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“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it ... always.”

— Mahatma Gandhi

Spiritual Light
political darkness

What a dark world this is indeed! The subject matter of this website is painful to me, to put it mildly. I made such a site only because the spotlight of public awareness must be focused on the real, virtually demonic activities of the United States government and military. We all need to do something, whatever we can, to expose these truly evil people for what they are. As long as they can bury their murderous crimes in the shallow grave of televised deceit nobody will ever be able to stop them. And there will be further thousands of innocent victims.

And silence is complicity.

These are the most basic political facts of life in the United States of America:

Pretty grim. Too grim to believe for those who would rather stick their heads in the sand. Too grim to believe for those childish Americans who are naive enough to think that the “news” media are not routinely lying to them. T.V.-gaping Americans are people who, with minds like soft clay, passively allow the corporate-controlled mass-media to mold their thoughts and shape their opinions, day after day, and year after year.

But for anyone whose conscience will not allow them to stick their head in the sand, who actually cares about justice in this world, American state terrorism is a shameful and painful reality. And the whole world situation looks absolutely hopeless. At least for the immediate future.

Well, at least there are a variety of spiritual practices that can help us deal very effectively with the cruel and arrogant bullies of this world. And we can take some consolation in the knowledge that, in the end, these forces of darkness and evil are guaranteed to go down to total destruction. It’s truly just a matter of time.

So we work for their defeat and wait for them to crash and burn. But most people also need a lifeline to something higher and deeper than mere political action. Otherwise, how can people with human hearts survive the world’s cruelties? How to keep one’s sanity, that’s the challenge, while the heartless society around you is losing theirs (if they ever had it), pretending to be human while yet indifferent to the suffering and death inflicted even on innocent children. Suffering and death caused by an American techno-fascist juggernaut which styles itself “humanitarian” and “democratic” as it crushes, bombs and burns human beings and suffocates democracy around the world. While it fights its “war on terrorism” by torturing and mass-murdering innocent civilian people, by kidnapping, assassinating and blackmailing leaders and spreading terror all over the world — year after year after year — with apparent impunity.

Heartfelt action in defiance of such evil is essential, of course. But so is a higher and deeper understanding of things. That’s what the links on the Candles in the darkness page are all about. They’re a small sampling of the many different teachings, the many ways of expressing the timeless, soul-nurturing spiritual truth. Of course it’s the responsibility of each individual to perceive truth independently, but we certainly can benefit from whatever understandings we have to share with each other.

Speaking for myself, besides knowing that all these bullies and their minions have true hell to pay, I find it helpful to consider that what we perceive as darkness is, ultimately, an illusion. Not unreal — but an illusion, like a bad dream. A dream is certainly real enough while you’re dreaming it! But in the end I think we will awaken to discover that “darkness” was only the failure to perceive Light.

All evil is motivated by self-centered illusion. Deception, of both self and others, is one of the hallmarks of evil. Evil doers like to advertise themselves as “the good guys”, of course, and they usually believe their own lies. I’m sure the American/NATO pilots who butchered little Yugoslavian, Iraqi and Afghan children with cluster bombs imagine themselves to be great heroes. Evil-doers are always the most deluded people in the world.

Since an evil-doer’s entire life is one big complex of lies, the more intelligent ones are very skillful at deceiving others. They get lots of practice — on themselves. But although they live by the deceit of others, their self-deceit is their “Achilles heel”. They feel they are fundamentally separate from everyone and everything else — and therefore separated from the consequences of their actions.

They would never guess that their victims are their future.

Immersed in their subjective darkness, they have no idea that their “covert” evil is, in fact, observed by all the conscious Universe. While U.S. government agents and military personnel misuse technology to murder civilians and spy on people all over the world, they themselves are under surveillance too! Every single one of their dark actions is recorded in the Light — for all time.

And the immutable Law of Karma will make very sure indeed that they experience, firsthand, exactly what it feels like to be a cluster-bombed, butchered child or old person lying bloodied and broken on the ground in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

And to see their own children and parents in the same condition.

American plutocrats, politicians and military flunkies have no human hearts. But when they die they will no longer have the consciousness-contracting effect of their physical bodies, no material distraction in which to hide from the awareness of their own evil. Then they will feel their spiritual hearts stabbed clear through with the razor-sharp knife of their own shame and guilt. A knife they will never be able to remove until they fully experience their victims’ suffering as their own.

In the meantime, will anything help the power-drunk people of the U.S. government and military to get a clue? They are due for a very rude awakening someday. Death can be an awakening. And it can be an awakening that comes too late. Each one of them will have to discover, sooner or later, that there is a Living Power infinitely greater than all the money and weapons technology in the world.

Of course they’ve got a lot to learn, but so does America in general. These war criminals are the products of a shallow, fraudulent and mercenary American society, after all.

Epidemic spiritual blindness and darkness is the root of the culture of violence and deception we find in America. And as with individuals, such national darkness takes the form of mass self-deception first and foremost. For a nation like America to have the gall to imagine itself as a “humanitarian champion of democracy” — while it terrorizes, tortures, murders and impoverishes millions of people all over the world for a hundred years — such a nation must be severely, psychopathically deluded.

There’s an old Greco-Roman saying: “Whom the Gods would destroy, they first drive mad.” Conventional American society is quite mad.

But all these absurd spectacles of spiritual darkness are self-imposed upon a clean and prior Lightness. All beings who cling to a benighted egocentricity suffer a darkness and separation which is illusory. Heartless egocentricity is the terrible dream. Egocentricity, not money, is the true root of all evil. It is the source of narcissistic minds that, with their own reflections, block out the liberating higher Light.

And yet, in spite of the darkness of our collective dream in this world, there are many, many Candles burning within it — like the stars of the night sky. Like the stars, every person who loves is a Sun, a beacon of Heaven... a window — to the Real World.

Every human heart is a Candle in the darkness.

beautiful sunrise

“Non-cooperation with injustice is a sacred duty.”

— Mahatma Gandhi

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The Isa Upanishad (excerpts)

The Dhammapada (excerpts)

Great Quotes

Candles in the darkness

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