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Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
The propagandists purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.
Aldous Huxley
At a Serb Funeral:
Tears for Victims of a Regrettable Mistake
From a TiM Global Watch Bulletin
BELGRADE, June 3, 1999Last Thursday a funeral was taking place, in Belgrade, of two children whose family will never find peace.
As weve reported earlier, Dejana [a 4 year-old girl] and Stefan [a 7 year-old boy] Pavlovic were murdered in their beds by NATO bombs in the Belgrade suburb of Ralja on May 27. Their parents were badly injured (see S99-92, Day 66, Item 1, May 28) . Here is a moving report filed by Scott Taylor, editor of Esprit de Corps magazine and author of Tested Mettle, who reports for Toronto Sun from the war-torn Yugoslavia:
It was a mournful procession that wound its way through the Bezanija cemetery in suburban New Belgrade on Monday. Hundreds of grieving relatives stopped at the ceremonial fountain to wash their hands prior to leaving the burial ground.
In the Serbian Orthodox Christian religion, this custom is meant to cleanse away the sorrow, so that it may remain part of the funeral and be left behind at the cemetery.
However, with the air raid sirens wailing once again in the distance, the tear-stained faces of those exiting the ceremony showed little sign of having put their recent loss to rest.
Two young children, Stefan, aged seven, and his four-year-old sister Dejana, had been murdered by a NATO bomb just three days earlier. Such a tragic loss of young life is not easily overcome, even in wartime.
Given the circumstances surrounding the deaths, this was emotionally one of the toughest assignments Ive ever had. The Finnish journalist wept quietly throughout the proceedings and, as the father of a four-year-old myself, I admit that I lost it a little when, as they lowered Dejanas tiny coffin, the grandmother screamed out her name with a soulful cry.
The parents of these children were not on hand for the funeral due to being hospitalized with their own injuries suffered in the same errant bomb attack.
The explosion occurred around 11 pm last Thursday, with Stefan and Dejana already in bed. Neighbors say that although badly injured herself, the childrens mother, Branislava, screamed hysterically for the rescue crews to dig out her babies.
They say Branislava had mercifully sunk into unconsciousness before they managed to dig Dejanas badly mutilated corpse out of the smoldering rubble. It took a further three hours to retrieve Stefans equally battered little body.
The father, Vladimir Pavlovic, received burns to 60% of his body and remains in intensive care at a Belgrade hospital. Although unfit physically to attend the funeral, Vladimir is conscious and aware that his children are dead, that his wife remains in coma (she is currently on life support system), and that his home has been destroyed.
Through an interpreter, a family member said it was only two weeks earlier that Vladimir had moved his family out of Belgrade to the rural village of Ralja so they would be safe from NATO bombing.
The small town of Ralja contains no industrial, let alone military targets. As has become the norm, NATO labeled the attack a regrettable mistake.
While the mood at the burial was never tense, with emotions running high I was a little concerned about the crowds reaction should they discover I was from a NATO country participating in the air strikes. When one individual did approach me, my fears proved unfounded.
Instead of confronting or berating me, he politely thanked me for making the effort to attend the funeral. He explained that the people of Canada must see this. They must know what the bombing is doing.
The fact that some elements [of the U.S. government] may appear to be potentially out of control can be beneficial to creating and reinforcing fears and doubts within the minds of an adversarys decision makers...
That the U.S. may become irrational and vindictive if its vital interests are attacked should be a part of the national persona we project to all adversaries... It hurts to portray ourselves as too fully rational and cool-headed...
U.S. Strategic Command
Essentials of Post-Cold War Deterrence
1995(The U.S. Strategic Command, or STRATCOM, is the military entity responsible for formulating U.S. nuclear policy.)
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by Ramsey Clark, Nadja Tesich, Michel Chossudovsky, Slobodan Milosevic, numerous authors
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To Kill A Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia
by Michael Parenti
The U.S./NATO Terror Campaign: Nine Myths and Realities
The Geopolitical Strategy of Imperial America
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NATO in the Balkans: Voices of Opposition
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NATO TARGETS: The Civilian People of Yugoslavia
Related sites
Death on a Very Small Planet
http://www.emperors-clothes.com/1/rem.htmPhotos comparing Belgrade in 1999 with New York City in September 2001
Yugoslavia in Crisis reports and analyses
The Media and their Atrocities
by Michael Parenti, Ph.D; May 2000
Yugoslav Sojourn: Notes from the Other Side
by Michael Parenti, Ph.D; January 2000
The Rational Destruction of Yugoslavia
by Michael Parenti, Ph.D; November 1999
Yugoslavian Military Medical Academy Reports,
Civilian Casualties:
http://www.vma.sv.gov.yu/Civil/index_engleski.htmlWARNING this site has gruesome photos that show what American cluster bombs have done to human bodies.
Every victim was somebodys daughter, somebodys son, somebodys brother, sister, wife, husband, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother. Each one was somebodys friend.
They could just as well be your loved ones.
If youre not a media-numbed moron, these photos will be deeply disturbing to see.
But these photographs constitute a public record of gruesome American war crimes a record which our truly EVIL American leaders and military will NEVER be able to deny or live down.
These victims are the future of Americas government and military.
Why was NATO at war with Yugoslavia?
World power, oil and gold
After the slaughter:
Political Lessons of the Balkan War
WSWS : News & Analysis The Balkans
http://www.wsws.org/sections/category/news/eu-balk.shtmlThis is the index page for an extensive collection of news articles and high-quality political analysis about events in the Balkans, Yugoslavia in particular.
International Action Center
The Activist site:
Photo Gallery of NATOs Bombings in Yugoslavia
To Kill A Nation:
The Attack on Yugoslavia
by Michael Parenti
Hidden Agenda:
U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia
by Ramsey Clark, Nadja Tesich, Michel Chossudovsky, Slobodan Milosevic, numerous authors
NATO in the Balkans:
Voices of Opposition
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produced by Gloria La Riva
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A great number of the worlds landmines are unexploded cluster bombs, dropped by the United States Air Force all over Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.
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