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Candles in the darkness
Revealing Quotes 1
I am completely convinced that I am acting as the agent of God. I am now a Catholic and will always remain so.
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Hitler was never excommunicated by the Vatican
Mein Kampf was never banned by The Church
The Vatican, the Nazis
and Pope Pius XII
Hitlers Pope:
The Secret History of Pius XII
by John Cornwell
published by: Viking PressThe untold story of the man who was arguably the most insidiously evil churchman in modern history Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII. This Pope did more than merely fail to speak out against Nazi crimes he supported Hitlers Final Solution. And not only for Jews. Pius XII also supported the Catholic Croatian Ustashi who were close allies of the Nazis. The Ustashi and Nazis together murdered over 1,000,000 Serbian men, women and children during WWII.
This book details how Pope Pius XII secretly negotiated a treaty with Hitler which ensured that the Nazis would rise unopposed by the powerful Catholic community of Europe, thereby dooming the Jews, Serbians, Roma, Ukranians, Russians and millions of others to the unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust and WWII.
Genocide is a natural phenomena... Genocide is not only permitted, it is recommended, even commanded by the word of the Almighty, whenever it is useful for the survival or restoration of the kingdom of the chosen nation, or for the preservation and spreading of its one and only correct faith.
Franjo Tudjman |
The Vaticans Holocaust (online book)
by Avro Manhattan
published by: Ozark Books, Springfield, Missouri
http://www.reformation.org/holocaus.htmlThis amazing online book goes into great detail to reveal the relationship between the Vatican, the Nazis, Pope Pius XII and the Croatian Ustashi atrocities of WWII.
Chapter 23, Vietnam: the Croatia of Asia, reveals also the little-known relationship between the Vatican, the U.S. State Department and the fanatic Catholic dictatorship of President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam. A relationship that led directly to the genocidal Vietnam War.
The Catholic Church And Nazi Germany
by Guenter Lewy
published by: Da CapoA comprehensive study of the Catholic church and its relationship to Hitlers Third Reich using diocesan documents and diplomatic papers of the time. The evidence revealed in this book demonstrates that the Vatican and the Catholic Church favored of some of the Nazis goals, that the episcopate supported Hitlers expansionist policies, and failed to speak out against the persecution of the Jews.
Unholy Trinity:
The Vatican, The Nazis, and The Swiss Banks
by Mark Aarons and John Loftus
St. Martins Press, 1998; ISBN 0-312-18199-X![]()
Head-spinning documentation of how Vatican immunity shielded Nazi war criminals from just punishment and unwittingly aided the Communist cause. Aarons is an Australian expert on Nazi fugitives; Loftus (The Belarus Secret, 1982) is the former chief prosecutor of the Justice Departments Nazi War Crimes Unit. Vatican accommodation of Nazi escapees is well known.
Kirkus Reviews
In Banks We Trust:
Bankers and Their Close Associates: The CIA, the Mafia, Drug Traders, Dictators, Politicians and the Vatican
by Penny Lernoux
published by: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1984From Recollection Used Books:
Important book & an excellent companion volume to McCoys Politics of Heroin in SE Asia for insight into the CIAs promulgation of drugs, illegal weapons & international crime in general often hand in hand with American business as well as [Ronald] Reagan & [Oliver] Norths undermining of the US Constitution in the name of so-called patriotism.
The Beast Reawakens
by Martin A. Lee
Little, Brown & Co., 1997; Routledge, 2000; ISBN 0-316-51959-6During World War II tens of millions of people died horribly at the hands of the Nazis and other brutal fascists. Fortunately, the German, Croatian, Japanese and Italian fascists were totally destroyed militarily. And yet, like the outbreak of a virulent disease we thought we had a vaccine for, fascism itself survived that monumental defeat and is now making a comeback. Neofascism is an ugly reality in the world today and its growing. How could this happen?
We are told in school and in the corporate mass-media that the forces of democracy won WWII. Thats a lie. The United States and the Soviet Union won that war and neither of them were ever forces for democracy. In fact, the U.S. military/government has always been a covert supporter of fascism internationally, but only if those fascist governments are puppets of the U.S. If they try to be independent they are destroyed, as happened to Germany, Croatia, Italy and Japan in WWII, and more recently to Iraq.
But fascism got a very dirty name in WWII, so the American plutocracys support of it has had to become more covert than ever. The Beast Reawakens examines how and why the CIA secretly hired and protected many high-ranking Nazis after WWII. Thats right Mousketeers, it was none other than dear old Uncle Sham who lovingly helped fascism to survive the fall of the Nazi Third Reich. Particularly since the end of the Cold War, the American plutocracy has been covertly nurturing the steady rise of neofascists and neo-Nazis within the U.S. and Europe. And once again, these inhuman freaks have begun to publicly flex their muscles and rear their ugly heads, like dinosaurs in a political Jurassic Park.
More about The Beast Reawakens and Martin A. Lee...
Blackshirts and Reds:
Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism
by Michael Parenti
Pope Pius XII a saint?
From an article by George Monbiot
The Guardian
September 7, 1999The evidence stacking up against Pope Pius XII is compelling. The man who claimed to be the friend of the persecuted now emerges as an active Nazi collaborator.
John Cornwell, a Catholic historian who had hoped to clear Piuss name by examining the Vaticans archive, has discovered instead that the pope helped Hitler to stamp out opposition in the German Church. He disbanded the Catholic Centre Party (one of Hitlers main impediments), encouraged priests to certify converted Jews and helped persuade the Catholic Prime Minister to form an alliance with the Nazis.
In response to these revelations, the Vatican, as if to prove that it inhabits another planet, has announced that it will proceed with its plans to declare Pope Pius XII a saint.
Papal Sin:
Structures of Deceit
by Gary Wills
published by: DoubledayDescribes a papacy that is steadfastly unwilling to face the truth about itself, its past and its relations with others. On many issues outside the realm of revealed doctrine, the papacy has made itself unbelievable even to the well-disposed laity.
Some of these books are available from:
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