and the U.S. Government, the corporate plutocracy and the United States military are profoundly evil.Secondly, free speech is not a right that is "granted" by any place or by the U.S. Government. Free speech is a natural, inherent right of all human beings.
Natural right though it is, however, the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government will not permit you to tell the truth about it to a nationwide audience. You are free to tell the truth about this country only as long as you are talking to a small enough number of people. If you can consistently reach an audience of hundreds of thousands or millions, however, then there is no such thing as free speech in America. In that case you must say exactly what the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government wants you to say or you will be very effectively silenced, one way or another.
Many, many people have been silenced in this country for many years. And of course you will never hear about them if your only source of information is the corporate-owned-and-controlled mass-media. But if you've got access to the Internet you have (for the time being) an opportunity to bypass the pervasive propaganda of the mass-media and discover the ugly truth about this country. And a big part of that ugly truth is that people are silenced all the time in America.
Consider the case of a truly great American hero named Martin Luther King, Jr. Here was a man who was America's equivalent of Mahatma Ghandi, a charismatic spiritual leader with a devoted following of tens of millions of good people. And yet when he began to consistently criticize the brutal, racist American genocide of the people of Vietnam he was first censored and attacked by the corporate mass-media and then finally murdered by the FBI. The FBI had been harassing King and trying to frame him for years. The FBI and other U.S. Government agencies have murdered, framed and blackmailed a lot of people for purely political reasons. Vicky Weaver (and child) of Ruby Ridge, the men, women and children of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu-Jamal are just a few of the more recent, well-known examples.
If you actually want to know the truth about America you can read War At Home: Covert Action Against U.S. Activists And What We Can Do About It . This book goes into some detail about the FBI's infamous "COINTELPRO" operations in which they murdered, terrorized and beat American activists, burglarized and vandalized their offices, bookstores and newspapers, blackmailed, infiltrated and disrupted their organizations, wrote anonymous letters that broke up marriages, made anonymous threatening phone calls and generally acted like the criminal thugs they truly were, and continue to be to this day.
Finally, in response to your last point, whether or not other countries have more or less freedom of speech than America is irrelevant to the subject matter of this website. This site is about over 100 years of international American state terrorism. And since we live in the United States we have a special duty to speak out against the cruelly evil things our country is doing to innocent civilian men, women and children around the world.
From: Boomer Hellofaman <Boomer-@-----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:17:27 -0800 (PST)
Subject: You really dont deserve any comments but...Your site is most disturbing.
Well Boomer, I agree with you. The truth about America is indeed "most disturbing."
Boomer: I cannot believe that you would be so ignorant. If it were not for the swift actions of our country's military we would all be suffering ailments from chemical and possibly nuclear fallout generated from "Religious Wars" in the middle east.
Well if you cannot believe that I would be so ignorant, that's a start at least. Don't believe it. And how about you, Boomer? Are you aware of the bloody carnage inflicted on millions of innocent civilian people around the world by the "swift actions" of our country's military? If it were not for the "swift actions" of our country's sadistic military there would not have been 200,000 civilian men, women and children slaughtered in Iraq in 1991.If it were not for the "swift actions" of our country's sadistic military there would not have been 3000 brutally murdered civilian men, women and children in Yugoslavia in 1999, with 9000 more people injured, one third of them innocent children.
If it were not for the "swift actions" of our country's racist military there would not have been the bloody genocide of over 4,000,000 civilian men, women and children in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos from 1961 to 1975.
If it were not for the "swift actions" of our country's racist military there would not have been the genocide of 1,000,0003,000,000 Korean and Chinese civilian men, women and children, cruelly murdered by machine guns, bombs and biological and chemical weapons from 1950 to 1953.
If it were not for the "swift actions" of our country's racist military there would not have been the genocide of over 150,000 civilian men, women and children, sadistically murdered by nuclear explosions and fallout in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
The list goes on and on, Boomer old boy. All of the above are documented, historical facts. But you'd prefer to stick your head in the sand about it, wouldn't you.
Boomer: I think you have to realize that the "moral highground" of which you have placed yourself is dangerous.
You got that right, Boomer. It's dangerous to say and do the honestly moral thing in America. It has always been dangerous to tell the political truth in America.
Boomer: The USA is and will always be the greatest country in the world.
Oh you figure the U.S.A. will last forever, do you Boomer? The Nazis figured their Third Reich would last a long time too. 1000 years, to be exact. Their calculations were off by about 988 years, but that still leaves them more accurate than you. All evil empires crash and burn, sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. The ignominious fate of the Roman Empire will be the fate of the U.S.A. The fate of the Mongol Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Mussolini Fascist Empire, the British Empire, etc. will be the fate of America's ruthless empire of dollars and deceit: to be flushed down into the sewer of history where it belongs.
Boomer: We are not out taking what rightfully belongs to others away....
You think the lives of civilian men, women and children don't rightfully belong to them?
Boomer: ....we are protecting the world from the global devistation that monsters like Sadam Husein create in their own tyranical minds without thought or question to others with moral decency.
Sorry Boomer, that's a fantasy created in your own brainwashed mind by the corporate mass-media. The world needs protection from the global devastation of a tyrannical monster alright, but its name is not "Saddam Hussein." Today's Tyrannosaurus Rex is called the United States of America.And like that great reptilian beast of old, today's Beast has a karmic asteroid with its name on it.
Boomer: Do you think that people in Iraq could write an opinion like this about their leader without suffering consequences of the violent regime that Sadam totes around dangerously like a a hand grenade? No, I didnt think so. You are a disgrace to your country and everyone with whom you associate.
Well Boomer, everyone with whom I associate would not agree with you. And telling the truth about my country does not make me a disgrace to it. On the contrary, my country is itself a disgrace to the world.
From: Tomcat, MiG Killer <tomcat7114@----.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 23:31:27 -0600
Subject: sighEh, revisions of histories will always be written....
All nations write their own histories, MiG Killer, covering up their evil and inventing their glory. That being the case, do you actually believe the official American version of history is honest and unbiased?
MiG Killer: ....and there are those who will never understand the meanings of things done when they are not there, or even when they are there but don't comprehend the full picture.
You realize, don't you MiG Killer, how perfectly applicable your statement is to the brainwashed men and women of the U.S. military?
MiG Killer: I could use statements of what I see as truth, but whenever someone is this wrapped up.. well, it's like christians, when you have that much faith nothing will change it, and it seems to be a waste of air.
MiG KillerWell first of all, although most of the statements in your brief letter are merely vague insinuations, at least the name you've signed is definite (a U.S. Air Force jet fighter that can shoot down MiGs), indicating your attitude as one of militaristic, American patriotism. It's curious, therefore, that you would make the criticism of Christians that you did. I'm sure you're aware of how common it is for American patriots to be just the sort of closed-minded Christians you imply you wouldn't waste your breath on. And of course it's no wonder: military-worshiping American patriotism and bigoted, narrow-minded religion are highly compatible with each other.You sound intelligent, nevertheless, so I would think you'd be at least capable (though probably not willing) of noticing the psychological similarities between your type of military-oriented American patriotism and self-serving, narrow-minded religions.
For instance, those people who are inclined to be narrow-minded religious bigots whether they pervert the Christian, Jewish, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist or any other faith are also inclined to tolerate the murder and abuse of people who belong to religions different from their own. Similarly, American patriots are quite willing to tolerate, often enthusiastically, the mass-murder of civilian men, women and innocent children of other countries as long as such war-crimes are committed by the U.S. military.
So don't underestimate the value of those faithful "Christians," ol' "Tomcat the MiG Killer." Who knows, they could come in real handy someday. You could get any number of them to find a Bible passage for you that proves what a righteous act of God-fearin' Christian heroism it is to fly a U.S. Air Force jet and drop cluster bombs on village children in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.
From: <Mondreamer@----.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 16:13:31 EST
WHAT? YOU THINK I'M IN THE U.S. MILITARY OR SOMETHING? IS YOUR KEYBOARD STUCK IN CAPS LOCK?? WOW!! MINE IS TOO!!Whew... there, that's better. Now, Mondreamer, do try and think about it for a second. If I was the stupidest human being on this planet, where would that leave you? On Mars perhaps?
Rest assured, as long as you and I are both here on Earth there can be no doubt that I am not the stupidest human being on this planet.
From: Beryl S <berylnukems@-----.com>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 07:36:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: ashamedYour site is a disgrace and a slap in the face to every american.
Is that what it is?? Shucks, and here I was hoping it would be a dishonor and a kick in the butt to every American patriot! Oh well, you can't have everything.And I'm terribly disappointed in you, Berylnukems! When I saw your Subject line I naively thought your letter might be from an intelligent, informed and moral person who was properly ashamed of this terrorist nation. How wrong I was.
Berylnukems: I agree that the current president is a moron, but this is the only part of your site that isn't total bullshit. Your comments are a direct insult to every man and woman that have given their lives to protect the United States of America. You don't have the balls to do a thounsandth of what these people did.
Actually, Berylnukems, the truth is that I don't have the stupidity, cruelty and bestiality to do a thousandth of what these people did.
Berylnukems: And you know why they did it? Because they beleived in their nation and were willing to lay down their life in order to protect it.
Berylnukems, they did it because they were suckers. Total fools like you. Anyone who joins the U.S. military and thinks they are fighting for anything other than the interests of the evil plutocracy which rules this nation is the most pathetic sort of brainwashed fool.
Berylnukems: I bet your just some rich little snotty kid that thinks the governments some big evil.
Boy, you really do have it all bass-ackwards, Berylnukems. If I was "just some rich little snotty kid" I would think the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government was the best thing since feudal overlords and chattel slavery.
Berylnukems: I agree, our government may not be perfect, but why don't you go try living in a place like china and saying things like what are on your website. Have fun in prison, because thats were you'll be.
What goes on in China is irrelevant to the subject of this website. This website is about American state terrorism. It's a subject that brainwashed Americans like you have a desperate need to wake up to. And since we live in America we have a special duty to speak out against the monstrous evil which our own nation is committing around the world.
Berylnukems: I still can't get over your incrediable stupidity. You say the U.S. was massacring people in Yogoslovia. Were you born stupid or did you have to learn? Ever hear of a little thing called ethnic genocide, its what the Yogoslavs where doing. They were butchering the ethnic albanians, know why? I bet you don't because your and idoit. Because the albanians were muslim. Good reason huh.
That's certainly what they told you on the boob tube, isn't it Berylnukems. Did you enjoy your milk and cookies while you watched the show?Well I've got news for you, pal. The Yugoslavs were not committing "ethnic genocide." That is a dirty lie. This Hitlerian-style "Big Lie" was spread by the American, British and German corporate mass-media as an excuse for NATO (read: the U.S.) to take possession of Kosovo. For the last two years medical examiners have been combing every inch of Kosovo in a futile search for the legendary "mass graves" U.S. leaders claimed were there. But they haven't found any, and they never will. Because there never were any "mass graves."
And that fact is never reported on the T.V. "news."
The U.S. government and their media whores don't want you to know that they've been lying to you all along. So they're quietly sweeping this one under the rug along with all the other lies, fully confident that a nation of gullible morons just like you are not paying attention.
The U.S. government doesn't want you to know that the Yugoslav army and police were actually fighting a protracted civil war against the Albanian KLA separatists. And that by some amazing coincidence the KLA just happen to be heroin-smuggling narco-terrorists who have a very cozy relationship with their CIA "advisors." That little fact certainly does go a long way toward explaining why the KLA were (and are still) very well-armed with high-quality weapons supplied by both the American and German military. Armed to the teeth, the KLA had a nasty habit of brutally murdering not just police, but innocent Serbian civilian people too. The KLA even murdered fellow Albanians who were friendly with the Serbians.
Yet the KLA were still losing the war. So to get control of Kosovo and use it as a military base for dominating all of the Balkans and the oil-rich Caspian basin beyond it, U.S./NATO war criminals mass-murdered 3000 Yugoslavian civilian men, women and children during the NATO terror campaign of 1999. To prevent further thousands of Yugoslavian civilians from being murdered by American cluster bombs and depleted uranium missiles the Yugoslavian army withdrew from Kosovo in June, 1999. The U.S. and its NATO whores then marched in and occupied it and the U.S. built "Camp Bondsteel." They have their evil base at last.
Contrary to the dirty lies you've been told on T.V., the Serbians were not fighting the Albanian KLA terrorists because they are Muslim. The Serbians are in fact the most ethnically tolerant of all peoples in Europe precisely the opposite of how they have been framed in the corporate mass-media. There are 26 distinct ethnic minorities living in peace with each other in Yugoslavia, including Albanians, Croatians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Jews, Roma (Gypsies) and many others. In contrast, what few ethnic minorities there are living in Albania are persecuted.
And now they are severely persecuted in Kosovo as well. Those that are still alive, that is. When NATO/KFOR troops occupied Kosovo they allowed the Albanian KLA to murder, rape, torture, burn, dynamite and pillage at will. The Albanians brutally and sadistically tortured and murdered thousands of people, including old Serbian men and women and Serbian children. The Albanians viciously drove 200,000 Serbians, Jews and Roma out of Kosovo while NATO/KFOR troops were ordered by their officers to stand by impotently and watch. The Albanians kidnapped children and young women to be sex slaves in the brothels that have now sprung up all over Kosovo. Brothels that are regularly frequented by American troops. Those American troops couldn't care less that the young women they rape regularly are beaten and abused by violent Albanian pimps and kept as literal slaves against their will. And the young women who refuse to cooperate are murdered by the Albanian pimps.
All this is what has actually been going on while you watch your boob tube and believe all the dirty lies which the corporate-owned mass-media endlessly spoon-feeds your brainwashed little mind about Yugoslavian "ethnic genocide," Berylnukems.
Berylnukems: SO SHUT THE FUCK UP, you have no idea what the hell your talking about.
And here we have the final words of wisdom from the brilliant Berylnukems, an American patriot so deeply informed about the nation of Yugoslavia that he spells it "Yogoslavia" and calls its people "Yogoslavs."Well, Berylnukems, you may be an exceedingly common type of ignorant putz, but it isn't every day that I receive a letter that reeks of such spectacularly asinine hypocrisy! Such a marvelously misinformed, adolescent obnoxiousness cannot fail to go unrewarded in America. Have you considered a career in politics? A sophomoric dweeb of your caliber could go far. The White House itself is by no means out of the question.
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