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(My replies are indicated by indented paragraphs.)
From: hill881
Subject: I got your point
From: John H.
Subject: Glad I'm Not Like You
From: Stephen J.
Subject: Good Hearted Communication
From: "Your Friend"
Subject: I want to talk
(open threats of violence from a Miami-based, Cuban-exile terrorist)
From: hill881 <hill881@----.jp>
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 22:05:15 +0900
Subject: I got your pointYou hate the United States of America.
No, actually you missed the point entirely, "hill881".The point is that the United States of America is a relentlessly predatory, terrorist nation.
The point is that the genocidal rulers of America, the U.S. military war criminals and their immoral supporters hate the rest of the human race.
From: Stephen J. <stepjohn@---.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 09:34:33 -0400
Subject: Good Hearted CommunicationWell, after reviewing your website I was reminded of my pet theory that folks with views like yours perhaps have bigger internal issues with Mom and Dad than with their own understanding of the geo-political mess the world has been in for 4,000 years. Why I'm writing you is a mystery to even me. But writing I am.
Yes, writing you are, Stephen! Congratulations!In fact your whole letter is an excellent demonstration of the maxim that while a person may be able to write a facile bit of pompous prose, that's no guarantee he actually has anything intelligent to say.
It may be a "mystery to even you" as to why you're writing, but after reading your letter it's perfectly obvious to me. You're one of those types who just like to hear yourself talk. Like a politician, like the journalist you admit you are at the end of your letter, actual substance is of little importance to you. Form is everything.
So, you're reminded of your "pet theory" that "folks with views like [mine] have bigger internal issues with Mom and Dad..." Well, it seems to me that "pet theory" is a good name for it. In this case your trite, ready-made theory is fit for the intelligence level of your pets, but not for any honest, informed person.
By your "pet theory" you're implying, of course, that you assume anybody who is so deluded as to claim that the U.S. government and military are genocidal state terrorists must merely have a problem with socio-political authority structures. And that would be true if the U.S. government and military really were the honest, decent, humanitarian, democracy-loving "good guys" they claim to be.
But the hard, cold truth is that they aren't.
The United States government and military have in fact brutally murdered millions of people all over the world since 1899. And since that is a heavily documented, historical fact, you don't need to have "internal issues with Mom and Dad" to want to condemn that and publicize it. All you need is to be politically honest and to care about the innocent victims.
Stephen J.: I really enjoyed your disclaimer warning any messages sent to you should contain, "Good-hearted, human communication" and the follow it up with the hypocritical statement that there are no "genuine human beings at the White House." Remember the first step to dehumanizing others is the dehumanizing of ourselves.
Well Stephen, just like a typical journalist you're quite careless and inaccurate with your choice of words. And in classic journalistic fashion you can't even read a very simple statement and report it's meaning accurately.First of all, the word "disclaimer" means "disavowal" or "denial." There is nothing in the statement you're referring to that is in any way a "disclaimer", "disavowal" or "denial" of anything. Nor is it a "warning", by any stretch of the imagination, that says messages "should" contain anything. The exact text of the question/statement is:
"Intelligent questions? Good-hearted, human communication?
Your email is welcome at (email address)."There is nothing in that statement that any intelligent, honest, clear-headed person could characterize as a "disclaimer" that makes any sort of "warning" whatsoever.
Secondly, there is nothing whatsoever "hypocritical" about my subsequent statement that there are no genuine human beings at the White House. I first said simply that "good-hearted human communication" was welcome at my email address. I later stated that there are no genuine human beings in the White House, State Dept, CIA, FBI or Pentagon. There is no hypocrisy involved between those two statements.
Furthermore, the second is a simple statement of fact.
Unless you confine the definition of a "human being" to meaning the physical human body and nothing more, then it is quite accurate to say that there are no genuine human beings at the White House, State Dept, CIA, FBI or Pentagon.
People rightfully refer to those who commit mass-murder and torture as being "inhuman." Real human beings, by any moral definition of the term, do not routinely commit grisly, heartless, inhuman acts. The political-military apparatus of the United States government does routinely commit brutal crimes that any individual person would be sent to Death Row for. Therefore the people who commit, support and make excuses for these horrible crimes cannot be considered truly human.
I am not "dehumanizing" the people of our government and military by condemning their monstrously evil cruelty. It is they who dehumanize themselves by their own acts of bloody barbarism.
Stephen J.: I was actually doing a keyword search on fuel air explosives related to their use to halt the North Vietnamese in their final drive to enslave South Vietnam and happened upon your site.
Yes, according to my site statistics, you typed:+"fuel air explosive" +Vietnaminto a searchbox at Northern Light. You then came upon my page for cluster bombs and clicked on it at 8:36:51 a.m., Eastern time, July 14. You left the site at 8:39:57 a.m., having spent a grand total of 3 minutes and 6 seconds looking at three pages.
At the beginning of your letter you say that you "reviewed" my site. Clearly, your 3 minute "review" had about as much thoroughness and depth as your thinking on the Vietnam genocide.
I would guess that you read little more than the title of my page on cluster bombs, which describes them as one of the weapons of American state terrorism. Well! The nerve of this website! You'd never heard THAT on Good Morning America or CNN! So you spent the next 3 minutes and 6 seconds searching for my email address, eager to assail me with your erudite rebuttal. You probably went to the letters page next, didn't find it there, then skimmed quickly through the homepage and finally found it near the bottom.
You didn't take any time to actually study and think about the information presented there. Your intention was nothing more intelligent than to make a knee-jerk attack.
Stephen J.: I didn't see too much information about the unpleasant "neighborhood" that comprises the world we live in. I only saw a rant regarding the United States of America, a flawed, imperfect and struggling nation whose missteps are numerous and well-documented.
Well how about that, you figured out that this website focuses on the United States of America. Good start, Stephen! This site does have a particular focus, just like any article or book you might write.Now, the next thing for you to understand is that what this site focuses on is American state terrorism. Unfortunately, your media-molded mind doesn't have any convenient slots in which to insert that strange and alien concept. It just doesn't fit in with everything you've always been told in school, on T.V., in movies, mainstream newspapers and glossy, commercial magazines. Nevertheless, American state terrorism is a very ugly fact of life about which hundreds of millions of people outside America are very well informed.
So, Stephen, if you were capable of thinking outside your pre-packaged little media boxes, you would realize that America's horrifically sadistic, racist genocide of three-million civilian men, women and children in Vietnam was just a bit more than a "misstep".
The United States of America, your poor little "flawed, imperfect and struggling nation", has made many more of your "missteps", brutally slaughtering:
- over one million civilian men, women and children in Korea,
- vaporizing 150,000 civilian men, women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
- mass-murdering over 500,000 civilian men, women and children in Laos while bombing the country into the Stone Age with the most extensive use of cluster bombs in history,
- slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Cambodian civilian men, women and children by years of carpet-bombing in that country,
- closely supporting the butchery and torture of 200,000 civilian men, women and children in Guatemala,
- 75,000 civilian men, women and children in El Salvador
- and at least 13,000 civilian men, women and children in Nicaragua,
- cruelly slaughtering another 200,000 civilian men, women and children in Iraq and then causing the death by starvation and disease of another 1 to 2 million civilian men, women and children through a decade of sanctions,
- and butchering 3000 civilian men, women and children in Yugoslavia while calling it a "humanitarian intervention".
I think any honest and sane person would characterize such a nation by words a bit stronger than "flawed" and "imperfect".
Try "monstrous" and "genocidal."
Your choice of the word "struggling" happens to be accurate, however, but not in the way you think. The United States government is "struggling" all right, in the same sense that a street gang "struggles" for control of its turf by murdering children in drive-by shootings.
Stephen J.: If you haven't already, I recommend you take a short tour of some of the world's garden spots where true, intentional, calculated and revolting atrocities occur on an hourly basis. Take a short plane flight to the Mosquitia region of Honduras/Nicaragua and see the crippled men of this gentle group of people who had the muscles in their forearms sliced and ruined by the machetes of the Sandinistas to prevent them from possibly serving as anti-communist guerillas. Visit Tipi Lasanhera where an entire village of widowed women still wear black in mourning for their slaughtered husbands.
Well Stephen, I recommend you take a good long tour of places around the world, like the village of El Mozote, where a mass execution of 800 civilian men, women and children was carried out by death squads trained, supplied and financed by the United States Army and the CIA.I recommend that you take a good, long tour of villages all over Nicaragua where the Contras trained, supplied, financed and supported in every way by the United States government and military carried out the systematic rape, mutilation, torture and murder of thousands of women and children who they claimed were "communists."
Stephen J.: As for American "abuse" of Yugoslavia, I'm amused by your defense of a realm that officially oversaw the slaughter of thousands of men, women and children on a wholesale and intentional basis that was conducted by rapists, up close and personal with small arms, knifes and arson. This, of course, was only stopped by the Allied bombing of the infrastructure of a criminal regime.
Stephen, you can be as "amused" as you want, but the state terrorism of an entire nation of 11 million people, and the bloody slaughter of 3000 civilian men, women and children by NATO's cluster bombs, Depleted Uranium shells, fuel-air bombs, napalm and cruise missiles can fairly be characterized as "abuse."This was not the "bombing of the infrastructure of a criminal regime," as you deceitfully put it. This was the terrorization, mass-murder and bombing of the infrastructure of the entire nation. That's 11,000,000 people, Stephen, not a "criminal regime."
And as for what led up to that U.S.-dominated NATO terror campaign, I have to tell you that you're as clueless as they come. You're totally brainwashed by the mass-media, repeating all their lies like a good little mental puppet.
The Serbians committed no "mass rapes" or "mass murders" anywhere. Those are absolute lies, and there is not one shred of evidence to support them. There was a protracted ethnic war going on in Bosnia and Kosovo, and isolated atrocities were committed by all sides: Croatian, Bosnian Muslim, Serbian and Albanian. The Serbians actually got the worst of it, by far, because the Croatians, Bosnian Muslims and Albanians were supported by the United States and Germany.
500,000 Serbian people were "ethnically cleansed" from the Krajina region of Croatia in 1995. Even as tens of thousands of helpless Serbian refugees were fleeing along the highway they were sadistically shelled and strafed by the fascist Croatian Air Force and Army, under the direction of "retired" U.S. Air Force generals acting as "advisors."
The Serbian people suffered brutal terrorism in Kosovo for many years at the hands of the Albanian heroin-smuggling mafia known as the "Kosovo Liberation Army." There was a civil war going on there, not a genocide, and many Serbians were killed too.
The massive flight of refugees from Kosovo in 1999 started after the U.S./NATO bombing began. They were fleeing the cluster bombs, Depleted Uranium shells, cruise missiles and fuel-air bombs of the United States Air Force and the United States Navy, not the Serbian Army.
Stephen J.: Did you notice that the Yugoslavians recently turned over the butcher-in-chief to the International War Crimes Tribunal in the Haig? They seem to prefer re-entry to the world of civilized nations over expressing hypocritical complaints about the "war crimes" of American combat intervention.
Milosevic was betrayed by the current whoring puppet-government in Belgrade and forcibly kidnapped, not "turned over", and he was taken to the ICTY kangaroo court in The Hague. Interesting that you would spell it "the Haig", as in "U.S. general Alexander Haig." Perhaps you unconsciously sense what your programmed conscious mind can't accept, that the ICTY is nothing but a propaganda tool of the U.S. government. The Hague Tribunal is financed by the CIA-connected Soros Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and Time Warner, Inc. "He who pays the piper, calls the tune." There is no due process and no justice at the ICTY. It engages in nothing but propagandistic show trials, just like the Stalinist trials of the 1930s.And your idiotic and arrogant statement about "re-entry to the world of civilized nations" is parroted directly from CNN and the rest of the corporate mass-media. You've got a lot of gall to call the United States and its whoring, venal allies "civilized nations."
Stephen J.: As for Vietnam being a racist war, I have to marvel at this bit of thinking. It seems to defy logic that America was so racist that it would build a massive pile of its own dead sons simply to eradicate people of a different color.
I have to marvel at the amazing extent of your ignorance, Stephen. Have you never talked to an honest Vietnam vet who was there? If you ever dare to some day, he'll tell you that the Vietnam genocide, as it was actually conducted, was indeed a totally vicious, brutal and sadistic race war.Obviously the official American policy behind the Vietnam war was not based merely on race. America's plutocratic-mafia rulers insisted on prosecuting the Vietnam war simply to make an example of the Vietnamese nation, which was stubbornly attempting to be free of American domination. The Vietnamese had fought the murderous French colonialists for a hundred years. After they finally defeated them at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, the Vietnamese were not about to submit to another colonial ruler. But the American plutocracy was equally determined to show the little "third world" nation who the world rulers were.
So the long-term strategy behind the Vietnam genocide was all about American economic world-domination and the crooked, propagandistic politics which supported it. But the actual war was as dirty, sadistic, bestial and racist as it's possible for any war to be.
What do you think the racist term "gook" was, a friendly salutation? Do you think American GIs would have raped and sodomized Vietnamese women and girls, and shot old women and little children with M-16s in thousands of hamlets like My Lai if the people there had all been blonde and blue-eyed? Do you think American GIs would have tossed grenades into huts full of Vietnamese children if those children looked like the American kids next door whom they grew up with?
You seriously need to get a clue, Stephen.
Stephen J.: I think the issues, as muddled and confused and erroneously understood as they were at the time, were a bit different.
The issues were "muddled and confused and erroneously understood" only by media-brainwashed people like you, Stephen. There was a viciously racist genocide going on in Southeast Asia, and most of the corporate mass-media did their damnedest to cover it up. That involved a whole lot of intentional muddling and confusing of the issues, so that millions of mental sheep in America would never learn about it.
Stephen J.: Besides, the United States was seeking to ensure world stability and the containment of a Stalinist-communist regime...
"...ensure world stability..." a whitewashed euphemism for brutal, bloody, American world-domination. You certainly have learned your lines well, Stephen.
Stephen J.: ...and perhaps give the South Vietnamese a chance at establishing a democracy --
Oh sure, the U.S. tried to "give the South Vietnamese a chance at establishing a democracy" by supporting a brutally fascistic, anti-democratic regime in South Vietnam.
Stephen J.: ...efforts that crippled America's economy --
America crippled its own economy by squandering hundreds of billions of dollars to murder millions of people in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos for over 15 years.
Stephen J.: ...not colonialism that enriched the American people. The North Vietnamese regime remains in power -- in the purest sense of the world -- and is now begging for American money. Of course, the inner circle of out-of-step Vietnamese leadership doesn't intend to extend democracy to its long-suffering people, nor would it endure your web site -- were it to contain a laundry list of the sins of the (coummunist) Vietnamese government.
Whether or not the Vietnamese leadership would "endure" my website is irrelevant. This site is about American state terrorism. It's a subject that brainwashed Americans like you need to face up to. That's the purpose of this website. We live in America, not Vietnam. So we have a duty to speak out when America does evil. If enough decent Americans wake up to the reality of American state terrorism they will be able to finally put a stop to it.
Stephen J.: My advice is to pump a bit more reality into your web site if you want to be something more than a a joke and an affront to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of the complexities of life on the planet Earth.
Like you, I suppose.Have you ever considered a career as a comedian, Stephen? You have a natural talent.
"...rudimentary understanding of... complexities..." Nice try. But parroting a few big words is not enough to mask the fundamental smallness, shallowness and ignorance of your pre-fabricated thinking. What a journalist.
Stephen J.: I think your heart may be in the right place but you're head is somewhere else. Good luck. You've had your say and I've had mine. Please don't respond to this email.
Stephen J.
Author/Journalist/RealistWell that's certainly a wimpy way to end such a pompous email! Of course, I can understand that you would be afraid of an intelligent response to your spectacularly ignorant letter. But if you don't want people to respond to your emails then I suggest you not write to them in the first place.
From: "Your Friend" <student9249@---.com>
Subject: I want to talk
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 22:48:45 -0800I read your page about Cuba and as a proud Cuban Exile living in the greatest country in the world, the United States, I can only express my disgust with your defense of the dictatorship of Fidel Castro.
Well, "student9249", you picked an appropriate alias, because you've got a great deal to learn, especially about yourself!The first fact you need to face about yourself is that you are a fundamentally dishonest person. Right off the bat you prove it in your email. Take your "From:" line. It says "From: Your Friend". That's very dishonest of you. Your email is full of arrogant hostility, and even open threats of violence. Gosh, that doesn't seem too friendly to me!
Even your "Subject:" line is misleading. You don't want to "talk", you want only to rant and threaten, like the ignorant, brainwashed fascist your subsequent letter proves you to be.
You're right about one thing though, "student9249". The United States is "the greatest country in the world", in a monstrous, freaky sort of way. America is the greatest terrorist country in the world, and the greatest economic bloodsucker in the world, too. A truly "great" country indeed.
student9249: Sir, when you say that Fidel Castro and Che are "Liberators of Cuba" YOU are making a point of supporting dictatorship that kills innocent people. The same thing you rant about when you see a "Fascist" dictatorship! Sir, you LOSE all moral ground when you do not condemn Castro's dictatorship.
Look pal, YOU lose all moral ground when you do not condemn American state terrorism, which slaughters millions of innocent people. And you lose all moral ground when you do not condemn your own Cuban-exile terrorism, which murders innocent people and is supported by the cocaine-smuggling CIA.What an absurd hypocrite.
student9249: Fidel Castro has murdered Thousands of innocent Cubans.
I don't know if that's true, "student9249", but I'm sure not going to take your word for it! You've already demonstrated your dishonesty and hypocrisy. Furthermore, your support for American state terrorism, Israeli state terrorism and Cuban-exile terrorism later on in your email, doesn't exactly strengthen your case against Castro.
student9249: There is one 4 page newspaper in Cuba. How would you like that for free press?
Are you implying that America has a free press? What have you been snorting? America's so-called "free press" is nothing more than the voice of the corporate owners of the press. It's the same everywhere in the world. The owners of the press always decide who gets heard and who doesn't, what stories get told, and what stories will never be told. That's not a free press. That's a propaganda apparatus. The mainstream, corporate press of America does not reflect the views of the vast majority of Americans. It reflects the views of its corporate owners.So you have no basis on which to criticize Cuba's press. Cuba's socialist press probably reflects the true opinions of the majority of Cuban people far more accurately than America's corporate press does with majority opinion in America.
student9249: You are not allowed to condemn Castro. You are not allowed to speak against Castro.
Your hypocrisy knows no bounds! You Cuban-exiles support genocidal regimes in El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia to this day, and you supported the sadistic Contras of Nicaragua. The people of El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia can't speak against their satanic rulers or they will be literally mutilated, raped and tortured to death, as you know. You Cuban-exiles support this evil all the way.
student9249: There is not way of overthrowing Castro except by violence.
You're wrong. If the Cuban people really want to overthrow Castro they can do it nonviolently, through massive and unified non-cooperation. But they won't, and you know that too. They don't want to overthrow Castro and replace him with an evil, murdering, fascist whore of the United States, like Batista was.Decent Cubans are proud of Castro for being a truly heroic leader and you should be proud of him too. There are very, very few courageous leaders of nations in this evil, cowardly, whoring world. Few national leaders have the guts to stand up to The American Beast. And yet Castro has done it for decades and just 90 miles away from the belly of The Beast itself! It's nothing short of miraculous. As a Cuban, you would be very proud of Castro if you had an ounce of decency in you.
The American people must overthrow our evil government too, as Castro and the good Cuban people overthrew Batista, the American puppet. But since the U.S. government is the most violent and well-armed mafia in the world, with more guns and ammo than it knows what to do with, it can't be overthrown with violence. I recommend overthrowing the genocidal U.S. government through massive, non-violent non-cooperation.
student9249: [...overthrowing Castro...by violence] Which is what of course US-Cuban Patriots and Freedom Fighters from Miami have been attempting to do.
So you openly admit it -- your so-called "US-Cuban Patriots and Freedom Fighters from Miami" are terrorists. You have been attempting for over forty years to violently overthrow a government, and you know very well that innocent people have already been murdered by your CIA-backed, cocaine-smuggling, Cuban-exile forces. "US-Cuban Patriots and Freedom Fighters from Miami" are nothing more than cold-blooded murderers of innocent children and women. You are cowardly terrorists.
student9249: I see you have linked on your website a disgusting , Left Wing Extremist, Traitor, Anti American Communist William Blum and his "book". In his book he has a chapter on Cuba which is also linked on your website and called "the unforgivable Revolution"
William Blum is a hero, a very honest and courageous man. He's one of the few people in America who tells American history like it is not the whitewashed, propaganda tripe you find in school textbooks and newspapers. His books Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, and Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, are classics which should be taught in the "American history" and "20th century world history" courses of every college and high school.
student9249: He attacks Cuban Patriots and Freedom Fighters for thier actions to free Cuba of dictatorship, but does not mention what The Cuban Government has done to make us so angry!
Oh, you mean when Castro took power away from a bunch of fascist whores and kicked the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government and all it's criminal pets out of Cuba? Gosh, I'll bet you're angry, huh.
student9249: This is something Blum does not understand and obviously you do not either.
As mentioned, Castro kills you if you speak out against him and there is no way to remove him peacefully, so violence is our only choice. When you have a war, innocent people die. Sorry, but thats what happens! Maybe when you make it to the real world you will figure this one out. Ever heard of "collateral damage?" Besides, living under Castro is a fate worse than death.
You are a terrorist, Cuban-exile "student9249". You just admitted it again, right there. You support the violent murder of innocent people. That's what "collateral damage" is. You make excuses for murdering innocent people in war. "Sorry, but that's what happens!", you say flippantly. You don't care at all.But if it was your mother or your daughter or your son who was butchered as "collateral damage" by the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marines or Navy, I don't think we'd hear you casually saying: "Sorry, but that's what happens! When you have a war, innocent people die."
No, you'd understand it when your own children were butchered. You'd finally understand that "collateral damage" is simply a whitewashed euphemism for terrorism, particularly American state terrorism.
You're a very sick person, "student9249". And a total hypocrite. You have no right to blame Castro for killing people when you are willing to kill innocent people yourself, or at least support those who do.
"student9249", terrorist Cuban-exile: If you are a tourist and you are CHOOSING to go to Cuba to give MONEY to support Castro, then you are an ACCOMPLICE to the Tyrant and that makes you a legitimate target of Freedom Fighters. If you are a diplomat working for Cuba or from a country that supports relations with Castro, that also means you are SUPPORTING Castro and that makes you a target. If you are a Left Wing Extremist, Communist Pro Castro like William Blum and Noam Chomsky, then you are ENCOURAGING support for Castro and that makes you a target because you support the terror of Cuba.
So now you, the TERRORIST CUBAN-EXILE from Miami, are openly threatening violence against all innocent tourists who go to Cuba, all supportive diplomats to Cuba and all leftwing sympathizers of Cuba -- saying we're "a legitimate target" for your bogus "Freedom Fighters".How stupid can you get?
Your resort to violence is a sign of your political weakness, and continuing with your terrorism will only weaken your cause further. Tens of millions of people are already against you, and your terrorism will merely strengthen and increase your enemies. Your total defeat is guaranteed. It's just a matter of time.
So remember the old saying: "Live by the sword, die by the sword". The violence you do to others will come back to you. Your own evil sticks to you like your shadow from which you can't escape, and it will be your escort to hell when you die.
"student9249", terrorist Cuban-exile: I support the Cuban Embargo and CIA efforts to free Cuba of Castro and become a respectable government again. Cuba must be a great country like it was in the 50s. Ever wonder why the white Cubans with intelligence and money and education all left Cuba? Think real hard. Now, the Blacks and mixed and some white in Cuba and isolated from the US and you have a mess of a country. I am sure you think thats a coinidence right?
It figures that you're a stupid racist too, "student9249". Racism and fascism just naturally go together. One form of benighted evil feeds another.
"student9249", terrorist Cuban-exile: Ever wonder why so many Cubans go on the rafts, risk death to come to the United States? No Left wing Extremist has EVER answered this question and I doubt you will either.
How about material greed? You know, the same reason you came here.Pirates and mafia thugs risk death too, but that doesn't make them heroes. Material greed is why the Marielitos, who were predominantly middle-class Whites, came here in the infamous Mariel boat lift of 1980. They just wanted to make more money. In that sense they are typical immigrants to America.
Money is the only reason the vast majority of people ever immigrate to this soulless nation. And historically too, it is material greed, not religious or political "freedom" that is the real reason the overwhelming majority of immigrants came to America. They wanted free land more than anything else. They were greedy racists who wanted to increase their property at the expense of others, and maybe even get rich. It didn't bother them at all that they were stealing the land from the Indian peoples and mass-murdering them. Most of the invader-immigrants had no genuine moral consciences, so they didn't lose any sleep over the fact that they were evil racist parasites, making money from the cruel slavery of Black people. Most voluntary immigrants to America just wanted to improve their own material circumstances, no matter who else had to suffer. And that goes a long way in explaining why the United States of America is such a stupid, venal, degraded society today.
Such lowlife are typical of the violently racist, evil people who invaded and immigrated to all the Americas North, Central, South and the Caribbean and settled them from the beginning. Starting in 1493, with bloodthirsty second voyage of Christopher Columbus. Over five hundred years of the greatest genocide in the history of the world.
After decades of American sanctions and blockades against Cuba (not to mention terrorism from certain lowlife exile communities), the Cuban economy has really suffered. But the best people in Cuba want to stay, no matter how much the U.S. punishes them. I'm sure every society on Earth has a large percentage of people who are greedy and selfish, and I wouldn't expect Cuba to be any different. But Cuba is really fortunate that so many of those people have slithered away to infest Florida and New York. That's Cuba's gain, and America's loss.
A secondary reason some Cubans leave to go to America is to be with family who are already here. But they too might be motivated by material greed, particularly if those family members are involved in cocaine-smuggling.
For the Mariel boat lift Castro got a bit of revenge on the fascist U.S. government, releasing thousands of criminals and mental patients and sending them to join their friends in Miami.
Think about it, "student9249". If you were given the choice between hard justice in a Cuban prison, or the possibility of "living the good life" as part of a cocaine-smuggling mafia among Cuban-exiles in Miami, I bet you'd risk death on a raft too!
U.S. authorities managed to arrest quite a few of them, but most of the criminal Marielitos evaded law enforcement and were easily and naturally absorbed into Miami's Cuban-exile society. Since then the U.S. has dumped 1,425 of them back on Cuba, while about 1,750 remain in U.S. prisons.
"student9249", terrorist Cuban-exile: I came to the United States because I believe in this country and I knew that Castro's policies would not be in my best interests. Now, I live in Miami, making the big $$$$, supporting Freedom Fighters like Orlando Bosch, and living the good life! Meanwhile, the Cubans still in Cuba are poor and miserable! Guess who was right?
Castro was right, of course. And Castro is still right. Thankyou for convincing me of it! After all, he rid Cuba of evil, racist people like you, didn't he? So now I know for sure, Castro can't be all bad!It's just too bad that all you racist, fascist, cocaine-smuggling criminals had to come to Miami and pollute it with your vile presence. You belong in prison, not "living the good life". But then, America has always been a haven for criminals, as you've discovered. Throughout its murderous history, America has always rewarded evil people with money and power.
"student9249", terrorist Cuban-exile: I support America and our fight against terrorism. You are against America and call it a "terrorist" I support President Bush and on the War on the Terrorism. Iran, Iraq, Palestine, and Cuba promote Terror. US and Israel fight the Terror. Everyone knows that. Miami also fights the Terror as well.
No, only ignorant, media-brainwashed fools think that the U.S. military/government, Israelis and Cuban-exiles "fight terror". Intelligent, honest, informed people know that the U.S. military/government is the greatest terrorist organization on Earth, that Zionist Israelis are Jewish Nazis, and that you Cuban-exiles are murderous, cocaine-smuggling terrorists, backed all the way by the violently evil CIA.So it figures that a racist terrorist like you supports everything else that is truly evil, like Israel, and the election-stealing Bush Regime. "Birds of a feather, stick together." There's another old saying that applies to you. But in this case, it's about vultures.
"student9249", terrorist Cuban-exile: One more question- This is on Yugoslavia and I don't know much about it, but you seem to and think that Milosevic was a great guy that that he didn't kill the Muslims. Well then, why did everyone in Belgrade protest and strike and demand that Milosevic leave if he was such a great guy? Think hard.
You got one thing right, "student9249" you don't know much about it. Everyone in Belgrade did NOT protest and strike and demand that Milosevic leave. Many ordinary Yugoslavian people actually demonstrated in support of Milosevic. But America controls Yugoslavia now, and he was eventually double-crossed and kidnapped by the Kostunica puppet regime in Belgrade that was installed through U.S. subversion, and handed over to the ICTY kangaroo court in The Hague.The anarchic, American-backed coup in Belgrade on October 5, 2000 installed the American-financed puppet Vojislav Kostunica as president while a street mob burned the Yugoslavian Parliament and the state television station.
What do you care, anyway? You're willing to believe the American mass-media lies about anything because you're a fool for whatever power will support you in your criminal designs on Cuba.
See: American/NATO State Terrorism of the Yugoslavian Peoples, for the truth about Yugoslavia.
"student9249", terrorist Cuban-exile: But why am I wasting my time? You will look at my letter and see I am intelligence and I am asking the tough questions you don't want to answer.
I look at your letter and I see an ignorant fool. You don't ask any tough questions at all, you only prove that you are a racist, hypocrite supporter of terrorists, perhaps even an active terrorist or ex-terrorist yourself.So why am I wasting my time with you? Because somebody should help you to see the truth about yourself. You're terribly confused.
The very fact that you Cuban-exile terrorists openly admit your intention to murder innocent American tourists and Cubans in Cuba, and even critics of your terrorism like Chomsky and Blum, only proves that they are right about you.
You are truly your own worst enemies. Your cause is evil, and it will be totally defeated.
Time itself is against people like you. That's why the criminal Bush regime is so desperate to create a police state based on their phony "war on terrorism". They know very well that time is running out for them. Racist fascists are dinosaurs from a political paleolithic age. And like their reptilian brethren of old, they are going to become extinct. There's a karmic asteroid with their names on it.
Like the Bush regime, cocaine-smuggling Cuban-exile fascists belong in prison, or a zoo, or Jurassic Park not loose on the streets of America like the CIA-backed terrorists they are.
From: John H. <JH---@---engineers.com>
Subject: Glad I'm Not Like You
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:06:21 -0500It must be very frustrating to harbor such hostility towards a force you do not understand. How powerless you must feel knowing that there is nothing you can do that will have any effect on the power of the United States to dictate the agenda of world affairs. That's what being the world's sole superpower entitles you to do. It's unfortunate for you that the Soviet Union imploded and left America in charge. Now you are left with only a lame website and a handful of suicidal terrorists with which to pin your hopes of America's destruction on. I hope you enjoy the turmoil that must be raging in your head.
Now see here, John old boy. Is that the best you can do? Surely you can come up with insults and provocations less insipid than that! You're clearly out of practice. I'd guess that your daily life is a bit suppressed, and you long for the kind of Imperial Power America beats the world over the head with. But your boss keeps you on a short leash, doesn't he. Maybe your wife too.
Well why don't you put down that calculator, wield your letter opener like a sword and Take Charge like America! If your secretary is a lot smaller than you, practice on her. Use those handcuffs you keep in your briefcase. After all, it's the American way: always bully those who have far less power than yourself. As a loyal minion of the world's sole Superpower, it's time for you to Dictate The Agenda of office affairs. Lay down the law. That's what being a Superpower entitles you to do. Why, I bet a True Blue American Patriot like you could teach that little secretary a thing or two about Power! Besides, she's probably a terrorist anyway. Part of the Axis of Evil.
What?! She's fighting back?? Swinging her nuclear purse at you?! Quick, back off! No sense taking unnecessary risks. You can get her later, like the CIA. Sneak up on her when she's not looking and hit her with some good ol' American know-how. In the meantime, look for someone more powerless to bully. Maybe you could find some children or a small, helpless animal. You're an American after all, a can-do sort of guy. You'll find a way. The world lies at your feet. On this prison planet there's no shortage of weak and vulnerable beings you can Dictate The Agenda to.
Isn't that right, John? It's all about power and money. That's all that matters. Morality? Humanity? Bah! Humbug! That's for bleeding-heart liberals. Human feeling is for weaklings and losers. You're not a human, you're a flag-waving American patriot! A Winner! And America is In Charge! The new Roman Empire! Time to kick some planetary ass! Like Superman! Or Rambo! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Ratta-tatta-tatta-tatta-tatta! BOOM! BOOM! BAM!
So what happened to you, John? No love when you were a kid? Did some heartless adult superpower Dictate The Agenda to you when you were small and powerless?
Well whatever your problem is, you've got it easy compared to America's victims. At least no American pilot ever butchered you, your children, your friends and family with cluster bombs like they did to millions of innocent men, women and children in Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan and Iraq. You never had to dig out the crushed corpses of your children from the rubble after some faceless, invisible, cowardly American bomber crew dropped bombs from 30,000 feet above your head and destroyed your home, your city and your life.
As for America's own destruction, here's a clue for you: America is going to self-destruct.
As long as there are enough Americans like you around, America's self-destruction is guaranteed. The suicidal terrorists are in the White House and the Pentagon. And they don't honestly care about the lives of Americans any more than they care about the lives of Iraqis or Yugoslavians or Vietnamese or any other people in the world.
Remember that when it all comes crashing down around your head, John. What goes around comes around. That's a law of the universe, and all bullies learn it the hard way, sooner or later.
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