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Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race. Albert Einstein
The Good,
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the Ugly
The Bad...
deep sleep
morally comatose
just plain bad
(My replies are indicated by indented paragraphs.)
From: Big Al
Subject: Thanks for pissing me off...
From: Mike V.
Subject: Criticism
From: Big Al <alex_c----@----.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:03:44 -0000
Subject: Thanks for pissing me off...Hello,
I greatly appreciate you ruining an already bad day. As an Allied Force vet, and a member of the USAF, I can see you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Well isn't that a coincidence! After reading your letter I can see you don't have a clue what you're talking about either, Big Al!And if I ruined the already bad day of an Allied FARCE vet and a member of the genocidal USAF well, let me just say I'm so very glad I could be of service to my country.
Big Al: Lets start with the atom bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, as I happen to know a great deal on the topic, and World War II in general.
Sorry, Big Al, but you don't know nearly as much as you think you do.
Big Al: Nagasaki was a major production area for the Japanese war effort. So major that nearly the entire city was an industial factory to make parts for Japanese ships and planes. This made it a target of SIGNIFICANT importance.
Well Big Al, whatever Nagasaki did or did not produce, there's something about that "target" that was of even MORE SIGNIFICANT importance the presence of hundreds of thousands of civilian men, women and innocent children.
Big Al: Hiroshima was nearly the same in every aspect, and held a personal significance to the Emporer, who lived a lot of his younger years there. Both had been shyed away from by Allied bombing forces because of the massing of Japanese protections set in place (anti-aircraft batteries, fighter support).
Fighter support? By the time the 150,000 innocent civilian people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were annihilated by America's atom bombs in August 1945 there wasn't much left of the Japanese Air Force. Japan was on its knees militarily and economically at that point and their total surrender was absolutely inevitable. And the United States government and military knew this very well.See:
American Atomic-Holocaust of the People of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, August, 1945
Big Al: The only way to get at these targets would have been a small force (1-3 bombers), flying at extremely high altitude to evade sighting. A force of this nature would be virtually useless against a target of this nature.
Well Big Al, how do you explain the USAF's nighttime fire-bombing of Tokyo that burned alive 80,000 civilian men, women and children in one night? Tokyo was a lot bigger than either Hiroshima or Nagasaki and that raid involved a whole lot more than "1-3 bombers." The United States Army Air Force could have chosen to slaughter the innocent civilian people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with a nighttime fire-bombing instead.
Big Al: On top of this, a ground assault on the Japanese mainland, the only other way possible to end the war would have resulted in over 1 million soldiers lost for both sides.
Wrong, Big Al. That figure of "1 million" soldiers dying in an invasion was an absolute lie, invented by American politicians after the atom bombs were dropped and the world began to learn about the horrible effects of nuclear radiation on human beings. Public opinion within the U.S. and around the world was beginning to turn against the U.S. government for its sadistic use of the atom bombs. Therefore the U.S. government invented the lie of "1 million casualties" to deflect public criticism from itself. It worked very well. And to this day people still believe that lie because it gets repeated endlessly in the mainstream American mass-media, year after year.Whatever the American casualties might have been in an invasion of the Japanese main island of Honshu, they would have been nothing even remotely close to "1 million" men or even half a million. Some estimate an invasion would have cost approximately 50,000 American soldiers' lives, with much higher casualties among Japanese soldiers and civilian people. But the main point is that a ground invasion was absolutely unnecessary and therefore would never have been undertaken.
As a New York Times military analyst wrote, shortly after the war:
"The enemy, in a military sense, was in a hopeless strategic position by the time the Potsdam demand for unconditional surrender was made on July 26 [1945]."
Big Al: The very nature of the Japanese soldiers in that time showed this (IE: Iwo Jima, Guadal Canal, Guam, Okinawa, etc... all resulting in enormous losses on both sides for the relatively small amount of land covered). In my personal opinion, the loss of 25,000 or so civilians working for the war effort easily makes the atom bomb more feasable.
"25,000 or so civilians"?? Is that what they tell you in the U.S. Air Force, Big Al? Unbelievable. Well, sorry to have to spoil your self-serving fantasy, but the documentary evidence proves that at least 150,000 Japanese civilian men, women and children were slaughtered instantly by America's atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and hundreds of thousands more died slowly and horribly over the course of the next few months and years from radiation poisoning.But in the personal opinion of Big Al, proud member of the genocidal United States Air Force, the horrible deaths of a mere "25,000" civilian human beings, including thousands of children who were not "working for the war effort," "easily makes the atom bomb more feasable." Especially since they were all just a bunch of "Japs", eh Big Al?
How "feasable" would it be for your children to be horribly murdered by an atom bomb for any reason whatsoever? You wouldn't find that so easy to accept, would you Big Al?
Big Al: Now, you may bring up the long term effects of nuclear fallout from these bombs. Let me tell you this. In 1945, the long term effects of nuclear fallout were essentially unknown. They knew there would be cancer, just not how much. In fact, most scientists were startled by how little the effects were. The majority of them were saying 500-600 thousand deaths over the course of the next 20 years, when, in fact, there were fewer than 3000.
That's a dirty lie, Big Al. Is that also what your officers tell you in the U.S. Air Force? Well of course war criminals will always want to cover up their crimes.
Big Al: Now let me ask you this. If you had the choice of killing 2 million people and letting a future enemy have a strategic economic source or killing 30,000 people and keeping your enemy at bay, which would you pick? I'm betting you'll pick to kill 2 million...
Well you lose, Big Al. Hands down. Better quit while you're behind.Since I'm not a member of the United States Air Force I wouldn't dream of murdering 2 million people, nor even 30,000 people. Of course that's impossible for you to understand, Airman Al. And this is way over your head, but I wouldn't murder even one person. Amazing, isn't it?
Now, lest you get any ideas, I'll hasten to add that I would certainly defend myself and others from violent attack, including attacks from scumbags packaged in any sort of uniform. But I would never commit cold-blooded mass-murder like U.S. Air Force personnel are so fond of doing.
Big Al: I'm going to jump ahead a bit now to Vietnam. In Vietnam, the enemy was everywhere. I'm sure you have no idea because you probably jumped ship and dodged the draft.
Well if I had it would be a very good reason to be proud of myself. Those men who "jumped ship" and "dodged the draft" are the true heros of that era. They are the ones who were intelligent enough and moral enough to refuse to take part in the racist American genocide known as the "Vietnam War."The other true heros were those soldiers who realized their mistake after they were already suckered into going to Nam, and then shot their evil officers and/or went AWOL before they were ordered to murder women and children. God bless them all.
Big Al: When 5 year old kids are killing you, you tend to be a bit speculative when you enter a town that is KNOWN to be harboring VC soldiers and no one knows what you're talking about. When you find a cache of guns and ammo underneath a hut in the center of town an no one knows who put them there, chances are you're dealing with the enemy.
Of course it would never occur to you, Big Al, that American forces should never have invaded Vietnam in the first place.Nor would it matter to you one bit that the VC were heroically defending their homeland and their families against racist American invaders who routinely raped and murdered their women, murdered their children, shot their babies with M-16s and dropped napalm and cluster bombs on thousands of their villages.
Big Al: That said, I am not going to deny that mistakes were made during that war. Excessive mistakes? No.
No? Oh that's right, you're in the United States Air Force. Therefore the wholesale rape, torture and slaughter of over 3,000,000 civilian men, women and children does not constitute an "excessive mistake" to you.Especially when the victims were not even White. I'm mean, after all they were just a bunch of "gooks," right, Big Al?
Big Al: The South Vietnamese armed forces were largely responsible for the massacres on villages. When the US forces were responsible, those that participated were severly punished. Several were sentenced to death, some are still in military prisons.
That's another bunch of dirty lies you've told, Big Al. Not one U.S. soldier was ever sentenced to death for murdering Vietnamese civilian people and of those few who were convicted there are none left in military prisons. In the most publicized atrocity of the war, the Mylai massacre, not one single American soldier or officer was seriously punished, even though they sodomized, raped and murdered the village girls and women, bayonetted old men and shot helpless children and babies with M-16s. Almost all of the soldiers of Charlie Company got off without ever even being charged, and only a handful of enlisted men and officers went to trial. All but one were acquitted.Capt. Ernest Medina was found "not guilty" even though he personally shot women and children in Mylai. Lt. William Calley was finally found guilty of murdering women, children, old men and even a little two-year-old Vietnamese baby, and ordering his soldiers to murder many more. Then, after being in the stockade for only three days, he was released and put under comfortable house arrest by Tricky Dick Nixon. Not long after, on November 9, 1974, the Secretary of the Army announced that Calley would be paroled. In 1976 he got married. Presumably he managed to convince his wife that their own babies would be too White for him to blow away with an M-16. Last I heard he works in the jewelry store of his father-in-law in Columbus, Georgia.
And that, Big Al ol' boy, was far more "punishment" than was usually given to all the girl-raping, baby-murdering soldiers of the United States Army who went to Vietnam. That is what passes for "justice" in the United States of America.
Big Al: You mention that we were there for economic gain. I ask you this... What economic gain is there in a 3rd world nation such as Vietnam?
Cheap labor and raw materials. Why do you think the French possessed it as colony for so many years and fought hard to keep it after WWII? You can get very, very rich by exploiting cheap labor in a country while you bloodsuck the raw materials out of it. This is what Uncle Sham has also been doing in Central and South America for the last 100 years.And of course Uncle Sam ordered the United States Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines to mass-murder over 4 million people in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in order to "protect them from the Communists." Nothing cuts into corporate profits like a whole region of people suffering from decent housing, schooling for children, full employment and living wages under "Godless Communism."
Big Al: Even today Vietnam is among the lowest ranking in world economy.
Gosh, I wonder why that would be? Hmm, let's see.... Well, the world's greatest superpower spent over 14 years brutally murdering over 3 million of the people in Vietnam while terrorizing all the rest and devastating the entire country with cluster bombs, napalm and Agent Orange. Then that superpower imposed economic sanctions on Vietnam for the next 20 years or so.What do you think, Big Al, could that have anything to do with it?
Big Al: Why would we be there for money when we could just as easily invade Eastern Europe, which at the time was under Soviet control and was a major industrial center for the Soviet military.
Think, Big Al, think... Oops, I forgot, you're in the United States Air Force. You're not supposed to think for yourself.Well give it a try anyway. The only way to strengthen those little brain muscles is to exercise them. Think hard now and you might see why it's absolutely absurd to suggest that "we could just as easily invade Eastern Europe..." as invade Vietnam.
Give up? I understand, you're not used to thinking. Hurts your head doesn't it.
Well let me help you out a bit. Here's the answer: fortunately for Eastern Europe at the time, they were a whole lot more heavily defended than Vietnam was, with a lot more sophisticated weaponry.
You see, Big Al, the United States is essentially a cowardly bully. It likes to go after nations much smaller and weaker than itself. Eastern Europe was right next door to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union had nuclear weapons and was not a small, weak nation. Hence the United States didn't dare attack it or any of its satellite nations in the Warsaw Pact.
Big Al: Again, I am not defending the actions of some of the soldiers in Vietnam, but I empathise with them in that the enemy wasn't clear cut. It wasn't like WW II or Korea where the battle lines were set and anyone in the north was an enemy and anyone in the south was a friend. The VC army had influences as far south as the coast, and would't hesitate to use children in suicide bombings. In most cases the children didn't even know what they were doing, they were just told to run up to the soldiers and pull a pin. How can you say it was unwarrented when they were defending themselves from future attack by killing VC influenced civilians.
"...defending themselves from future attack by killing VC influenced civilians"? So you're not only talking about murdering terrified Vietnamese children who might have grenades, you're talking about the preemptive murder of suspected "VC influenced civilians." Incredible. And you claim you're "not defending the actions of some of the soldiers in Vietnam"? What you just said was a defense of the Mylai massacre.The absolutely overwhelming majority of women, children and babies murdered by American soldiers in Vietnam were completely unarmed. In Mylai, which was typical, they found no weapons and no VC, not even any young men, and they were never fired upon by anyone. The women and girls were raped and murdered, the old men bayoneted and tossed down wells followed by a grenade, and all the little children and babies were blown away with M-16s because they were suspected "VC sympathizers," not because they were any immediate threat to American soldiers.
We had no right to invade Vietnam in the first place. America's prosecution of the war was absolutely dirty and demonic, and no decent, self-respecting human being would ever have been a part of it.
Big Al: Now on to the Gulf War. Do you even have any idea what DU is? It is not used in missles, as it would make the missle too heavy to fly.
Wrong again, Big Al. Depleted uranium is used in the tips of missiles, as well as the tips of shells and bullets. Not enough to make them too heavy to fly, but just enough to give them the ability to penetrate inches of solid steel. On impact the DU tip ignites and burns its way through the steel armor of a tank in a matter of milliseconds.
Big Al: It is not a health hazard in the way you mentioned, as it emits Alpha particles, not Beta or Gamma as the other Uranium isotopes emit.
Looks like the United States Air Force is really keeping you in the dark about depleted uranium, Big Al. It is indeed a deadly health hazard when it is inhaled or ingested as dust after the radioactive depleted uranium in the shell vaporizes upon impact and detonation. As radioactive dust it has polluted the air and water of Iraq and Yugoslavia and it has a half-life of 4.5 billion years.When inhaled or ingested, depleted uranium particles cause chemical and radioactive damage to the bronchial tree, kidneys, liver and bones. Cancer and leukemia often result, and the effects can even include genetic damage.
But of course the U.S. Air Force doesn't want you to know about that.
Big Al: In fact, U-238 is not just used in military weapons and vehicles, it is used as balast in commercial aircraft and ships. It is used in many things you may have in your own household. The fact that it was used in the Gulf War shouldn't even factor in.
The information above should explain to you why DU certainly does "factor in" to the Gulf "War" terror campaign.
Big Al: Did you mention it was also used in Vietnam? I didn't think so.
Can you guess why I didn't mention it was used in Vietnam, Big Al? Because it wasn't used in Vietnam.Depleted uranium bullets were first invented by the U.S. military in the 1970s, after they had already completed their Vietnam genocide. Originally, DU bullets and shells were designed specifically to destroy the heavily armored Russian T-72 tanks. The Gulf "War" of 1991 was the first time America got to try out its "miracle weapon" in a big military terror campaign.
Big Al: Did you mention that Russian soldiers use it too, as does the majority of the free world? Nope, I didn't see that either. In fact, at this point I'm wondering if you even did ANY research before posting this trash.
Obviously it is you who haven't done any research, Big Al! In fact, at this point I'm wondering if you can tell the difference between fact and fantasy. But then, you're in the U.S. Air Force, so I think we know the answer to that one.
Big Al: On to your ranting about the Iraqi civilians killed in action in Desert Storm. There were fewer civilians killed than Allied soldiers, and there were fewer than 1000 allied soldiers killed, all together. In fact, there are more suicides in the US every month than there were Iraqi civilian casualties throughout the entire campaign, from Desert Shield to the latest bombings this past month. I ask again, did you mention this? Nope. Don't worry, I'm almost done.
Almost done? Aw shucks, and I've been having such a good time laughing at your endless stream of lies, delusions and hypocrisy.Well, this latest lie of yours is a whopper, a real Hitlerian-style Big Lie i.e. just more of your U.S. Air Force propaganda. The fact is 200,000 civilian men, women and children were brutally slaughtered by the United States Air Force and Navy in the six-week terror campaign of 1991, romantically called "Desert Storm." This incredible mass-murder was carried out by the most intensive use of cluster bombs in history. Generous amounts of depleted uranium shells and missiles were fired also, more than any time since, along with fuel-air explosives, napalm, cruise missiles and other so-called "smart bombs."
Since that sadistic carnage, another 1 million to 2 million people in Iraq have died as a direct result of the sanctions. At least half of the dead were children.
You see, Big Al, your heroic United States Air Force specifically targeted the civilian infrastructure of the entire country during the Desert Storm terror campaign, just as your Allied Farce did in Yugoslavia. In Iraq this included every water treatment plant, dam and grain silo in the country. As a result, for the last ten years most people there have had to drink polluted water. Many get severe dysentery, and this is one of the main diseases that kills all the children under five-years-old there.
And of course the United States then placed an embargo on all the medicines needed to treat the diseases. This genocide of the people of Iraq was absolutely deliberate and well-planned in advance.
Big Al: And Allied Force? Right... You know why we were there, right? Mr. Milosevic was killing off hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians. He was using his military to slaughter them by the thousands while they slept by bombing their villages and shelling the refugee lines as they fled. The reasons you gave are, once again, completely wrong. While the economic structure of the European Nations was a factor, we were there to stop another Hitleresque mass murderer.
Another Big Lie from Big Al, lackey of the genocidal U.S. Air Force. Milosevic was not "killing off hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians." Yugoslavian police and the Yugoslav Army were engaged in a protracted struggle with terroristic Albanian separatists known as the "KLA." The KLA are known heroin smugglers and terrorists. The U.S. government itself even acknowledged them as terrorists in 1998, and then changed them into "freedom fighters" when they were needed as an excuse to destroy Yugoslavia.
Big Al: Have you ever seen some of the mass graves dug by Yugoslavian soldiers in the night? Do you have any idea what a pile of 50,000 bodies looks like? I doubt it.
You're right, I don't, and you don't have any idea what "a pile of 50,000 bodies" looks like either, Big Al, because there never were any such "piles" anywhere in Kosovo. No mass graves have ever been found anywhere in Kosovo, although the U.S. government has been searching for them for the last two years. And they never will find any, because they don't exist.The Big Lie about "mass graves" is just another U.S. government propaganda ploy to win the battle for public opinion. Such lies were absolutely necessary in order to sell the terror campaign to the ignorant, mass-media-brainwashed American and European public.
Big Al: In fact, from the sounds of it, you have no idea what really went on there.
In fact it is you who have no idea what really went on there. You're just a brainwashed fool in the U.S. Air Force. You think your officers are going to tell you or anybody else the truth about their war crimes?
Big Al: Let me brush you up a bit. I was in England supporting the war effort.
You were in England supporting a vicious, sadistic terror campaign against the entire civilian population and infrastructure of Yugoslavia, Big Al. A terror campaign in which over 3000 civilian men, women and children were brutally murdered by American cluster bombs, depleted uranium missiles, cruise missiles, napalm and fuel-air explosives. At least 1000 of the civilian people thus violently murdered were helpless, innocent children murdered by U.S. Air Force and Navy war criminals.You are nothing more than an accessory to cold-blooded mass-murder, Big Al.
Big Al: I was deployed with the B-1 bombers. We were in the same place as the B-52s. The B-1 dropped 24% of all munitions dropped during that conflict, despite entering the fray 2 weeks late. We never used anything except 500lb 'dumb' bombs. These are of the 'free fall' type, Mk-82's in fact. As I noticed you mentioned us in the cluster bomb section, I would like to let you know you are wrong. The B-1 can carry 30 cluster bombs, yes. The B-1 has never used cluster bombs in anger. The B-52 or B-2 will NEVER drop bombs from anywhere lower than 10,000 feet, as they fly too slow to evade any fire from ground.
And by dropping cluster bombs from 10,000 feet or above the U.S. Air Force war criminals are assured of zero accuracy in hitting specific targets. Your cluster bombs murdered old women and old men doing their shopping in market squares. Your cluster bombs murdered civilian people in schools and hospitals, in cars and buses and trains and villages and towns all over Yugoslavia from Novi Sad to Belgrade to Nis to Pristina.
Big Al: I was able to see satelite images of every single B-1 attack during that campaign. I never once saw a missed target. In fact, I never once saw a civilian target hit by a B-1.
Oh I see, our "Big Al" must be a very high-ranking officer in the United States Air Force to have a security clearance high enough to allow him to see "satelite images of every single B-1 attack during that campaign." Because the vast majority of those images will be top secret, revealing all the civilian people and infrastructure you hit.And if you're just another Airman then you are trusting the word of your commanding officers that they've shown you all the satellite images, none of which show a missed target or a civilian target hit by a B-1.
In that case, Big Al, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
Big Al: We mainly hit airfields.
You're a liar.
Big Al: 2 B-1's can destroy an entire airfield without the use of cluster bombs, smart bombs, NBC weapons or any other weapon you say we used. We hit an Oil refinery, 2 ammo dumps (the secondary explosions on these were SPECTACULAR...
You hit the Pancevo refinery, fertilizer plant and petrochemical complex again and again, on 23 separate days, hitting it with at least 56 bombs or missiles during the 78 days and nights of the terror campaign, spilling tons of toxic chemicals into the Danube River and poisoning the ground around the plant for decades to come.At one point a cloud of toxic gases and smoke from Pancevo stretched over 9 miles and lasted for ten days, choking and poisoning thousands of civilian men, women and children for miles around.
On April 9th, 1999 you hit the huge Zastava automobile plant in Kragujevac, murdering all the workers inside.
You hit the main television station in Belgrade, murdering all the workers inside. The television station had begun to broadcast the graphic evidence of your NATO war crimes to the whole world, and so the U.S. government had it silenced. Fortunately it was impossible for you to cut off Yugoslavia's Internet connections, so the world found out about your war crimes anyway.
One of the ways the U.S. government tried to cut off Yugoslavia's Internet connections was by cutting electrical power. U.S. Air Force pilots hit power lines and power stations with special graphite bombs, leaving millions of people without electricity for days at a time until it was restored, only to be knocked out again and again.
You hit hospitals full of injured people, murdering doctors, nurses and patients, and leaving those alive without water or electricity.
You hit people in schools and residential neighborhoods. You helped to murder children, Big Al. In one case the parents found their child's severed head in their garden. That child was murdered by an American cluster bomb which was dropped by a United States Air Force pilot who was directly supported by you, Big Al.
But to you the suffering of all those people is just a "SPECTACULAR" image on a satellite photograph.
Big Al: ...any militant gun-toting hooligan such as yourself would've been impressed),
If anyone is a militant, gun-toting hooligan, it is obviously you and your fellow Air Force war criminals, Big Al, you hypocrite. I assure you, I am not impressed with your cowardly mass-murder.
Big Al: ...1 Military Barracks (any civilian who lives in a house surrounded by tanks and APCs isn't really a civilian anyway... in case you would ask how we knew for sure), and 1 artillery battery that was shelling Kosovo refugees.
It was your U.S. Air Force that slaughtered a group of 100 Albanian refugees one night in the second week of May, 1999, at Korisa in Kosovo. They had been fleeing the NATO bombing, and most of them were women and children. Your fellow U.S. Air Force war criminals murdered them with incendiary cluster bombs. The bodies were found the next morning, the charred body of a baby still held in the arms of its blackened mother, all the women and children's bodies still smoking and burned beyond recognition.
Big Al: Other than that it was all airfields.
You're a liar, Big Al.
Big Al: To say we were "butchering" civilians is an all out attack on the US Government, and I lost any chance of even thinking about any of this crap. You took something I know about FIRSTHAND and lied, yes LIED, to anyone who may read this page. God save your soul, cause if I ever get my hands on you, you'll need him to piece you back together.
Tsk, tsk, tsk... it's unwise to make idle threats to total strangers, Big Al. Very unwise. But I'll bet you're used to bullying people, aren't you Big Al. That's why you feel at home in the U.S. Air Force.Well, if you live to be an old man, you're going to have to look back on all the stupidity of your life. The older you get the harder it will be to avoid thinking about all your mistakes over and over and over again. Better choose your actions wisely now to minimize the regrets you're going to have to live with later.
And you're going to die someday too, like everybody else. At that time you will have to fully face all the stupid evil and deceit you've been a part of. But it will be too late to change anything. Better change your ways now, Big Al, while there's still time.
Big Al: I read over your section on the various bombs in use. Let me give you a little background on these weapons. For 1) The United States Armed Forces have not use chemical or biological weapons since World War I. Yes, the one that ended before 1920.
Another Big Lie from Big Al. The United States Armed Forces used chemical and biological weapons in Korea and Liaoning province, China against both Korean and Chinese civilian people from 1950 to 1953. And what are napalm and Agent Orange if not chemical weapons? Used very extensively to mass-murder people and devastate the environment of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.
Big Al: The US keeps stockpiles of NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) weapons as a deturrent. The US has not had the need to use such weapons because of the threat of having them used against the enemies own forces. If we did not have the stockpiles, you would most likely be speaking Russian and sipping on Vodka and NOT READING THIS EMAIL! To say that the United States used them in the Gulf War is absurd, in fact, I am enforcing my opinion that you are an idiot with every section I read.
How about that, you accidentally revealed the truth about yourself you are indeed "enforcing" your opinion of me with every section you read. Well you just go ahead and "enforce" your opinion into a frothing mass of righteously brainwashed indignance, Big Al, since that's what will help you hide from the fact that you're part of a war criminal organization.
Big Al: 2) The United States does not employ airborne land mines. It is unfeasable to drop a landmine from any higher than 6 inches, as it is likely to explode due to the very nature of the weapon.
Your ignorance of your own Air Force weapons is nothing short of remarkable, Big Al! Cluster bombs become landmines due to "delayed fuzing options" and the dud rate of 5% to 30%. Unexploded cluster bombs form uncharted mine fields.
Big Al: To say that we employed them in any conflict, let alone Desert Storm or Allied force, is a lie.
No, once again it is you who are lying, Big Al. Cluster bombs were used very extensively in both the "Desert Storm" and Allied Farce terror campaigns. And now Iraq and Yugoslavia are littered with unknown thousands of unexploded cluster bombs, and there are still millions lying all over Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Children in these countries are murdered and dismembered by American cluster bombs all the time, hundreds every year for the last 30+ years.Of course you'll never hear about it from your lying, war criminal U.S. Air Force officers. Nor will you ever hear about it in the corporate-owned-and-controlled mass-media. But these are very well-documented facts, nevertheless. If you honestly wanted to know the truth you could research it on the Internet any time.
Big Al: We would not, nor have we ever, use land mines in a place where our soldiers plan on walking someday without making a map of the mine placements. To do this with 'airborne' land mines is impossible. The weapons you refer to do not have these types of fuses. They are used to get underneath Tanks and APCs, where there is generally less armor. When they hit the ground, they explode. Normal cluster bombs explode before impact, raining shrapnel down on the target(s). The ones that have the 'random' timers do NOT explode at random killing anything in the vacinity. They are used in situations where both types of cluster bombs are needed, and you do not have the payload capacity to carry 2 different types of munitions. Half of the bomblets will explode above the target, and half will explode on impact or shortly there after.
You're lying again, Big Al. Some models of cluster bombs are intended to detonate over the course of several days. Some of them even have deployed tripwires. They are intended to murder any person who happens to step on the tripwire. The U.S. Air Force refers to them using the sterile euphemism of "area denial cluster weapons."The CBU-87 CEM "Combined Effects Munition" cluster bomb, for instance, dispenses 202 bomblets over an area of 800 feet by 400 feet. This is one that U.S. Air Force war criminals call "an area denial cluster weapon." Translation from military-speak: the bomblets create an 800 x 400 ft. uncharted mine field. The CBU-87 was used extensively to slaughter Iraqi civilian men, women and children during the Desert Storm terror campaign.
The CBU-71/B cluster bomb is another one that can be used intentionally as a landmine. It has what U.S. Air Force war criminals call "a random delay fuzing option." Translation from military-speak: these cluster bombs can be set to explode at a variety of times after hitting the ground, to terrorize a local population.
The CBU-89 or "GATOR" family of scatterable mines is another favorite body-butchering weapon used by the cowardly mass-murderers of the United States Air Force who romantically imagine themselves to be "fighter aircrews." The dispenser holds 72 anti-armor mines and 22 anti-personnel mines. These mines arm immediately upon impact. They do not "explode on impact or shortly thereafter."
The "GATOR" has two integrated "kill mechanisms": a magnetic influence fuze to sense armor, and deployed tripwires that explode the bomb when adults, children or your pet dog walks on or disturbs them.
Another feature of the "GATOR" is the "random delay function" detonating over several days for "highly effective area denial and harassment operations." Translation from military-speak: these evil weapons are highly effective for the murder and long-term terrorization of our fellow human beings.
And finally there are the 5% to 30% of all cluster bombs that are so-called "duds" they hit the ground and don't explode when they are supposed to. Such cluster bombs do explode eventually, however, over the course of years whenever they happen to be disturbed by adults, children or animals. And they become more unstable with time. Such cluster bombs have been murdering and dismembering Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian children since the 1960s. American cluster bombs have been murdering Iraqi children since 1991, and American cluster bombs have been murdering Albanian and Yugoslavian children since 1999.
Big Al: You know what? I don't even know why I'm wasting my time telling you all this. You will probably read the opening lines then delete this email because you hate people telling you you're wrong. Have a nice day!
How about that, you're wrong yet again, Big Al, wrong to the bitter end! Well, I've got to hand it to you you may be a liar and an ignorant, brainwashed fool, but at least you're consistent.
From: Mike V. <mjv---007@----.com>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 03:12:55 +0100
Subject: CriticismAfter a survey of your site I can only say I found it...interesting. Although I am certain that you will attempt to demean the contents of this message and attempt to expose the "contradictions" with in it (as any good Maoist would)....
Well you're certainly making it easy, Mike, since you just provided me with your first contradiction right there. You're strongly implying that I'm a "Maoist," and yet there is nothing whatsoever on my site to indicate that. And it's no wonder. I'm not a Maoist. I think Mao Zedong was a genocidal monster, just like Joseph Stalin.
Mike V.: ....I feel compelled to write this message anyway, if only to compensate for the many moronic e-mails your site receives from "patriots."
Well Mike, you admit later in your email that you too are a patriot, capitalist and nationalist. But writing a verbally intelligent message cannot in any way compensate for that. American patriotism is not merely stupid, it is fundamentally immoral. That is the key issue.And you needn't put the word "patriots" in quotes when referring to them, as if somehow these morons weren't really patriots. It's understandable that you want to distance yourself from them, but sooner or later you'll have to face the uncomfortable fact that total morons make up the overwhelming majority of your fellow American patriots.
Mike V.: Firstly, I find it curious that you would attempt to extol the virtues of an oppressive state such as Libya.
Whether or not Libya is an "oppressive state" is debatable, Mike. Libya, like Cuba, has been the target of relentless American propaganda for decades.A few things are absolutely certain, however. The United States of America is the greatest terrorist nation on Earth. The U.S. has been victimizing the Libyan people since long before Qadhafi became their leader. And the Libyan people and their leader possess some very real virtues worth extolling. One of the greatest of these is their heroic defiance of American state terrorism and subversion since 1969.
Mike V.: This is particularly interesting when one considers your espousal of the "natural rights" of individuals. In the words of a 2000 Amnesty International report: "Hundreds of political prisoners, including prisoners of conscience, remained in detention. Many of them had been detained for more than a decade without charge or trial. Torture, especially during incommunicado detention, continued to be reported." Is this a manifestation of your ideal society? If it is you are not a very good Marxist.
Well how about that! You're actually admitting that a society which has political prisoners and torture is not an ideal Marxist society! That's a very good start, Mike. You sound intelligent enough, so who knows? Add a bit of genuine conscience to that intelligence and you might even be a Marxist someday.Now first of all, if such a report about Libya was true I would certainly condemn such crimes. But because America, the world's greatest, most hypocritical terrorist nation has been telling lies about Libya and trying to murder its leader for decades, there is reason to doubt such a report. Even if the report is by Amnesty International.
You see, Amnesty International, heroic though they have often been over the years, is not entirely free from the considerable political pressures of the U.S. government. For example, Amnesty International took over a year to officially condemn the U.S./NATO terror campaign of 1999, in which the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy and America's NATO whores mass-murdered 3000 civilian Yugoslavian men, women and children. Even though the whole world watched on the World Wide Web as U.S./NATO war criminals murdered civilians day after day after day lying and denying it, getting caught in those lies, then lying about yet more mass-murders, getting caught in more lies even though the whole world knew about it as it happened, it took Amnesty International over a year to officially declare that what America and NATO did were war crimes. And even then their criticism was not as strong and comprehensive as the circumstances warranted.
But I'm glad, at least, that Amnesty International finally did condemn American/NATO war crimes. If they hadn't they would now have zero credibility. We can be sure that Amnesty was under considerable pressure from the U.S. government to suppress that report about its NATO war crimes. At the same time, it's highly likely that Amnesty is under considerable pressure from the U.S. government to make states like Libya look as bad as possible. Therefore we can rationally assume that Libya is probably not as bad as it is made out to be, and we know for certain that America is even worse than it is made out to be in those AI reports.
Anyone who doubts this needs to stop and think for a minute. The political/military power of the United States Corporate Mafia Government, the world's lone remaining superpower, is greater than any other nation on Earth. The entire planet is basically ruled by the United States at this point. There is no place on Earth where America's power cannot reach. Therefore there can be no doubt that even Amnesty International can be pressured into making one of America's perennial victims look worse than it actually is, just as they were pressured into delaying, and then watering down, their denunciations of the U.S./NATO war crimes of 1999.
Here's an example of U.S. political pressure influencing one of Amnesty International's reports the one about the United States itself: Amnesty International Report 2000 for the United States of America.
They have a section in that report titled "Ill-treatment in prisons and jails" in which they have this to say:
"Ill-treatment in [U.S.] prisons and jails, including physical and sexual abuse and abusive use of electro-shock weapons, continued to be reported. Several prisoners died, some reportedly as a result of beatings by guards. Many reported abuses took place in isolation units in high-security prisons.""Ill-treatment"?? If this was a report on Libya, Amnesty International would not hesitate to call this torture! But when torture is committed in America, Amnesty International refers to it with the bland euphemism: "ill-treatment."
Disgusting. And yet we have to give them credit that they had the guts to report it at all. You can bet they were under a lot of pressure from the U.S. government to suppress it since millions of people around the world hear about and believe Amnesty International reports. Looks like AI found a compromise.
Regardless of the euphemism Amnesty International reports use, torture happens all the time in America, Mike, at the hands of the pigs and prison guards. The United States Army itself actually instructs people in the fine art and science of torturing human beings (at the formerly named "School of the Americas" in Ft. Benning, Georgia). These "students" are the filthy, evil thugs which the U.S. government hires to do its dirty work in Central and South America. (See the website of School of the Americas Watch.) And the United States of America also has many political prisoners people like Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu-Jamal.
But you're a patriot, so you'd rather sweep all this under the rug, wouldn't you, Mike? Because you're an American patriot, you'd much rather look for crimes committed by far away countries like Libya or China than face up to the crimes committed by your own country.
I have several pages about Libya because there is a lot to admire about that country, its people and its leader. The majority of Libyan people are far better off with Qadhafi then they would ever be under a fascist puppet of the United States. And like Cuba, another country routinely accused of domestic oppression by the hypocrite U.S., Libya has been heroically defying American state terrorism and covert CIA subversion for decades.
But since you're an American patriot, Mike, you'd prefer to believe American propaganda about Libya. And the Amnesty International report is pretty convenient for American propaganda, isn't it. But similar Amnesty International reports about torture and political prisoners are written about Israel, Turkey, Colombia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru, Albania and many other countries all of which are puppet-states of the U.S. government. Do such reports concern you Mike? Or are you concerned only about reports of oppression within states that bravely defy America?
You criticize me for "extolling the virtues" of Libya because of its alleged human rights violations. But what do you think about the Amnesty International reports about American/NATO war crimes and America's human rights violations, Mike? You believe Amnesty's report about Libya. So don't you believe Amnesty's reports about America too? Or do you irrationally pick and choose which Amnesty reports you will believe?
Mike V.: Secondly, since you are obviously a Marxist, I would like to point out that the predictions described by Marx, and dogmatically regurgitated by Marxists everywhere, never came to pass. Marx and Engels failed to recognize the significance of the nascent labor movement, and therefore, the power of collective bargaining. They failed to recognize the dynamic potential and adaptive nature of capitalism. Furthermore, history has shown how Marxist regimes degenerate into rigid authoritarianism. Perhaps this stems from Marxism's dismissal of psychology. For how can any ideology that advocates the establishment of a new social system dismiss the one branch of science that gives insight into the fundamental nature of human beings? By mindlessly clinging to dialectical and historical materialism and by turning a blind eye to events that disprove Marxist doctrines, Marxism shows itself to be unscientific.
Mike, Marxist governments like the one in Russia in the 1920s degenerated into rigid authoritarianism because of the relentless military/economic pressure and covert subversion from the United States. The U.S. even sent troops to Russia during the civil war of 1918-1920 to help the forces of the deposed Czar.The only Marxist government the Soviet Union ever had died with Lenin in 1925. The Soviet Union then came under the control of Stalin who was a bestial tyrant. But the Stalinist dictatorship was a survival tactic of the Soviet government in response to the intensely hostile pressure by the U.S. and its European puppets. Nothing would reveal the moral bankruptcy of capitalism better than a popular, democratic, Marxist government anywhere in the world. So the corporate plutocracy that rules the U.S. has always made sure that no democratic Marxist government has a chance of surviving.
The U.S. has relentlessly exerted similar military/economic pressures upon, and created political subversion within, Cuba since 1960 and Libya since 1969. The fact that they have managed to maintain any degree of humanitarian socialism at all is nothing short of a miracle. In Chile there was a democratically-elected Marxist government that the CIA succeeded in overthrowing in 1973. We'll never know what might have happened in all these countries if the fascism-promoting United States had left them alone.
But an involved discussion of Marxist theory is outside the scope of this website, which is about American state terrorism. The reason I've put the World Socialist Web Site election statement about international democratic socialism on my Solutions page is that I discovered a very interesting thing about today's Marxist socialists. While researching the material for this site I found that it was the Marxists, no matter what the faction, who were the only political parties that never failed to condemn American state terrorism.
And this is interesting, because it turns out that there are quite a few competing factions among Marxists, and they are often quite hostile to each other. And yet in every case they speak as one voice when it comes to denouncing American state terrorism. There is one group of Marxists who denounce all state terrorism, no matter what country commits it, and that is the World Socialist Web Site. My site has numerous links to their articles because they are unfailingly well-written, intelligent and extremely informative. You would no doubt be perplexed to discover that the Marxist-Trotskyist World Socialist Web Site is quite critical of Libya and Qadhafi, and also of Cuba, Castro, Maoist China and especially the Stalinist Soviet Union.
The Marxists at the World Socialist Web Site would definitely not approve of my admiring attitude toward Libya any more than you. But then, I'm not a member of any political party, so I'm free to write and say exactly what I believe in, no matter who disapproves.
Mike V.: Finally, I find your broad and dismissive generalizations about American "patriots" to be somewhat disturbing. I consider myself to be not only a patriot, but a nationalist.
Well Mike, how much patriotic nationalist pride do you feel about America's bloodthirsty genocide of THREE MILLION men, women and children in Vietnam? American soldiers sodomized and raped countless Vietnamese women and young girls before murdering them in cold blood. That make you feel real patriotic, does it, Mike? American soldiers bayonetted old men, tossed people down wells and lobbed a grenade in after them, blew away little children and even babies with M-16s. That should make American patriots feel real proud. U.S. Navy SEALS snuck into villages at night and slit the throats of grandparents and their grandchildren. U.S. Air Force pilots dropped cluster bombs and napalm on thousands of villages full of children. American soldiers threw people out of high-flying helicopters. American soldiers laughed as they lobbed grenades into huts full of children. American soldiers cut people's heads off. American soldiers cut people's ears and arms and legs off, shot dogs and cattle for fun and poisoned food stocks. American soldiers tortured men and women with electric shocks to the genitals and pounded six-inch dowels into people's ears and then into their brains.How do you feel about all that, Mike? Just warms your patriotic nationalist heart, doesn't it?
Mike V.: And while I am certain that you would be able to point out numerous deficiencies in the ideology of nationalism (most of which would involve quoting Lenin's work "On the Question of the Nation") I doubt you could argue that nationalism has, in many cases, been a mobilizing and modernizing force.You're quite right, Mike, nationalism has indeed been a mobilizing force especially for genocidal armies. And nationalism has also been a modernizing force for such state terrorists.
Mike V.: Many neo-Marxists would even argue that the Cold War was about the suppression of Third Word nationalism.
Although I do not agree with the ideas you espouse on your website, and I would describe your dismissal of opposing views as certainly condescending and perhaps even fascistic....
"Fascistic"? Fascism is defined by Webster's dictionary as "a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and race and stands for a centralized, autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition."By the way, Mike, fascism is always closely allied with capitalism. Fascism is also very appealing to vicious racists. And surely you must know that no political philosophy is more compatible with nationalism than fascism. In contrast, genuine Marxism is inherently anti-racist and resolutely internationalist.
But first you say I'm a Marxist, and then you, the nationalist, say that my criticism of moronic American patriots is "perhaps fascistic." You better make up your mind which label you want to hang on me because the two political philosophies are diametrically opposed. It's impossible to be both Marxist and fascistic.
But if by "fascistic" you simply mean "undemocratic," that too is an irrational accusation. I am not a government or a congress, I am an individual person. As such there can be nothing undemocratic, or "fascistic," about my "dismissal" of the views of patriotic morons or any other people.
Whatever you actually mean by the word "fascistic", your careless inaccuracy in the use of this term is symptomatic of the careless inaccuracy of your thinking generally on the whole subject of capitalism, Marxism, nationalism and American patriotism.
And as for my being "condescending" toward American patriots in my letters sections, you yourself admitted that they were moronic. But the most important thing to me is that American patriots are not innocent morons. They are grossly immoral morons who try to make excuses for genocide and state terrorism. I'd say those patriotic buffoons toward whom I've been merely condescending have gotten off far too easily.
Mike V.: ....I can honestly say I took the time to examine your site and weigh the value of your arguments. I can only wonder if you took the time to rationally examine my e-mail.
Thanks for your time,
MikeYou're welcome Mike, and you need wonder no more. But whatever time you took to examine my site and "weigh the value of my arguments" couldn't have been much. Because the subject of American state terrorism is not an argument or a matter of opinion. It's a well-documented, historical fact.So if you had taken enough time to really examine this site, and especially the other websites I've provided links to and the books in the bibliographies and most essential of all, if you had enough of a moral conscience to care about all the millions of innocent victims of American state terrorism you would no longer be a patriot, I guarantee you.
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